God is working on our behalves long before we realize we even need His help. And I realized this clearly when I was diagnosed with cancer in 2013. It was only later that I could look back and clearly see His hand at work.
Just recently I had another experience that reminded me of His watch care- that stretches back to 2013 - that's why I mentioned the above providence. A friend of mine had suggested the female Gynecologist that ended up doing my di Vinci surgery and I could not have asked for a better Dr.
Last year - I was released from my Oncologist and needed to go back to my Gynecologist for yearly check ups. But I had drug my feet on setting up an appointment until a couple of weeks ago. I finally called and at first I was told that she was not accepting new patience. Well in fact I was not a new patient and thankfully the receptionist decided to run my information past the Dr and about 30 minute later I got a call back that YES she would see me. Praise the Lord!!! I had no idea of what I would do if I was not able to go to her. I knew I could trust her to watch me the closest- with her knowing what my past history is - she will be the best to take care of me now. I am SO thankful that God took care of this for me 6 years ago. Had I not went to this Dr 6 years ago - I would NOT have gotten in to see her this year. Praise God for His watch care!!!!
Monday, September 30, 2019
Sunday, September 29, 2019
My Best Deal
Last Sunday - I went to my favorite little thrift store and happily found my best deal for the week!!!
It is a Cato black denim skirt!!!
Only $2.00!!!!
I love deals like that!! Plus I love adding a black denim skirt to my wardrobe! I love denim!!
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Sabbath Praises
Hope you all are doing well!! Spend some time praising God today - He deserves it every single day!! :O)
Friday, September 27, 2019
Reached That Goal Already!?!
Several years ago I realized that my runtastic app on my phone had a place that I could set a goal for the year of how far I had walked. It has really helped me to walk more by having a goal.
This year I was determined to reach my goal, in fact several months ago, before the heat hit Texas I worked myself up to where I was able to walk 5 miles. So I bet you can guess that it is my walking goal for the year that I reached. And I reached it 3 weeks ago!! That doesn't mean I have stopped walking. I am still racking up the miles. I can't wait to see how many extra miles I get in this year!?
Setting goals helps push you when you start to feel lazy, like we all do ever so often.
Having a goal helps keep you on the path to where you want to go. If you don't know where you want to go - you don't know what you need to do to get there. By having a goal and keeping record of what you are doing helps keep you on the journey to achieving these goals.
Be watching for my post about Expanding My Goals
This year I was determined to reach my goal, in fact several months ago, before the heat hit Texas I worked myself up to where I was able to walk 5 miles. So I bet you can guess that it is my walking goal for the year that I reached. And I reached it 3 weeks ago!! That doesn't mean I have stopped walking. I am still racking up the miles. I can't wait to see how many extra miles I get in this year!?
Setting goals helps push you when you start to feel lazy, like we all do ever so often.
Having a goal helps keep you on the path to where you want to go. If you don't know where you want to go - you don't know what you need to do to get there. By having a goal and keeping record of what you are doing helps keep you on the journey to achieving these goals.
Be watching for my post about Expanding My Goals
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Why? Oh Why?
A couple of weeks ago our church had a women's ministries weekend. During the weekend they offered several special seminars - I signed up for the one about Beauty. I had no idea what to expect, but was happy to learn a few things that I wish I had have learned years and years ago!
I think a lot of girls read magazines and such and learned a lot of pointers that I somehow missed, but thankfully I had the opportunity to learn a few recently. And I will share a few of the main ones that I did not know and have implemented into my routine.
Using a wash cloth when taking a shower is something I just learned the reason why this is so important. When you use a wash cloth is helps rub the dead skin away leaving your skin fresher. And when you start using a wash cloth you will also realize that it helps invigorate your skin and I am sure gets the blood circulation going nicely. It also helps save on the amount of soap you use because you put some on your wash rag and then add water and it will lather right up.
This is what I bought- it is 32 oz and cost about $8.00. Compared to other body washes that is a pretty good deal. Plus - like I said when you use a wash cloth it will last even longer.
How many of you wash your face twice a day? I didn't either until I learned in this seminar that you need to wash your face morning and evening. And that for each time your forget it ages your skin 7 days. I have noticed that since I have begun washing my face 2 times a day that my skin seems to look a lot more moist and supple.
When using moisturizers it is important to treat not only your face but also the neck and the chest area that shows- so basically at least to the bra line that way all of your skin that shows will age at the same rate. You don't want the face to look young and vibrant and your neck and chest to look old and wrinkly. You want them to age together- and to age slowly.
I hope that some of this information was helpful to you as it was to me. It is worth the time to take care of our skin. And that time pays dividends of better looking skin and that is great news! :O)
I would love to hear from you~
What would you say is the most important beauty tip?
What beauty tips have you just recently learned?
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Healthy Tidbits
This is an awesome video that I have come across recently. And it only takes 5 minutes. I use this as an add on to some of my other workouts or like yesterday after I walked for 2 and 1/3 mile I came home and did this workout as well. I decided I won't see changes unless I mix it up a bit and add extras here and ther. It's great to move your body -so try this out. It's only 5 minutes long!
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
And I thought I was busy...
So I shared how the week was going to be busy, well an apt yesterday added 9 appointments to the next 5 weeks, which by the way already had quite a few appointments. At first I felt a little overwhelmed but I'm choosing not to let it stress me. I looked at my schedule and decided to see if one one of my sister in laws could take my mother in law to an appointment that was for this Friday because I really like to use Friday's as a day to get ready for Sabbath, plus I had two other apt to take MIL to this week. Next week there is an apt on Thursday - the same day that I like to help out with Senior Share with my church. This is a special food pantry for those over 55. And so I am going to see if my other sister in law would be willing to take my MIL to that apt. There is another super busy week towards the end of Oct that I will probably see if one of my SIL can take my MIL to that apt.
The positive of yesterday's appointment is that I had an opportunity to write out 3 blog posts. Now I'll just need to get some time to type them out. I want to apologize for any mistakes on this post- I had a few minutes this am and wanted to check in quickly without starting my computer so I am using my iPad. And I can't watch what I am typing so there is no telling what I am actually typing. Lol
I have found a couple of great resources for you and so I will have a healthy tidbits post tomorrow. So be sure to come back and check it out. :0)
The positive of yesterday's appointment is that I had an opportunity to write out 3 blog posts. Now I'll just need to get some time to type them out. I want to apologize for any mistakes on this post- I had a few minutes this am and wanted to check in quickly without starting my computer so I am using my iPad. And I can't watch what I am typing so there is no telling what I am actually typing. Lol
I have found a couple of great resources for you and so I will have a healthy tidbits post tomorrow. So be sure to come back and check it out. :0)
Sunday, September 22, 2019
My Best Deal
So last Sunday I had too much going on with a few errands and a family dinner that we had so I did not make it to my favorite little thrift store. Thankfully Tuesday I was able to go and I found a few great deals. But today I will share the best deal. This ends up being a great deal - not only the price but the fact that it is something that my granddaughter has wanted to try puffy paint for a while now. I just didn't know what we would do with it and so I have been hesitant to invest the couple of dollars each color. So when I saw these two deals of puffy paints - I knew I had to get them! Now she can create something with puffy paint! And I only paid 10 cents per bottle!
Hoping I have a post to share with you next week - this is a series that can be hit more miss. I may or may not find a good deal. And my schedule seems to be filling up lately so not sure how much shopping I will be able to do. :O)
Just a heads up - I have a very busy week coming up so I may not be able to post as much this week. I will try to use some of my time to at least work on some posts in my spiral and then once I get a chance to get to the computer I will try to get some typed up. With all the things I want to do and all the things I have to do - it is making for a very busy week. But I will not let it overwhelm me - I will take each day one at a time and accomplish all that I need do by God's grace.
I do have a couple of posts I will be working on and that is one about reaching a goal I set for myself - early - yay!! and one about a special blessing from God- How God worked something out - when I didn't even realize it was going to be a problem for me. Until then - I hope you all are blessed! :O)
On this same trip I bought 4 medium sized bottles of neon paints and 2 large bottles of two pretty colors. I know my granddaughter will enjoy them as well. And I was able to get all of that for like 2.50! And I am sure that just one of the big bottles of paint would have cost that much brand new.
It's a good thing that I found these good deals because I was able to hit two other Goodwill stores last week and found nothing. When you shop at second hand stores - you have to be prepared not to find anything. When you find great deals - it's great but you have to be willing to walk out empty handed as well.
Hoping I have a post to share with you next week - this is a series that can be hit more miss. I may or may not find a good deal. And my schedule seems to be filling up lately so not sure how much shopping I will be able to do. :O)
Just a heads up - I have a very busy week coming up so I may not be able to post as much this week. I will try to use some of my time to at least work on some posts in my spiral and then once I get a chance to get to the computer I will try to get some typed up. With all the things I want to do and all the things I have to do - it is making for a very busy week. But I will not let it overwhelm me - I will take each day one at a time and accomplish all that I need do by God's grace.
I do have a couple of posts I will be working on and that is one about reaching a goal I set for myself - early - yay!! and one about a special blessing from God- How God worked something out - when I didn't even realize it was going to be a problem for me. Until then - I hope you all are blessed! :O)
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Around My Yard
So about a month ago or so I told you about the little mimosa tree that a friend gave me. Well it turns out it wasn't a mimosa tree after all.
I have watered it faithfully and noticed pretty little yellow flowers on it last week. I am thrilled that even if it is not what I thought it was that at least it has pretty flowers. Anything added to my yard that has pretty flowers is welcome!! Still very thankful for this little tree!!
So yesterday I was working in my garden and when I walked over on the other side of the garden I found this:
It is a ceramic egg. We had put 2-3 ceramic eggs in the chicken coop. First of all it helps encourage the chickens to lay their eggs there and then it is suppose to help detour animals that like to steal chicken eggs. It is also suppose to help with chicken snakes. Well I have no idea how this egg got from the chicken coop on the totally other side of the yard from where it was found. But I am not liking the idea of anything it could be... most people are thinking snake. The little pile of stuff on the side of the egg is actually the painted coating that had been on the egg...
And I just wanted to share this pretty photo of my Lantana's that are finally blooming like crazy!
My fall garden is not doing as well as I would have liked. I have some ideas of what to do next year. Hopefully I will have more success then.
I am happy to be able to report that I was able to get a decent amount of seeds from my Malibar spinach plants. I am hoping to plant more next year. Now that I know what they need - something to climb up on- we had put a wire thing behind where I planted the plants but it was not big enough. So now I will be looking for a panel of wire to put up for it. Not quite sure what would be the best thing to use - hoping I will know it when I see it.
Well I better close for now. Gotta get some corn ready to put out on the grill for supper. A favorite of mine - grilled corn on the cob. :O)
Be sure to come back by on Sunday when I will be sharing about My Best Deal - that cost me a whopping 20 cents!! :O)
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Dangers of Plopping
Today I just wanted to share a bit of information with you. It is the dangers of plopping. So first of all what do I mean by plopping? I mean when instead of lowing your body into a chair or sofa - you just plop down; You just fall into the chair. So what are the dangers?
- Broken chairs
- Struggling to get up off the couch
- Struggling to get up off a chair
- and the worse struggling to get up off the toilet
I am sharing this with you because someone I know has been struggling with getting up out of chairs and shared with me that she almost got stuck on the toilet. How bad would that be? Who would want to call for help because you can't get off the toilet by yourself?
One exercise that is very important to build up our strength so that we can lower ourselves onto a chair, couch or toilet is the squat. But it is very important to do them correctly. There are plenty of videos on even basic instructions on google as to how to do squats properly. The main thing to remember is to make sure your knees don't go over your toes when doing squats.. Which means you will lower your behind back and down behind you- keeping your knees from going overt he toes.
This is something very important to work on and continue working on. We can't just get ourselves strong and expect to stay that way - we need to continue to work at keeping our strength up.
Work at getting stronger and more able to lower and lift yourself from a sitting position. Maybe if you are not comfortable with doing squats at first sit over a sturdy chair and practice lowering yourself to the chair - maybe get to the point of almost sitting in the chair but don't sit - and raise back up. Do this several times. You may not be able to do a lot of first and that is ok - just set a goal to work yourself up to being able to do more and more.
By working at keeping yourself able to lower and lift yourself from a chair - you will hopefully avoid getting stuck on the toilet. And remember that injuries and such can happens so just try to keep yourself as able as possible- so you can stay strong.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Adding a Bit of Charm...
Last Monday I went to a women's breakfast that my church has once a month at a local eatery. When I went to the bathroom to wash my hands before breakfast I notice this awesome purse holder! I think it is so neat. I am going to be looking for pieces in order for me to make something like this for myself. I wanted to share in order to get your creative juices flowing as well.
My husband has a router - so he can do the edges for me. To make it look pretty.
My husband has a router - so he can do the edges for me. To make it look pretty.
Isn't it pretty?
Sunday, September 15, 2019
My Best Deal...A two-for post
This weeks My Best Deal is a Two-For post since I got two great deals that I want to share! :O)
Last Sunday I went to my favorite little thrift store. And how it turns out it was a very good thing that my granddaughter was also at the thrift store when I was there. She was interested in trying on all the shoes. As she was looking at shoes a bag caught my attention. It was actually the fabric on the lining of the bag!
This is a laptop bag. It has all sorts of pockets and such on the inside for all the things you could possible want in your laptop bag. Well I had a bag for my lap top - it did the job - but did not bring me joy. This bag - it brought joy! The fabric especially but the way in which it was made and the sturdy handles. So I decided to get it. My granddaughter needed a laptop bag so I decided to give her my old one which is PINK - her favorite color!
And as I continued to stand there and see the many different shoes she tried on - my eye caught this awesome denim purse. I pulled it out from behind several other purses hanging on the rack and looked it over. Oh my goodness - I knew I would like it but had not realized how very much I would LOVE it!!!
I loaded it up with my stuff and have been using this purse since I bought it and I am totally in love with it. I used to think I wanted a Coach purse or something expensive like that but now I am realizing that I could not be happy with something that I had to pay a lot of money for. I get so much more joy out of great finds like this one!!!
The strap is made in such a way that I can adjust the length of the strap!! Love that detail!!
I got all my stuff moved over to it and I am just loving it!!
Oh - You will need to see how much these cost in order to see how good of a deal they actually were.
I paid $2.00 for each. A $2.00 denim purse- "Yes please!!"
You know how I love denim so this purse is just perfect addition to my wardrobe!
And even though I don't use my laptop very often - it is quite old and I just can not do as much with it as I do my desk top- it is still awesome to have a beautiful, very useful laptop bag that fits my personality so very much!!
Be watching - very soon I will be posting a great idea of how to hang your purse. Not my original idea but I thought the idea was awesome and got a photo of it to share! Be watching for that. :O)
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Sabbath Praises
Another beautiful song for you today. Be sure and read the lyrics so you can get the full message! And notice the change to the chorus at the end! :O)
This is the chorus - but the last one is different.
All I did was praise
All I did was worship
All I did was bow down
All I did was stay still
You go before I know
That You've gone to win my war
You come back with the head of my enemy
You come back and You call it my victory
That You've gone to win my war
You come back with the head of my enemy
You come back and You call it my victory
You go before I know
That You've gone to win my war
Your love becomes my greatest defense
It leads me from the dry wilderness
That You've gone to win my war
Your love becomes my greatest defense
It leads me from the dry wilderness
All I did was praise
All I did was worship
All I did was bow down
All I did was stay still
All I did was worship
All I did was bow down
All I did was stay still
Hallelujah, You have saved me
So much better Your way
Hallelujah, great Defender
So much better Your way
So much better Your way
Hallelujah, great Defender
So much better Your way
You know before I do
Where my heart can seek to find Your truth
Your mercy is the shade I'm living in
You restore my faith and hope again
Where my heart can seek to find Your truth
Your mercy is the shade I'm living in
You restore my faith and hope again
All I did was praise
All I did was worship
All I did was bow down
All I did was stay still
All I did was worship
All I did was bow down
All I did was stay still
Hallelujah, You have saved me
So much better this way
Hallelujah, great Defender
So much better this way
So much better this way
Hallelujah, great Defender
So much better this way
Hallelujah, You have saved me
So much better Your way
Hallelujah, great Defender
So much better Your way
So much better Your way
Hallelujah, great Defender
So much better Your way
When I thought I lost me
You knew where I left me
You reintroduced me to Your love
You picked up all my pieces
Put me back together
You are the defender of my heart
You knew where I left me
You reintroduced me to Your love
You picked up all my pieces
Put me back together
You are the defender of my heart
When I thought I lost me
You knew where I left me
You reintroduced me to Your love
You picked up all my pieces
Put me back together
You are the defender of my heart
You knew where I left me
You reintroduced me to Your love
You picked up all my pieces
Put me back together
You are the defender of my heart
Hallelujah, You have saved me
So much better this way
Hallelujah, great Defender
So much better Your way
So much better this way
Hallelujah, great Defender
So much better Your way
Hallelujah, You have saved me
So much better this way
Hallelujah, great Defender
So much better Your way
So much better this way
Hallelujah, great Defender
So much better Your way
All I did was praise
All I need to do is worship
Lord I will just bow down
I'm just gonna stay still
All I need to do is worship
Lord I will just bow down
I'm just gonna stay still
Source: Musixmatch
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Importance of a Variety of Interests - My New Interest
Last week I had a nice little visit with one of my aunts. At one point she shared with me how when my grandfather retired from farming how he was discouraged and bored. She tried to get him into some projects but he just wasn't interested. We talked about the importance of developing different interests. Have a variety of things that you are interested in doing - helps you have options. I enjoy gardening, but when it is hot outside it is great that I also enjoy sewing, quilting, scrape booking and the like.
Well last week I added something to the list of things I like to do- Painting!!!
The new church that I have been attending for over a year now offers a painting class- 1 time a month we get together and we work on a painting project! The leaders pick out a painting and then they walk us through it step by step.
I had been interested in going to this class for a long time but it seemed like something always got in the way. Well this time I decided to send a text to the lady that leads out and ask her what would be painted. I wanted to have the photo to show my granddaughter to see if she would be interested in going with me and painting. Sure enough she was interested and I was also able to get her Daddy to go with us. We had a great time.
At first I was feeling a bit overwhelmed but I quickly noticed that it was a nice slow pace. Step by step we were directed what to do. And as we took each step it wasn't long before we realized this was doable. And not only doable but enjoyable.
Here is my painting!!!
Every time I look at it I am thrilled with the fact that I painted it! I look forward to next month when we will be painting a fall themed painting. Fall happens to be the season I enjoy decorating the most!! And I have wanted a fall picture to put up - but just haven't found the right one. Just think next month I will create one that I can use every single fall(maybe more often) and I am sure that every time I look at it I will feel that same sense of accomplishment!! Praising God for this opportunity and that He gave me the courage to go. And take my family with me. And next month - there is a very good chance that I will have my husband with us as well! Might even get my other son to go as well. We may be a painting family before long!You can look forward to me posting a photo and sharing with you about each new painting. Maybe it can inspire you to pick up a new hobby.. Something to expand your life and your mind. :O)
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Healthy Tidbits...series
Today I would like to share with you another Optimizing for Life video. This one is about optimizing your workout. A lot of great pointers. I don't think we can ever get too many great pointers on how to life our best lives. Enjoy! :O)
Be sure and come back next week for "The Dangers of Plopping" :O)
Be sure and come back next week for "The Dangers of Plopping" :O)
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
No - Not Today
"Be sober and alert,
Your enemy the devil,
like a roaring lion,
is on the prowl looking
for someone to devour."
1 Peter 5:8 NET Bible
Your enemy is out to destroy you and the best way for him to do that is to distract you. He has many ways in which to do this. There is so much entertainment- with TV, computers and social media that it is difficult to have quiet moments with God unless we make it a priority. It's hard to hear God's still, small voice over all the distraction in ourlives.
Media isn't the only method the adversary uses to distract us:
- disappointments
- injustice
- hurt feelings
- jealousy
- envy revenge
- impatience
- discouragement
- anger
- resentments
- and the list goes on and on and on........
After the feeding of the five thousand spoken about in Matthew 14- we are told that Jesus made the disciples get into a boat and go to the other side ahead of him.
Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go ahead of him to the other side, while he dispersed the crowds. 23And after he sent the crowds away, he went up the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone. 24Meanwhile the boat, already far from land, was taking a beating from the waves because the wind was against it. 25As the night was ending, Jesus came to them walking on the sea. 26When the disciples saw him walking on the water they were terrified and said, “It’s a ghost!” and cried out with fear. 27But immediately Jesus spoke to them: “Have courage! It is I. Do not be afraid.” 28Peter said to him, “Lord, if it is you, order me to come to you on the water.” 29So he said, “Come.” Peter got out of the boat, walked on the water, and came toward Jesus. 30But when he saw the strong wind he became afraid. And starting to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” 31Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him, saying to him, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” 32When they went up into the boat, the wind ceased. 33Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”
Matthew 14:22-33
Did you notice what happened? As long as Peter kept his eyes on Jesus he was able to walk on the water but as soon as he took his eyes off Jesus he sunk. "But when he saw the strong wind he became afraid." We can't put our focus on the things around us. We need to keep our eyes on Jesus.
I have struggled with this myself. It's funny it seems like once you get used to dealing with one set of circumstances and learn to keep your focus with that - then something else happens that distracts us from where our focus needs to be.
A friend shared a song with me recently - it is by Hillsong United - "Not today" Be sure and read the lyrics.
When we become tempted to allow distractions to take our eyes off of Jesus - we need to say " No ~Not today" Jesus will give us the strength and power to put those distracting things away. It may take the words - 'No - no today" used over and over - but eventually that distraction will lose its grip on us.
May we ever keep our eyes on Jesus - our creator and redeemer. :O)
Not Today
Trouble won't throw me
Won't break me
Won't scare me
No more
Fear must have thought I was faithless
When it came for my heart
Won't break me
Won't scare me
No more
Fear must have thought I was faithless
When it came for my heart
'Cause I got a song that will never die
I know Your love is the reason why
I know Your love is the reason why
I'll sing the night into the morning
I'll sing the fear into Your praise
I'll sing my soul into Your presence
Whenever I say Your Name
Let the devil know not today
I'll sing the fear into Your praise
I'll sing my soul into Your presence
Whenever I say Your Name
Let the devil know not today
Tell me did the enemy panic
As You took up that cross
Tell me did the darkness cry mercy
As You rolled back that rock
As You took up that cross
Tell me did the darkness cry mercy
As You rolled back that rock
'Cause I know Your life is the life in mine
I know Your love is the reason why
I know Your love is the reason why
I'll sing the night into the morning
I'll sing the fear into Your praise
I'll sing my soul into Your presence
Whenever I say Your Name
Let the devil know not today
Whenever I say Your Name Jesus
Let the devil know not today
Not now not ever again
I'll sing the fear into Your praise
I'll sing my soul into Your presence
Whenever I say Your Name
Let the devil know not today
Whenever I say Your Name Jesus
Let the devil know not today
Not now not ever again
Your love stood down death
Crushed the devil's head
Fear is just a liar
Running out of breath
The fight beneath Your feet
I'm standing on Jesus' Name
So let the devil know not today
Let the devil know not today No no
Not now not ever again Jesus
Let the devil know not today, not today, not today
Crushed the devil's head
Fear is just a liar
Running out of breath
The fight beneath Your feet
I'm standing on Jesus' Name
So let the devil know not today
Let the devil know not today No no
Not now not ever again Jesus
Let the devil know not today, not today, not today
I'll sing the night into the morning
I'll sing the fear into Your praise
I'll sing my soul into Your presence
Whenever I say Your Name Jesus
Let the devil know not today
Let the devil know not today
Not now not ever again
I'll sing the fear into Your praise
I'll sing my soul into Your presence
Whenever I say Your Name Jesus
Let the devil know not today
Let the devil know not today
Not now not ever again
Let the devil know not today
Let the devil know not today
Let the devil know not today
Let the devil know not today
Let the devil know not today
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Joel Houston / Matt Crocker
Not Today lyrics © Capitol Christian Music Group
Monday, September 9, 2019
Best Deal...Even Better
I am lucky that I have had the ability to post several of these type posts. Posts that tell about a great deal that turns out to be even better than I originally thought! And today is one of those days. Several weeks ago I shared about some great deals I got. I had gotten several tops for only $1.00!! I had found 2 Lu La Roe tops and a few other things. Do you remember this:
"I also found the cutest sleeveless tunic with pockets- for a dollar! It was a brand I had never heard of before- 42pops. not only did I get a great top at an awesome deal, I found a new great brand to check out!!"
Well this is it:
Well this is it:
This top has ended up being even a bigger blessing than I had thought originally! I really needed another workout top- some days I get sweaty and need to have a clean top to wear the next day without doing laundry every single day. Well this top is perfect with my black capri workout bottoms. I am so thankful for God's provision!!! Such a blessing!
Have you ever gotten a great deal - and then later realized that it was even a better deal than you thought it was? I'd love to hear about it. :O)
Have you ever gotten a great deal - and then later realized that it was even a better deal than you thought it was? I'd love to hear about it. :O)
Sunday, September 8, 2019
My Best Deal
This week's Best Deal involves a stack of books that I bought for 1.35! You read that right- 1.35 for 5 books!!! That makes it 27 cents for each book!!!!
I have already begun to read this one - as you found out on Healthy Tidbit last week.

And this will be the book I read after Pilgrim's Problems:
I know I have said it before - I love my little thrift store! I don't always find things but when I do I am so very blessed. All of these books are in new condition and for 27 cents each- you can't beat that!! :O)Thank you Jesus for blessings like this. And I know if was a blessing from Him because I have been struggling with some issues lately and I feel that these books will hold some keys to help me better process some of these things. :O)
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Sabbath Praises
Today's song is probably one of the most beautiful songs I have ever hear. Be sure and read the lyrics as you listen to this song. May it bless your hear and draw you closer to the God who sees! :)
Friday, September 6, 2019
Trying it for free
Last week - I was blessed with a free skirt. It is in a style I would normally not wear. I probably would have never bought this. But since it was free- I have actually worn it. And I think once it gets a bit cooler around this part of the country - I will really enjoy this skirt.
The reason why I probably would not have bought it is because it is a layer skirt. And normally they are not that flattering. But I think it is because this skirt lays pretty flat is what helps it be a bit more flattering than most layer skirts.
So one day this week I decided to go through my toppers and see what all I have and how they all fit. It was a really good thing that I went through them. It had been a LONG time since I had seen what I had and had forgotten about a couple the things. As I tried stuff on, I was happy to find things that had been tight last time I tried them on fit a lot better. Even my husband noticed that when I went and showed him a couple of things.
It's a really good idea to know what you have in your wardrobe so you don't end up going out and buying something that is very similar to what you already have. I was very glad I went through and tried stuff on and organized it. I guess I am really getting ready for the next season to arrive. Summer hangs around so long around here- actually too long it seems. I notice many people talking about their fall clothes and showing the outfits they are wearing and I am over here in Texas wearing my capris and sleeveless tops - spraying pumpkin spice room spray - trying to stay cool enough. I even plan to get my fall stuff out and decorate soon. Maybe that will help Fall feel more wanted and appreciated and want to come sooner! A girl can hope. lol :O)
Thursday, September 5, 2019
In The Sewing Room
Several months ago I shared about a good deal I had gotten - a bag of fabric which included these 8 fat quarters - for only $2.00?! And I also shared that I had at least one great nephew on the way - well it turns out I had 2 grand nephews on the way - they were born 2 days of each others!
I went to Hobby Lobby - since my quilt shop is no longer in business. There are a couple more shops open in the general area but it would have been at least a 30 minute drive or so and I just decided to see what Hobby Lobby had. I found these great fabrics!!! The photos doesn't quite do them justice - really any of the color but it gives you and idea anyway.
I have the quilt tops put together - just have not had a chance to get good photos of them yet.
I need to buy the backing fabric now and the batting. Then I can finish these quilts.
I did get my binding all cut out and ready to go!
I think that these fabrics will pull the whole quilt together. I can't wait till they are done. I will get photos of them then and post a photo of them when I can.
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
Healthy Tidbits
"To live as an island is to seek depression." pg 35
"We were never intended to journey the lowlands of life alone." pg.36
"Am I caring for my physical needs?
Am I eating healthy foods?
Am I getting enough sleep?
Am I exercising?
Am I guarding my thoughts?
Am I stimulating my mind with good books that stretch me?
Or am I anesthetizing my loneliness by glaring at a television or computer screen all day?
Am I spending time in the Word?
These physical, mental, and spiritual factors are important in slaying the demon of loneliness." pg.40
Last week we talked about how working in the soil helps with lower your chances of getting depression. It's funny because I found this book this past week end and just knew that I was suppose to read it now. And these were the things that stood out to me in the second chapter and I felt this was what I was suppose to share today. I hope it blesses someone.
I highly recommend this books. Here is a list of the chapters:
- Failure
- Loneliness
- Anger
- Loss
- Resentment
- Guilt
- Pride
- Fear
- Greed
- Futility
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
Stay Classy
A lovely lady posted this beautiful Meme on Facebook last week. Just in case you can't read it, it says:
"Be Kind to yourself.
The seeds we plant are the harvest we have to give."
Mary Davis
It's easy to get in a rut where we are saying ugly things to ourselves. I know I have caught myself more than once just over the last week - commenting on something I did as stupid. But the truth is that is we are used to talking to ourselves in an ugly way - we more easily talk to others in an ugly way. And that isn't very classy. I use the word "classy" because a friend of mine was talking about a situation in her life which isn't very pleasant but she tries to stay classy. And I loved the way that sounded. It gave me something to think about. Do I stay Classy? Asking that question helps with setting boundaries with your reactions. Just last week a situation came up for me in which I could have responded in a tacky way. Trust me - it was something I had dealt with several times and I had, in the past had not responded in a way that would be considered classy, I had responded SO much more sarcastic than I had ever been before or since. So I have to say having the ability to keep my mouth shut and not say anything was progress.
This meme says "especially yourself "- and while that IS important - it is also important to be patient with others as well. I know I sure appreciate it when others are patient with me. It doesn't happen all the time so when it does it is a real treat.
When we learn to be patient with ourselves - maybe then we can be more patient with others. Or maybe we have to learn patients by being patient with others in order to be patient with ourselves. What ever the case- patience is very important.
When we read the Love Chapter - 1 Corinthians 13 - we find out that patient is the very first thing mentioned.
Here is something else the Holy Scriptures says about being patient.
Be kind and patient with yourself and others it is a great way to stay classy. :O)
Sunday, September 1, 2019
My Best Deal....series
Last week was a busy week but since I would be up not too far from a Goodwill when I needed to get a long list of things from Winco- I decided to do a bit of shopping. I am SO glad I did. I found 3 things total - all three things are things I love!
But today I want to share with you something cool I found. It is by a brand I had never heard of before - "Instant Message" this is a tee shirt dress - I believe is what it is called. The only problem is that it comes to about 2 -3 inches above my knees- and I just don't wear things that short. So since this fabric feels so luxurious - I decided to make this my new night shirt. I love it!!
I have been using two older night gowns that I have had for quite some time. And truthfully - they probably needed to retire last year. But night gowns is not where I like to spend my money so I have just made do with what I have. You know - like they used to do in the olden days. Anyway when I put this on while getting ready for bed - I felt so much better than usual. I felt like I was dressed up. :O)
I paid $4.49.
I think that is a great deal for a new night gown. And it feels like it is in new condition.
Love it!
What deals have you found lately? :O)
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Yesterday my husband came home from work not feeling good. He still does not feel good today. He is at work and has to work a double shift s...
I have found an excellent resource for healthy living. Here is a link to the site The World's Healthiest Foods . There is a li...