Sunday, June 18, 2017

Farm Cooking....Paula's Quick Granola

One of the awesome seminars that I went to while attending Camp Meeting - was a Quick Vegan Cooking class. Well, I am not vegan but I wanted to learn more about healthy cooking. The presenter handed out some booklets "Farm Cooking" with about 15 recipes. I am planning on sharing these recipes with you as I get a chance. The very first one will be a quick granola. I make granola - more so during the autumn and winter because I cook my granola for several hours at a low temperature. But this recipe - is one you cook much faster - in about 30 minutes! And it is also one that you would put in lunches, take with you when you have to eat on the go, or just to have a healthy snack.

Paula's Quick Granola

2 C. rolled oats
2 C. quick oats
1/2 C. wheat germ(optional)
2 T. ground flax seed
1 tsp. salt
1/2 C. brown sugar or Sucanat
1 tsp. vanilla
1/3 C. oil
1 C. coconut
1/2 C. nuts, chopped
1/3 C. HOT water
1. Preheat oven to 350*.
2. Spray 16x12 cookie sheet with oil.
3. In a large mixing bowl, mix oats, wheat germ, salt and sugar.
4. In a small bowl combine oil and vanilla. Stir into the oatmeal mixture.
5. Add coconut and nuts and mix.
6. Add hot water. Mix well.
7. Press flat into cookie sheet. Do not stir.
8. Bake for 30 minutes. Cool completely before removing from pan.
Easiest way to press down - is laying a piece of wax paper over the top and press down maybe even with another cookie sheet. The idea is to press the mixture together really well. Because when it is done - you will break it in to bite sized piece(or what ever works best for you). And that way you can use this Granola on the go.
** Be sure to add the ingredients in the order given.
** You may use applesauce in place of oil.
** Place in freezer to keep granola fresh.

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