Saturday, December 31, 2016

This Will Be Me!

This will be me!
Ya'll be safe! :O)

Chris Tomlin - Jesus (Lyrics And Chords)

Lyrics for "Jesus" by Chris Tomlin

There is a truth older than the ages
There is a promise of things yet to come
There is one, born for our salvation

There is a light that overwhelms the darkness
There is a kingdom that forever reigns
There is freedom from the chains that bind us
Jesus, Jesus

Who walks on the waters
Who speaks to the sea
Who stands in the fire beside me
He roars like a lion
He bled as the lamb
He carries my healing in his hands

There is a name I call in times of trouble
There is a song that comforts in the night
There is a voice that calms the storm that rages
He is Jesus, Jesus

Who walks on the waters
Who speaks to the sea
Who stands in the fire beside me
He roars like a lion
He bled as the lamb
He carries my healing in his hands

Messiah, my Saviour
There is power in Your name
You're my rock and, my redeemer
There is power in Your name
In Your name

You walk on the waters
You speak to the sea
You stand in the fire beside me
You roar like a lion
You bled as the lamb
You carry my healing in Your hands

God, you walk on the waters
You speak to the sea
You stand in the fire beside me
You roar like a lion
You bled as the lamb
You carry my healing in Your hands

There is no one like you
There is no one like you

Friday, December 30, 2016

The Bar Set Too High

As I was talking to Suzanna about New Year's Resolutions, I mentioned the fact  I was glad that I had set my goal of losing 50 pounds my 50 years of age in July- it was not just a New Years Resolution that had a big percent chance of dying by the way side. No, what I was doing was a life style change. I mentioned that I had lost one half of my goal already. She then suggested that if I needed inspiration to look at Dean. He is a young man that is about 6 foot 5 inches tall. He has lost 60 pounds over the last 6-8 months. He is very thin - in fact, I could venture to say almost too thin. He is not the only one at my church that is leaning on the side of being too thin. We have a couple of ladies who have lost quite a bit of weight - and who are really thin. The sad thing is that it has really aged them. But people seem to be so impressed because they are so thin.

Later as I contemplated our conversation, I realized that even with losing 50 pounds that I was not going not be super thin - truthfully to get to the point that these two ladies are at I would have to lose at least 85 more pounds. And I just don't know if I see that happening.

It dawned on me - "No wonder I have not had very many comments on the weight I've lost, because others at my church have set the bar so high that the average person like me can't reach it. But I am not going to give up. When I look at photos of me from before to now - I can see a big difference- and I am happy with my progress. I am taking it slow and steady. This is a life style change - not a diet.

This is just a list of the basic stuff we will be covering during the next month. All of these things are important for a healthy lifestyle. Making a few changes to improve our health is better than not- but if we truly want good health - we will need to consider the importance of all of these things.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

One Reason Why...

Last Sabbath at church I was talking to a lady named Suzanna. She works at a local book store. She told me about how when the store reopens on January 2nd, that the number one things to sell are Bibles, cookbooks, and health book. It is because so many people make New Year's resolutions to spend more time in Bible study and to get healthier and lose weight. Sad thing is that many people will give up on their resolutions before the end of January. In fact, I was doing a search about New Year's resolution success and I noticed a Washington Post had an article that stated that after "Just a week into January and a quarter of us have already abandoned our New Year's Resolutions. ...." later in the article is says, "46% will succeed or at least say we succeeded- for at least 6 months.

Suzanna went on to say that if only one or two of the people continue on in their efforts then it was worth the work of how busy they are on the 2nd.

This conversation is one of the reason's why I wanted to do a series on healthier living. Suzanna and I had another conversation that opened my eyes to something that I had been perplexed about, but that will be another post.

Maybe today would be a good day to begin to think of what goals you would like to make. In fact, to help you with that I will be sharing a little info on how to make SMART goals. Stay tuned for that. :O)

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Another Flaxseed Recipe

Today I want to share a cookie recipe with you all. It comes from the book - "Depression, the Way Out" by Neil Nedley. This is the recipe that I told you all about that uses flaxseed meal. Walnuts are brain food and really help with your cognitive function. So this recipe can be a recipe to help you reach your health goals.  
Walnut Cookies
2 1/2 C. Walnuts, finely chopped
2/3 C. Whole Wheat pastry flour
OR use whole wheat flour
1 tsp. Salt
1/3 C. Flaxseed Meal (or use wheat germ) 
1/3 C. Carob Chips or raisins or use both
(I am thinking I will use both)
1/2 C. Maple Syrup, plus 2 T. more
2 tsp. vanilla
Preheat oven to 350*  Add all ingredients into bowel in the given order. Mix well. Pray a large double insulated cookie sheet. Drop dough on cookie sheet with Tablespoon, or use a scoop equivalent to a tablespoon. May flatten if you prefer, or leave the shape of the scoop. Place pan on the middle rack of the oven. Bake 10 to 15 minutes, or until golden brown, check often to prevent burning. Cookies can burn easily and become hard if too dark. Let cool before removing from the cookie sheet.
You may want to use parchment paper for your cookie sheets.  
Ok - So I have not made these cookies yet, but I tried one last week. I tried one that only had carob chips. These cookies are too sweet and very satisfying.

Monday, December 26, 2016


Good morning~ Hope you are all doing well. Me? I'm doing alright. I am struggling with some personal issues. It actually seems that I have several different issues that I'm feeling conflicted about.

I was reminded of this word quagmire this past week and I just really like it and I had hoped to be able to begin using it. And when I began typing out this post realized it would be a great title. Looking forward to being able to use it more in the future.
 Anyway the last couple of weeks have been difficult ones. I had found a good rhythm of doing things and things were moving in the right direction. Then very challenging issues arised and I'm dealing with some unsettled feelings.

And worse of all, I have ended up gaining about 3 pounds over the last several weeks. It's discouraging because I want to get to my lose 50 by 50 goal and the sooner the better. But now I have to play catch up and relose those extra pounds. I'm trying to look at it positively by realizing that when I get to my goal I will have to play the game of maintaining. And that will involve staying on top of my weight- and if I gain a couple of pounds I will have to get serious and work towards losing it. So I guess I am having good practice right now for the future.

The good news is that I have felt inspired again in some things that I want to write about and have some plans written out. I have a couple of series that I think will be really helpful for me and I hope for you as well. I also have another recipe to share that involves flaxseed. And it's is also suppose to help with those struggling with depression- so keep your eyes out for that.

Anyway I better get going on this day. We have some things we want to get done and errands to run and I'm hoping to get a walk in and maybe even a little weight work. Hoping soon I can come back and let you all know that those ugly 3 pounds are gone! See you soon. :)

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas!

2000 Decembers Ago
Did it feel like a night any different
Then at least a million before
Was there any rare expectation
Like there was some kind of somethin' in store
Did the sky have to hold back the thunder
Did the moon find new reasons to glow
Could the children somehow sense the wonder
2000 Decembers Ago
Were the sheep as amazed as the shepherds
At the new star that lite up the sky
Did the willow trees whisper excitement
To the rivers and streams passing by
Did the joy ricochet off the mountains
'Til it filled up the valleys below
Did all the world sense love abounding
2000 Decembers Ago
Was anyone able to look at the stable
And not see a child but a King
I wish I could hear back over the years
As heaven & nature sing, heaven and nature sing.
Did the walls of the barn start to tremble
With a glory they could not contain
Did anyone wake with the feeling
Of peace that they could not explain
Oh the love must have been overwhelming
As it warmed everyone in it's flow
For all of the earth is still telling
Of 2000 Decembers ago
Was anyone able to look at the stable
And not see a child but a king
I wish I could hear back over the years
As heaven and nature sing, heaven and nature sing
Oh the love must have been overwhelming
2000 Decembers Ago

Saturday, December 24, 2016


Love incarnate, love divine
Star and angels gave the sign
Bow to babe on bended knee
The Savior of humanity
Unto us a Child is born
He shall reign forevermore

Noel, Noel
Come and see what God has done
Noel, Noel
The story of amazing love!
The light of the world, given for us

Son of God and Son of man
There before the world began
Born to suffer, born to save
Born to raise us from the grave
Christ the everlasting Lord
He shall reign forevermore

Noel, Noel
Come and see what God has done
Noel, Noel
The story of amazing love!
The light of the world, given for us

Thursday, December 22, 2016


Well my husband is healing nicely. Today he went to the Dr and had his staples removed- all 31 of them. Thankfully it was not as sore of a process than what he was thinking it would be.

We are enjoying time with our granddaughter- that is one reason I have been so quiet. The weather here has been very cold for a few days - like temps in the teens, with wind chills in the single digits. Cold. And we have had a few days of warmer weather - like more in the 50's - to low 60 one day. So I was able to take SweetPea to the park to play yesterday - the temps were in the upper 50's to maybe 60 degrees. I am looking forward to a day that the sun is shining - we have not had a lot of sunlight.

Well I better get off of here - granddaughter is watching a movie and we are going to get some popcorn popped to enjoy with our movie. Ya'll have a good day and enjoy your holiday time with your family and friends. And above all else remember the reason for the season. And that is Jesus! :O)

Monday, December 19, 2016

Finally back home....

Ok - So my husband finally got released from the hospital on Saturday afternoon. We were so thankful. Especially since a cold front was blowing in. I had tried to check in and just could not. Now we have our granddaughter and so I will be busy with that and a few extra dr appointments as well. I will check in when I can. I am also having some issues with my email account. Hoping to be able to get access to it again soon. Hope you all are doing well. Stay warm. :O)

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Matthew West - Mended - with lryics (2015)

Lyrics for "Mended" by Matthew West
When you see broken beyond repair
I see healing beyond belief
When you see too far gone
I see one step away from home

How many times can one heart break?
It was never supposed to be this way
Look in the mirror, but you find someone you never thought you'd be

Oh, but I can still recognize
The one I love in your tear stained eyes
I know you might not see him now, so lift your eyes to me

When you see broken beyond repair
I see healing beyond belief
When you see too far gone
I see one step away from home

When you see nothing but damaged goods
I see something good in the making
I'm not finished yet
When you see wounded, I see mended

You see your worst mistake
But I see the price I paid
And there's nothing you could ever do, to lose what grace has won

So hold on, it's not the end
No, this is where love's work begins
I'm making all things new
And I will make a miracle of you

When you see broken beyond repair
I see healing beyond belief
When you see too far gone
I see one step away from home

When you see nothing but damaged goods
I see something good in the making
I'm not finished yet
When you see wounded, I see mended

I see my child, my beloved
The new creation you're becoming
You see the scars from when you fell
But I see the stories they will tell

You see worthless, I see priceless
You see pain, but I see a purpose
You see unworthy, undeserving
But I see you through eyes of mercy

When you see broken beyond repair
I see healing beyond belief
You're not too far gone
You're one step away from home

When you see nothing but damaged goods
I see something good in the making
I'm not finished yet, no
When you see wounded, I see mended

Ooh, I see mended
Woah, oh I see mended
I'm not finished yet
When you see wounded, I see mended

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Prayer Request for him and me

This week- NO- really the last two weeks have been quite stressful for me. And this morning when I found out that my husband would be staying in the hospital one more night- I was so disappointed.  I almost cried- now I'm wishing I had since I've been emotional today.
You know how you try to be strong and there just comes a point that you just can't be strong any more-I'm knocking on that door- hesitating .... Don't want to enter.
So if you could please pray for me, I'd really appreciate it. And please continue to pray for my husband's pain level to decrease. I've known him for 29 years and he's never hurt as bad as this surgery has caused. It's hard to see your loved ones hurting. Thanks for the prayers.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Treasures from Darkness?

Just checking in to let you know that my husband had his surgery yesterday morning - He is in a LOT of pain. He has an incision from his belly button - up - almost 6 inches. Anyway prayers for his quick recovery and relief of pain would be appreciated.

The following is the devotional today from my devotional - "Streams in the Desert" a highly recommended devotional - for anyone - but especially those that are really going through tough times. It really spoke to me this morning and so I wanted to share with you all. :O)

I will give you the treasures of darkness (Isaiah 45:3).

In the famous lace shops of Brussels, there are certain rooms devoted to the spinning of the finest and most delicate patterns. These rooms are altogether darkened, save for a light from one very small window, which falls directly upon the pattern. There is only one spinner in the room, and he sits where the narrow stream of light falls upon the threads of his weaving. "Thus," we are told by the guide, "do we secure our choicest products. Lace is always more delicately and beautifully woven when the worker himself is in the dark and only his pattern is in the light."

May it not be the same with us in our weaving? Sometimes it is very dark. We cannot understand what we are doing. We do not see the web we are weaving. We are not able to discover any beauty, any possible good in our experience. Yet if we are faithful and fail not and faint not, we shall some day know that the most exquisite work of all our life was done in those days when it was so dark.
If you are in the deep shadows because of some strange, mysterious providence, do not be afraid. Simply go on in faith and love, never doubting. God is watching, and He will bring good and beauty out of all your pain and tears.
--J. R. Miller

The shuttles of His purpose move
To carry out His own design;
Seek not too soon to disapprove
His work, nor yet assign
Dark motives, when, with silent tread,
You view some sombre fold;
For lo, within each darker thread
There twines a thread of gold.
Spin cheerfully,
Not tearfully,
He knows the way you plod;
Spin carefully,
Spin prayerfully,
But leave the thread with God.

--Canadian Home Journal

Saturday, December 10, 2016

King Of The World

Lyrics to "King of the World" by Amy Grant

I tried to fit you in the walls inside my mind
I try to keep you safely in between the lines
I try to put you in the box that I've designed
I try to pull you down so we are eye to eye
When did I forget that you've always been the king of the world?
I try to take life back right out of the hands of the king of the world
How could I make you so small
When you're the one who holds it all
When did I forget that you've always been the king of the world
Just a whisper of your voice can tame the seas
So who am I to try to take the lead
Still I run ahead and think I'm strong enough
When you're the one who made me from the dust
When did I forget that you've always been the king of the world?
I try to take life back right out of the hands of the king of the world
How could I make you so small
When you're the one who holds it all
When did I forget that you've always been the king of the world

Oh, you set it all in motion
Every single moment
You brought it all to me
And you're holding on to me
When did I forget that you've always been the king of the world?
I try to take life back right out of the hands of the king of the world
How could I make you so small
When you're the one who holds it all
When did I forget you've always been the king of the world
You will always be the king of the world

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

So Very Busy

Boy this week has been a busy week and a bit of a stressful week as well. So many things to do and some days- like today had 5 different appointments in it. Thankfully the timing worked out well.

Yesterday we had our 3 girl kittens fixed. It was pretty stressful on them as well as for me. They were born in our garage so they have always been here. Never have they been in a carrier before and certainly not in a car or away from home. Yesterday I had to put them each in their own carrier and put them in the back seat of my car. Thankfully my son went with me to take them to the vet. When we arrived - there were a lot of people there in a pretty small space with all sorts of dogs and cats there for services. It took over 40 minutes just to get them checked in and over $200.00 to get the three fixed...was tempted to open a go fund me account to help with the cost of having this done.....

I got a phone call at 12:15pm saying that the girls were done and I could pick them up at 1:30pm - and at least pick them up by 3:30pm. I opted for the 1:30pm. Thankfully my sister was available to help me pick them up. My biggest concern was trying to get 3 carriers out to my car. So after I dropped her off - I headed home to get the girls calmed and resting. Poor girls - they were not happy campers when I picked them up.

Oh - where ALOT of stress came in - I was told to keep the kittens from running or jumping for 2 weeks...HELLO!?!? I have 4 kittens and two other cats.... is anyone able to keep their cats from jumping and running? Suggestions were put them in a laundry room - my laundry room is my garage --- that won't work. The only place that would work is the sunroom which is set up for them but it is still a good sized room and they are able to do some running and jumping in there.

They were pretty tipsy all afternoon. I put them in the sunroom and shut the doors and curtain and let them rest for a few hours. In the evening when daddy got home - we let them out for an hour. When they were being tempted to do too much jumping and such- we put them up. They slept some more. We left the girls in the sunroom all the time while we were gone today so that they could rest some more. When we got home at 3:00pm - we let them out and are keeping an eye on them.

Today my husband had a pre-op appointment - just 45 minutes later - about 3/4 of a mile away from the first appointment - I had my MRI appt. When it got to 20 minutes before my appointment and several things left for my husband to do for his appointment - I figured out that I would need to walk to my appointment. And I was able to get there with a bit of time to spare. It was probably a good thing that it worked out that I needed to walk to the appointment - because laying there still for 30 - 45 minutes is a challenge - but thankfully that is behind me and hoping to have some answers soon. I need to know what is going on my with my leg/knee. I need to know what I can and can not do.

While I was at my appointment - my husband went to eye dr to see about his glasses that broke. Then after my appointment - my husband had an appointment with the dentist. And soon he will have an appointment with his primary care dr.

I am thankful to be home - it has been a busy day. The stress from the last couple of days has been tired and feeling worn out. It is chilly outside - but thankfully it is cozy in my home. Speaking of cold- we had to go get a heater that we could put out in the sunroom and set a temperature to help keep the kittens from getting too cold. We are suppose to get a hard freeze tonight.

IF you could keep my husband in your prayers - he will have surgery on Monday morning. That is another things that I will be so thankful to have behind us.

Well I better close - I have a lot of things to do. Hope you all are doing well. :O)

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Taking Up Less Storage Space

Over the years I have accumulated quite a bit of clothes. More clothes than I even realized. The reason it kind of seems like it got out of hand is because I had clothes in several different sizes. Over the last year or so I have gone through and gotten rid of stuff I did not think I would ever use. I was thankful that I was able to send quite a bit of the stuff to people that could really use the clothes. That made me feel good. Not only to help other people, but also because I had less things to have to store here in my home.

I had worked it down to where I had a tote of winter tops, short sleeved, jeans, dresses and skirts, and summer stuff. These were the totes that I was working towards being able to wear. I had them stacked in our garage. When we moved things around to fit both of our cars into the garage - we had that area blocked. Well this past week end we were able to get things moved out of the way so that I could get to the clothes that I had organized in the totes.

I have pulled out my jeans, winter tops and short sleeved tops and gone through them all. I tried them on and was happy to find some things in each tote fit me again! There is no denying that there has been improvements- even if the scales don't always show weight lost - it is showing up in how clothes are fitting me. I was thrilled.

I was also thrilled to find that I had 5-6 bra's the next size down and when I tried one on- I realized that I had needed the smaller size - band not cup. Thankfully I have a good amount. When I lose the next 20 some odd pounds I might actually end up in a size smaller or so - and I know I don't have any smaller so I will have to buy some when I get there - but I am thrilled as know it is a blessing from God that I found these and have a good selection to get me through.

I am happy because one of these days I will have one size of clothing - the ones that fit. I am getting rid of stuff as it becomes too big - or if I don't like it. There is no need in holding onto stuff I don't like or that are too big. I am a little sad because I am going to probably have to get rid of the dress I wore to my son's wedding - unless I can get my mother in law - who is a seamstress to alter it. She hasn't done that sort of thing in years so I don't know if she will be able to or not. I might hold onto it just in case.

Anyway I just wanted to check in and share this good news with you all. It feels good to get healthier. Taking care of ourselves is very worth the effort. Maybe you could look at your lifestyle and see where you could improve and make small steps in the right direction. Every little bit helps! :O)

Monday, December 5, 2016


During my study of my Sabbath School lesson this week I found myself reading in Ezekiel where it speaks of Satan. If you would like, you can read it for yourself:

12Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyre, and say unto him, Thus says the Lord GOD; You were the seal of perfection, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty.
13You have been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was your covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of your timbrels and of your pipes was prepared in you in the day that you were created.
14You are the anointed cherub that covers; and I have set you so: you were upon the holy mountain of God; you have walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.
15You were perfect in your ways from the day that you were created, till iniquity was found in you.
16By the multitude of your trade they have filled the midst of you with violence, and you have sinned: therefore I will cast you as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy you, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire.
17Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty, you have corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor: I will cast you to the ground, I will lay you before kings, that they may behold you.
~ Ezekiel 28:12-17
As I read verse 16 stood out to me:
16By the multitude of your trade they have filled the midst of you with violence, and you have sinned: therefore I will cast you as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy you, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire.
16 "By the abundance of your trade You were internally filled with violence, And you sinned; Therefore I have cast you as profane From the mountain of God. And I have destroyed you, O covering cherub, From the midst of the stones of fire. (NAS)
For a moment I pondered the phrase "by the abundance of your trading." I wondered what that meant. Thankfully I was reading this passage from my study Bible, so I looked to see if there were any notes about this verse and sure enough there was:

"Trading~ Literally, "to go about from one to another trading, either in goods, or in words(slander). The meaning of trading material goods fits the context of this word in verse 5(Of Ezekiel 28) referring to the earthly king of Tyre, a city know for its merchandising; but in the cosmic context the meaning " slander" fits best: the guardian cherub slandered God by accusing Him of injustice."
As I finished reading this note I began to think of how easily in our day to day conversations, we can fall into the trap of "abundance of trading."  From time to time I am guilty of this.
I began to think of what the Bible says about this and several verses came to mind. I thought I would share a few with you today.
Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.
Ephesians 4:29
31Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger,
and clamor, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:
32And be you kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another,
even as God for Christ's sake has forgiven you.
Ephesians 4:31-32
14Do all things without murmuring and disputing:
15That you may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom you shine as lights in the world;
16Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither labored in vain.
Philippians 2:14-16
8For you were once darkness,
but now are you light in the Lord: walk as children of light:
~Ephesians 5:8
8Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
9Those things, which you have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.

~Philippians 4:8-9
Conclusion - our thoughts and our words need to be without slander. Philippians 4:8-9 tells of a list of things we should think on - I think this also can apply to our words. It really gives us something to think about.  And it also helps to keep us from an "abundance of trading".
19Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;
20Giving thanks always for all things unto God, even the Father,
 in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;
21Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.
~Ephesians 5:19-21


Saturday, December 3, 2016

More Than You Think I Am

Lyrics for "More Than You Think I am" by Danny Gokey

You always think I'm somewhere on a mountain top
But never think behind bars
You'd be amazed the places that I'd go to be with you
Where you are
So forget what you've heard
What you think that you know
There's a lot about me
That's never been told
I'm more than you dreamed
More than you understand
Your days and your times
Were destined for our dance
I catch all your tears
Burn your name on my heart
Be still and trust my plan
I'm more than you think I am
More than you think I am
Rumor has it there's a gavel in my hand
I'm only here to condemn
But let me tell you secrets you would've never known
I think of you as my best friend
So much has been said
Even doubted my name
But I'm showing you now
Who I really am
I'm more than you dreamed
More than you understand
Your days and your times
Were destined for our dance
I catch all your tears
Burn your name on my heart
Be still and trust my plan
I'm more than you think I am
More than you think I am
Let me open your eyes to see the heart of me, differently
Come closer than you've ever been
Let me in like never before
Bring me every broken part
The wounds and scars of who you are
And hide in me and you will see
I'm more than you dreamed
More than you understand
Your days and your times
Were destined for our dance
I catch all your tears
Burn your name on my heart
Be still and trust my plan
I'm more than you think I am
I'm more than you think I am
More than you think I am
More than you think I am
I'm more than you think I am

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Half Way Point One Step at a Time

Well I had planned on doing my 50 by 50 up date on Nov 30th but obviously I forgot -so today is as good as any day, so here I am.

In July I set a goal - to lose 50 pounds by the time I turned 50 years old. Well one week ago today I turned one year closer to 50 years old. And thankfully I was able to also lose some weight that week - which brings the grand total to this point to 25 pounds lost! I am at my Half Way Point!!! Happy Dance!!!  I am so very thankful for the progress that I have had - God has been there every step of the way. Helping me to make better choices of how to take care of me. Bring great resources to me to give me more wisdom to know the best choices of how to take care of myself. There are many choices that we come across each day that will determine to a great degree how we feel.

Don't ever feel that you are too old to make changes or that it is too late for you to see any benefits for making better choices. By implementing healthier choices we can change our health for the good.

Anyway so I continue on -moving towards better health.  Each choice that comes my way is a decision for health or the dreaded opposite of health. Join me in trying to make better and better choices. You will be glad you did! I know I am.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016



Many people talk about how bad kale is and how it's so hard to fix it and it taste good. Well I lucked out. I bought a large pound bag of kale from HEB and on the back it had a recipe for Healthy Kale. So that is what I tried. And guess what? I loved it! I loved it so much I do this about one a week. I make the following recipe and I eat on it for several days that week---till it is gone.

The great thing is that Kale is VERY good for you and a wonderful addition to anyone's diet. If you have not given Kale a chance before - I hope you will now. And even if you have tried it before - give it another chance- this recipe really is good.

Healthy Kale

1 3/4 c. chicken broth (I use McKay's Chicken Seasoning)
1 1/2 c. water
3 T. EVOO - that is Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper (I don't always use this much - maybe half this)

1/2 tsp. sugar
1 - 1 pound package of Kale

Add the first 5 ingredients into a large pot and bring to a boil. Then add the sugar and kale. Cover pot with lid and cook on medium heat for 20 minutes or until desired tenderness.

Drain excess water and serve hot.

Trust me - this is very good! I love it! Just one more way to bring more health to your life. :O)

I noticed what looks like a great recipe from Mother Earth Living for Onion and Kale Pizza.
I am hoping to try this soon! If you have tried it please let me know what you thought of it! :O)

Monday, November 28, 2016

My New Favorite Bread Recipe

Flaxseed Bread

2 T. active dry yeast
1 T. honey
3 1/4 c. warm water
1 T. sea salt
1 c. flaxseeds, ground
1 c. gluten flour
6 c. whole wheat flour
1/2 c. turbinado sugar
1/4 c. canola oil
Soften yeast and honey in warm water. Ground flaxseeds in the blender. Combine whole-wheat flour, gluten flour, gluten flour, ground flaxseeds, sea salt, and turbinado sugar in a large bowl. When yeast mixture rises, add oil. Stir in dry mixture. Knead until smooth about 10 minutes. Divide into 2 portions. Shape each into loaves. Let rise until double. Bake at 350* for 35 minutes. Delicious!
Ok - so I do a little bit different with this recipe. At this time I do not have any turbinado sugar - so I use brown sugar. And actually I usually only use 1/4 of a cup of brown sugar. The recipe in the book says that you will divide this dough into 3-4 loaves - well I changed that to 2 because if you divided it into 3-4 they would be little loaves- you choose what you want to do. This is really the best bread that I have tasted! I love the fact that it is high in omega-3 and in fiber!

This is the cookbook that this recipe came from. I have typed out the original recipe at the top - and in my writing have told of changes that I have made. I hope you will try this and will enjoy it as much as I have! :O)

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Come to the Garden....series


Come to the Garden

An Invitation to Serenity

by JoAnna O'Keefe

Lord, I feel fragmented
Like a broken pot of clay.
I've lost my focus;
I've lost my way.
I've poured myself out.
I'm drained. I'm dry;
I sense a discontent
I can't identify.
I feel rootless
Like rolling tumbleweed,
Moving, moving, moving,
Dizzy, from the speed.
I feel like quitting.
I feel self-doubt.
I'm tired, Lord.
I'm worn out.
How can I integrate
My scattered thoughts,
My dreams?
How can I find balance,
Freedom from extremes?
How can I slow down?
How can I release?
There are so many pressures.
How can I find peace?
Quiet, quiet, quiet,
my child, be still.
Listen to your feelings.
Discipline your will.
Come to the Garden,
The secret place we share.
My essence is in the Garden;
Come to Me in Prayer.
Transcend worldly cares.
Seek the Kingdom first.
Peace lies within;
It is for Me you thirst.
Accept your limitations;
Embrace humility.
Here lies the path to wisdom
And to maturity.

Come to the Garden,
The soul's sweet bouquet.
The flowers of tomorrow
Are in the seeds of today.
Together we will weed.
Together we will sow.
Together we will water.
Together, you will grow.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Some Progress in My Sewing Room

Today I wanted to show you a little of what I am getting done in my sewing room lately. For many, many months I had these blocks sitting up on my design board. I just could not get the lay out right. I would change one thing and then another. Then I would just let it be and look at it ever so often trying to figure out what I needed to do. Well last week I decided to just move forward. I had tried many different combinations and if I had not found something that I thought would work the best then maybe I just needed to move I did. And I got the sashing sewn on and the blocks together.
 Here is the fabric that I have chosen for my border. I had picked out an even prettier border- but when I realized I would not only have to buy a lot more fabric, but I would also have many cut up roosters - I had to go pick out different fabric and this is what I found. I think it will be very nice.
I still need to get the border cut into strips and sew them together and then onto the quilt. And then I will have another quilt ready to quilt.
I do have a quilt that I have ready to quilt. I even bought the backing fabric. I have it cut out and will be ironing it and the quilt top and then putting them together to get ready to quilt. I am hoping to have some time next week.  We will see.
 I have a Christmas project that I would love to try out and hoping that I am able to do a good job because I think it is a great idea. I will share with you all if I am able to get to this project.
Hope you all are having a great day! :O)

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

So last week I went to see my oncologist for my six month check up. I finally got my blood results back. I was a bit shocked and disappointed to see that my CA125 number had risen. It was only by a little over two points- but it is the rising of that number that is not good. I put a call into my oncology nurse and got a call back today saying that yes it had risen but I was till in the normal range so not to worry about it. I kind of knew that, but it is just not something you want to see. I had thought with me making better choices and all that the number could have come down even more than it did last time. Apparently the number does fluctuates some so it is normal. I just have to prepare myself before each visit not to panic or stress out if it has went up a bit.

I think I have already shared this but just in case I did not - I was happy to find out that I weighed in one pound less than the first visit that I had with the oncologist. Yay!! I still have a ways to go to get to my goal of losing 50 by 50 but I am almost to the halfway point. Praising God for that for sure! It is a real struggle for me to lose weight.
Although the scales have not moved a whole lot this month - I have had improvements in the way of how clothes fit that has helped encourage me along the path of weight loss.

So this cute top is one example of that. I bought it the end of October at a Goodwill Midnight Maddness sale. I paid $2.50 for this cute top. It was a bit too snug to wear. Well I wore it Sunday and loved it!!
These cute bling jeans are another item that I was able to wear on Sunday. My mother bought these cute jeans for me for my birthday last year- well they had been a bit snug and I thought that I would be able to lose weight and wear them last winter- I was not. It was very disappointed. Well when I got them out Saturday night and tried them one - they fit!!! Yay!
So although I haven't seen a major lose on the scales - I am making strides in the right direction still - by the clothes I can now wear. It is nice to get these small reminders that I am making progress. And I can't wait till I can come back on here and tell you about things fitting me that used to not fit. :O)
Hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving - This year my birthday will fall on Thanksgiving - not my favorite thing but I deal with it anyway.
I am looking forward to Friday because the Goodwill's in our area are having a 1/2 price sale on Black Friday - and my sister and I are planning to go shopping. It is fun to shop for the new wardrobe that I am working towards getting into. I have already found a few really cute pieces.
Like these:

Ok - I better close. Have a great rest of the week! :O)

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Strength to Bear Whatever

 The Fruit of the Spirit ~ It's What You Are That Counts
by Richard W. Offill

"The joy that God's people experience throughout the centuries didn't make the pain or the suffering and hardship go away. But because joy is the result of faith and hope, it gave them strength to bear whatever happened to them."

Sunday, November 20, 2016

The Special Light

 The Fruit of the Spirit ~ It's What You Are That Counts
by Richard W. Offill

"Like all the other fruit of the Spirit, joy shines best in the worst of times. I was in a jewelry store buying a new battery for my watch, and I couldn't help but notice the beautiful diamonds and other precious stones on display. What accentuated their beauty and sparkle was the special light that was shining directly on them, in contrast to the darkened background."

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Come to the Garden...series




we will weed.

Together we will sow.

Together we will water.

Together, you will grow.


These things I have spoken to you,
that my joy may be in your,
and that your joy may be full.
John 15:11
Remain in me, and I will remain in you.
No branch can bear fruit by itself;
it must remain in the vine. Neither
can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.
John 15:4
If you remain in me
and my words remain in you,
ask whatever you wish,
and it will be given to you.
John 15:7

Friday, November 18, 2016

"If I had have known I was gonna live this long....."

So yesterday was my mother in laws birthday. We went over to visit her and take her gifts to her. When we were fixing to leave she said to me, "If I had have known I was gonna live this long, I would have taken better care of myself." I responded by saying, "Yeah, that is why I have been making lifestyle changes lately- to take better care of myself." The expression on her face gave away the words she would speak next, "No, I don't think I would have done anything differently."
I was so surprised. I guess she realized that she could make some changes now and did not want to make any more changes. I have to give her credit - she did quit smoking and she quit drinking coffee. She still drinks diet coke - but she does at least drink water now some. So she has made a few changes.

Her statement really made me think. It encouraged me along my journey to a healthier me. We really do need to be taking better care of ourselves. We can not abuse ourselves by living life how ever our flesh wants to and expect to have good health. Of course, even those who have made good choices end up getting sicknesses and disease. But I am meaning over all. We really need to be wise and make good decisions. And those decisions are not just for today - but are for our future health. It encouraged me along the path.

Today was the 3rd anniversary since my hysterectomy. My pathology report has tomorrow's date on them- even though I did not find out until Dec 3rd. Today I have spent a little time thinking about what I had been thinking 3 years ago. How my big concerns were how I would deal with the side effects of a hysterectomy and being put into instant menopause. I had read the list of symptoms to expect and I was not at all looking forward to any of that stuff. Just weeks later I would realize how minor those things were considering I was then facing losing my hair altogether- no longer would my concern being that my hair would thin - although it is thinner now then it was before - and my hair is finer but Praise the Lord I have hair!!!

I went to my oncologist on Wednesday. I had hoped to get my lab results and be able to do a complete update about my appointment - but for now I can say that the Dr said everything looked/felt good. And that she did not see any problems. I always am more relieved once I see the blood work results. So hopefully I will get the results Monday or Tuesday.

So one more quick up date - this week I have been wearing my summer attire - it has been warm - like upper 70's and then mid to upper 80's. But a cold front blew in this morning and it has been in the 60's today. It was a beautiful day with the sun shining. We are expecting to go into the 30's tonight nd tomorrow night. We have winterized things around here - just in case we get a freeze. Since we live away from the big city - we very well could see a free on Saturday night. The highs are just going to be in the 50's or 60's. It looks like fall has finally arrived!! I am thankful. This is really my favorite time of year. Where I can open up windows if I get hot or close them if I get cold.

I hope you all are doing well. Take care and stay warm. :O)

Thursday, November 17, 2016

The Petals Unfold Together

 The Fruit of the Spirit ~ It's What You Are That Counts
by Richard W. Offill

"A potato chip commercial famous in the past challenged, "I bet you can't eat just one." So it is with the fruit of the Spirit. A person can't have just one. It will help us to think of these spiritual qualities as petals on a flower. Although the blooming of the flowers is a process, the petals unfold together. We may not come to maturity in these qualities all at once, but they will develop in tandem with each other." Pg.14

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

It's THAT Time Again

So I will be postponing the next post about Benefits of...Nutrition till Friday. I have my appointment with my oncologist on this morning and can not wait to have it behind me. It has been a bit of a stressful week for me. Reminding me of my need to depend on Jesus Christ.

Yesterday morning we had our little Wallie fixed. We have an appointment to get our girl kittens fixed the first week of December but since we had to wait a while to get them fixed - we figured it would be smarter to get our little boy kitten fixed. He did very well. And I am glad he has been taken care of.

Anyway please be praying for me - for strength and for peace. It seems that every time that this appointment comes around I am reminded of the fact that I had cancer and a lot of those memories come through. It is getting easier between the appointment's to forget about it and put it out of my mind. Thanks so much for the prayers. :O)

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Two Challenges of the Spiritual Life

 The Fruit of the Spirit ~ It's What You Are That Counts
by Richard W. Offill

"Like any garden, the spiritual life has two challenges. One is to fight the weeds, and the other is to nurture the fruit. We nurture the fruit of the Spirit through our devotional life. That's what keeps the fruit of the Spirit alive and well. Through prayer, we communicate with God, and through His Word, He communicates with us. Without the devotional life, the fruit of the Spirit becomes stunted, and then the cares of this life may simply choke it out."

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Come to the Garden ....series



to the Garden,

The soul's sweet bouquet.

The flowers of tomorrow

Are in the seeds of today.

Don't be anxious about tomorrow.
....Live one day at a time.
Matthew 6:34
Consider the lilies, how they grow;
they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you,
even Solomon in all his glory
was not arrayed like one of these. Luke 12:27

Thursday, November 10, 2016

"I know you too!"

"One of these days soon the heavens will open and we will see Jesus coming at the right hand of God. He will be surrounded by millions of angels among whom will be the one that has followed you from your earliest moments. As you look into the face of Jesus, won't it be wonderful to be able to say, "I know you!" ... but greater yet will be the thrill as He looks into your eyes and response, "I know you too!"
And this will only be possible if we have set aside time everyday for our relationship with Him. Make your time with Him a priority- you won't be sorry.

Just finished reading "Hard to be Lost" by Morris Venden.

I am so sorry if I have already posted this quote- but it is so good- it is worth posting even if I have already posted it. :O)

Strategies from Hello Healthy

So I got this excellent book and have started reading it.

It's called:
Hello Healthy ~ Strategies to reach your full health and wellness potential  
by Dr. Wes Youngberg

Here is just one tidbit from this book that I wanted to share with you all today:

"Ultimately, vitamin D unlocks the code, the template that is inside your DNA library, containing the instructions on how to destroy that very virus, that very bacteria, that very cancer, that is within your body. So if you want to enable your body to optimize it's fight against disease, one of the most important, but also most neglected, strategies is to take advantage of all the benefits that sunlight and vitamin D bring to health."
Pg. 71 of "Hello Healthy"

Above is a link to a YouTube showing of a program that Dr Youngberg has put on about detoxing your body. You might be surprised at how easy it can be to detox your body.
You will hear of the top 5 things to do to detox your body.
 You will find out what foods are the kings of food and also a very interesting fact about legumes and what they can do for your body.

 Also if you want to hear more from Dr Wes Youngberg- just search for him on youtube. 

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Come to the Garden....series


your limitations;
Embrace Humility.
Here lies the path to wisdom
And to maturity.
The tree is known by its fruit.
Matthew 12:33
My grace is sufficient for you,
for my power is made perfect in weakness.
2 Corinthians 12:9
Whoever exalts himself will be humbled,
and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.
Matthew 23:12

Thursday, November 3, 2016




They say that health
Is our greatest wealth.
So easy to lose,
If abused or misused. 
It slips away,
Maybe to stay,
Today it's here,
Tomorrow it's there.
You sign and cry,
Don't want to die,
You sowed in vain,
Now you reap the pain.
The careless years,
Now see the tears
HEALTH! You cry,
But it passes you by.

Oh wretched you,
What can you do.
To regain the wealth,
You spent on self?
To chase the ache,
What will it take?
Follow God's laws,
And stick to them all.
Duty calls.
To those who fall.
Healing will come,
When well done.
Make haste my friend,
Your sickness end,
On wings of health,
Your truest wealth.
by Jurea L. Dawson

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Living a Truly Balanced Life....series....Sunlight

We have come to our last installment of this series.
I hope it bless you. :O)


Finally, if we make one of the simple remedies - the study of His Word, prayer, Christian service in reaching out towards others, and receiving the fruits of the Spirit- Jesus, the Son of righteousness, is going to be central in our focus. Malachi 4:2, speaking of Jesus and sunlight, says, "Unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings." We all know the good that sunlight can do. Many of us try to make it to the beach or to the mountains at least once a ear to take in a little sun. At least we should. The doctors recommend it. The suntan lotion people love it. And we know the healing element of the sunshine. The sunshine that expels the darkness and melts the dew and the mist, and takes away the fog. Sunshine- that's what we think of when we think of Jesus.

"The Sun of righteousness." Why? Because His righteousness in glorious like the blazing sun. And His righteousness surrounds the earth with an atmosphere of grace that each one can choose to receive or not. I'm thankful for the "true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world" (John 1:9). I'm thankful that Jesus said, "I am the light of the world." I'm thankful that we can see Jesus through all of these remedies.

What great name but the name of Jesus can help men to live in peace? Oh, that our world could discover that. What great name but the name of Jesus helps men die in peace? Millions of persons have passed into the valley of the shadow of death with the name of Jesus on their parched lips, and for them the valley has been transformed with light and glory, and the shadows have fled away, as the "Sun of righteousness" has lighted up their last moments with resplendent color. Jesus is the supreme figure of the ages and is growing more mighty every day. Kings, potentates, and crowns are failing rapidly. Great names, one after the other, go out and are soon forgotten. But the name of Jesus is ever increasing in might and glory. Jesus, how wonderful and how precious is the name. He is the Prince of peace, the mighty God, and the coming King. When we think of Him who was born in a stable and died upon the cross, who divides the centuries in two, and about whose name all history revolves, who lifted empires off their hinges and tinged the stream of time with His own blood, and at the same time binds up the brokenhearted and speaks peace to the troubled breast, may we not exclaim, "All hail the power of Jesus' name! Let angels prostrate fall. Bring forth the royal diadem, and crowns Him Lord of all."

Ok - so you may think that I may be done talking about the Eight Health Laws to better health - but you would be wrong. As I was looking through some of my cookbooks looking for healthy new recipes I came across a cookbook that actual talks about each health law along with a good list of benefits that you get when you follow that health law. I just could not pass up sharing this information with you all so it can benefit you as well. Come back on Friday when I start out with the many benefits of fresh air. See you then! :O)

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Problem Solving

So last week we looked at how to set up an Action Plan. This week we are going to talk a little about how to Problem Solve with our Action Plans. Some time we end up having problems with the action plans that we put in place. We have to be willing to modify the plan if needed. This list of problem solving ideas are some of the ways to help with modifying your problems.

1. Identify the problem

2. List Ideas

3. Select one

4. Assess the results

5. Substitute another idea

6. Utilize other resources

7. Accept that the problem may not be solvable now.

A good example of how someone modified their action plan. A man had set up his action plan to dig at least 3 feet in his well. He was doing this to make sure that he was getting exercise. Well something came up and he was not able to get it dug, but he ended up cutting a tree down and splitting it into logs- so in the end he ended up getting his exercise after all. It may not have been the actual plan he had put in place but he modified it and it worked for him.

I have had to modify my plan. I had set up my schedule to exercise at 7:30 with Jennifer Webster on her Rise Up program. Well since I have hurt my knee/leg I have had to modify what I do- and now I am doing my rehab exercises and some chair exercises. I did not totally let go of trying to get exercise in - I have just modified it to work for me right now.

I have an appointment set up with an orthopedic Dr on Thursday am. Pray that we are able to get to the bottom of what is going on so that I can know what I can and cannot do. And if something needs to be done about it that I can do it this year - since I have meant our deductible this  year and it won't cost us an arm and a leg - maybe an arm - or maybe a leg- but not both! lol :O)

Monday, October 31, 2016

Living a Truly Balanced LIfe...series... trust

This will be our shortest installment from this book- but is certainly one of the most important ones. It is a major that I have been seriously learning - honestly... for a while now.
Our next remedy is trust in divine power. Trust is a synonym of faith. In fact, it's probably the best definition of faith. Where does it come from? It's a fruit of the Spirit. Everyone is given enough to begin with. And Ephesians 2:8 reminds us that it is a gift: "By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is a gift of God." If your faith is the fruit of the person, then all you have is positive thinking. If your faith is the fruit of the Spirit, then what you must have is a relationship with God from which trust comes. And it's always trust in Jesus, not in ourselves and what we can do. The genuine Christian, living close to God, distrusts himself, even though he knows he is of value, eternal value in the eyes of heaven. And he trust only in Jesus. He who trusts in is own heart is a fool (see Proverbs 28:26). But the one who trusts in Jesus will be strong and will do mighty things.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Come to the Garden....series


worldly cares.
Seek the kingdom first.
Peace lies within;
It is for Me you thirst.
Where your treasure is,
there your heart will be also.
Luke 12:34
The kingdom of God is within you.
Luke 17:21
My peace I give to you,
not as the world gives do I give t you.
Let not your heart be troubled
neither let it be afraid.
John 14:27
Whoever drinks the water I shall give will never thirst.
John 4:13

Friday, October 28, 2016

Living a Truly Balanced LIfe....series..peace

Speaking of peace or rest. From this great book:
Next I'd like to remind you of another fruit of the Spirit in the list of Galatians 5 called peace. Elsewhere in the list of preventive remedies it is called "rest." In Matthew 11:28, Jesus said, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." It's a gift. And exercise demands rest.  

I have a friend who was right up where he should be on his diet, and right up where he should be in terms of exercise. He thought he was in top shape until he went in for an examination and discovered that he had to have three to for bypasses. He was in trouble! Why? Because he lived a life of constant stress, and stress can do that to your heart. Our world is full of it. Think of it in the physical realm. Californians are known as people who always drive in the fast lane. Californians still exist for he same purpose that god California started - the gold rush.

I've had the privilege of moving a time or two from California to Oregon and to Colorado. In Oregon, if someone misses a day of work, they don't worry about it. They have some canned fruit down in the cellar. They can sit on the back steps and watch the sun go down . They have time.

I remember the first day I was in a town in Colorado. I found myself waiting behind a man who waited for the green light to turn red! I about had a heart attack. Suddenly it hit me. It was beautiful that someone could do this. The pace was slower. People could see people on the street and say Hello. So I tried waiting through a green light for a red one, but that caused more stress, because there was someone behind me, and I think he was from California.

We ought to have the privilege once in a while of slowing down and getting away from the mad race. All of us need that. But we need it most in the spiritual realm.

What is spiritual stress? The heaviest stress that plagues Christians everywhere, including our own subculture, is: "Am I going to make it?" "Is my eternal destiny certain?" "Will I be in heaven?" "How can I know that I am right with God?" And this kind of stress, we are told, is not necessary. Did you know that? We should not make self the center and indulge anxiety and fear as to whether we will be saved. If a person gets bogged down in whether or not he is going to be saved, he is making self the center. We've done a great deal of that - wondering whether or not we can be certain of our own salvation. All this turns us away from the Source of our strength. Lets commit the keeping of our soul to God and trust in Him. Talk and think of Jesus. Let self be lost in Him. Rest in God. He is able to keep that which you have committee o Him. If you will leave yourself in His hands, He will bring you off more than a conqueror through Him who has loved you.

So, if we pay attention to the first four remedies, personal fellowship with Jesus, time in His Word, and time on our knees, and time day by day in service and outreach, the Holy Spirit will give us the certainty that all is well, that Jesus has made a more than adequate sacrifice, that the cross is the assurance of God's love for each one of us, ad that He is more interested in getting us into Heaven that He is in keeping anyone out. Do you have rest on that level? Have you accepted that rest? Isn't this what Jesus is inviting us to? Don't labor and be heavy laden concerning this one. Rest is a gift.  And it's yours, as long as you keep yourself in His hands day by day.

The other aspect of rest come from knowing that God is able to finish what He has started. It is the security and the peace that we can have knowing that God is still in charge, that He is still the One who sits on the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers, when it come to hindering His plans. It is knowing that God's plans still know no haste and no delay.

This includes His plans for the church as well. I'd like to remind you of the deep conviction some of us have that God is still in charge o this work. I think that I have been as cynical as anyone about the great white elephant called organization. But I've been watching it, and more and more I am convinced that God is in charge, and tat we can trust Him. Here's something from the days of our pioneers:

"Do not worry. The work is under the supervision of the blessed Master....All parts of the work - our churches,  missions, Sabbath schools, institutions- are carried upon His heart. Why worry? The intense longing to see the church imbued with life must be tempered with entire trust in God, for "without Me," said the great Burden Bearer, "ye can do nothing."

Let no one overtax his God-given powers in an effort to advance the Lord's work more rapidly. The power of man cannot hasten the work; with this must be united the power of heavenly intelligences.... Man cannot do God's part of the work....He is not to feel self-confident, for thus he will exhaust his reserve force and destroy his mental and physical powers. Through all the workmen now bearing the heaviest burdens should be laid aside, God's work would be carried forward"(Testimonies for the Church, vol. 7, p. 298).

That's interesting.

You can trust God. you can have peace. It's a gift of the Spirit if you keep close to Him. Accept His peace, and rest concerning HIs power and ability to finish what He has started.