Thursday, June 8, 2017

Essential Oils.....series

As you all know I was able to attend Camp Meeting recently. One of the seminars that I went to - was one about Essential Oils. I took photos of some of the power points so I could share some information with you all - just in case you are interested in them.

She started off by saying that DoTERRA and Young Living essential oils - are pure and the only ones that they know for sure are safe to take internally. I don't know about you but I really can't afford to stock my cabinet with DoTERRA or Young Living essential oils. I was given a tiny bottle of the orange essential oil - and oh my goodness it smelled SO good. But mostly I use "Now" brand essential oils. I do not use essential oils internally at this point though.

SO first off is a list of the EO's that are safe for Internal Use:

There are some Essential Oils that are NOT safe for internal use - Please read the list below to find out which ones:
Next she tackled the question what are the best places for topical use:

 You can layer your essential oils if you would like and here is the directions if you choose to do so:

 There are some EO's that are called Driver Oils - So if you layer EO's you would want to use the driver oil last - then the Carrier oil - I am guessing.

This one was shown - probably to help people with the cost of the doTerra oils. They are quite expensive.

She also shared the following to show how fast oils work.

I have a lot more to share with you all about what I learned about essential oils. I have divided it up into several posts to make it easier for me and also so that you don't have to read a post of 100 (I'm exaggerating) photos! lol :O)

I hope that this has been helpful.

Oh and I figure it is very obvious - I do not sell doTerra or any essential oils. I am not even recommending that you use them. However- I am totally sold on Lavender Oil for help with burns! I have never in my life had any product that has helped with burns the way Lavender Oil does. So that I would highly recommend.

Oh and by the way - They had a drawing at the end of the seminar and guess what!?!?
I won something!

A 15 ml. bottle of Lavender!! How about that!! :O)

1 comment:

  1. Oh I am SO happy that you won! I have never used oils, so learning this is all new to me!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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