Monday, March 25, 2019

Getting More Phytonutrients # 5

Continuing our series on Getting More Phytonutrients - from the handout "2015 The Institute for Functional Medicine"

"Maximizing Combinations 

When we put certain foods together, we may achieve a better effect than if we just had to food by themselves. Sometimes, there can be a "synergistic" result from combining certain foods. For example, putting turmeric with black pepper together with olive oil could enhance the phytonutrient effects of all three foods on your health. Adding lemon juice to spinach could help the iron become more absorbed by your body. try putting plant foods together for an enhanced health benefits."

I have never tried lemon juice with spinach before. I will have to try it. I will try to get on here and let you know what I think about the combo. :O)


  1. I make a spinach breakfast smoothie every morning since I started my weight loss journey (Or just got more serious about it) I take two cups of spinach, a cup of ice, a banana, and I stuff with rest with yogurt.

    I don't know if that combination tries anything.

    I'm really glad you are getting into nutrition. I need to be more like you

    1. I am learning that Greens are some of the best things we can eat!! Good for you!! Lisa :O)

    2. Thank you! It is a really good way to get greens in because the banana and yogurt make it a bit sweet. It also takes a good bit to drink/eat, because you can't drink it all at once, not that it isn't good, so it lasts longer.



Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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