Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Living a Truly Balanced Life....series....Sunlight

We have come to our last installment of this series.
I hope it bless you. :O)


Finally, if we make one of the simple remedies - the study of His Word, prayer, Christian service in reaching out towards others, and receiving the fruits of the Spirit- Jesus, the Son of righteousness, is going to be central in our focus. Malachi 4:2, speaking of Jesus and sunlight, says, "Unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings." We all know the good that sunlight can do. Many of us try to make it to the beach or to the mountains at least once a ear to take in a little sun. At least we should. The doctors recommend it. The suntan lotion people love it. And we know the healing element of the sunshine. The sunshine that expels the darkness and melts the dew and the mist, and takes away the fog. Sunshine- that's what we think of when we think of Jesus.

"The Sun of righteousness." Why? Because His righteousness in glorious like the blazing sun. And His righteousness surrounds the earth with an atmosphere of grace that each one can choose to receive or not. I'm thankful for the "true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world" (John 1:9). I'm thankful that Jesus said, "I am the light of the world." I'm thankful that we can see Jesus through all of these remedies.

What great name but the name of Jesus can help men to live in peace? Oh, that our world could discover that. What great name but the name of Jesus helps men die in peace? Millions of persons have passed into the valley of the shadow of death with the name of Jesus on their parched lips, and for them the valley has been transformed with light and glory, and the shadows have fled away, as the "Sun of righteousness" has lighted up their last moments with resplendent color. Jesus is the supreme figure of the ages and is growing more mighty every day. Kings, potentates, and crowns are failing rapidly. Great names, one after the other, go out and are soon forgotten. But the name of Jesus is ever increasing in might and glory. Jesus, how wonderful and how precious is the name. He is the Prince of peace, the mighty God, and the coming King. When we think of Him who was born in a stable and died upon the cross, who divides the centuries in two, and about whose name all history revolves, who lifted empires off their hinges and tinged the stream of time with His own blood, and at the same time binds up the brokenhearted and speaks peace to the troubled breast, may we not exclaim, "All hail the power of Jesus' name! Let angels prostrate fall. Bring forth the royal diadem, and crowns Him Lord of all."

Ok - so you may think that I may be done talking about the Eight Health Laws to better health - but you would be wrong. As I was looking through some of my cookbooks looking for healthy new recipes I came across a cookbook that actual talks about each health law along with a good list of benefits that you get when you follow that health law. I just could not pass up sharing this information with you all so it can benefit you as well. Come back on Friday when I start out with the many benefits of fresh air. See you then! :O)

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