Monday, June 19, 2017

Don't Waste Your Time

Last week I was on my computer looking for a photo that my husband had wanted. As I was looking I noticed a folder of some photos of me and my family that my Mother had given me several years ago. I began to look through the photos. Some I liked, some I did not. As I studied the ones I liked, I was surprised at the amount of photos that I thought I looked nice. I hadn't quite found my style in a lot of them, but thankfully as I have aged I have figured out more and more of what looks nice on me and what really doesn't.

As I looked at the photos that I was pretty happy with, I wondered if I had felt good about myself at the time the photo was taken. I again visited the old idea of liking myself and accepting myself. Too much of my life have put too much thought and attention into what I didn't like about myself. I have spent too much time focusing on the negative instead of the positive. That is another place in which I am choosing to grow in. These days I am trying to focus on the positives although I have times that I slip into the dark side of being negative. I try to focus rather on the fact that my body has been through a lot and it had gotten me through a lot. I had continued to be strong even in the midst of chemo. I had days of low energy but never did it give out on me.

Instead of allowing the negative to steal my joy, I will continue to do my best to appreciate my body and accept it. And to recognize the positives and the improvements. I will probably always have negatives that I could focus on, but I don't want to waste any more time with that. I wasn't to live a life being happy with myself and the improvements that I have made. I will put my e3nergies into taking care of myself and realizing that this is the body that God gave me. And I need to accept it and appreciate it.

So please join me - Don't waste any more time with the negativity- focus on the positive. Appreciate the body God has given you. If there are areas you are not happy about ask Him to guide you in what you can do to change it and if there is no way to change what ever it is. That is the time to ask Him to help you to accept it and to even like it. He is faithful. I know- I had to ask Him to help me like what I saw in the mirror when I was bald- as He did. As my acceptance of my situation would fade as it did ever so often- I would pray again for God to give me acceptance and to like what I saw and He always answered my prayers.

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