Monday, December 26, 2016


Good morning~ Hope you are all doing well. Me? I'm doing alright. I am struggling with some personal issues. It actually seems that I have several different issues that I'm feeling conflicted about.

I was reminded of this word quagmire this past week and I just really like it and I had hoped to be able to begin using it. And when I began typing out this post realized it would be a great title. Looking forward to being able to use it more in the future.
 Anyway the last couple of weeks have been difficult ones. I had found a good rhythm of doing things and things were moving in the right direction. Then very challenging issues arised and I'm dealing with some unsettled feelings.

And worse of all, I have ended up gaining about 3 pounds over the last several weeks. It's discouraging because I want to get to my lose 50 by 50 goal and the sooner the better. But now I have to play catch up and relose those extra pounds. I'm trying to look at it positively by realizing that when I get to my goal I will have to play the game of maintaining. And that will involve staying on top of my weight- and if I gain a couple of pounds I will have to get serious and work towards losing it. So I guess I am having good practice right now for the future.

The good news is that I have felt inspired again in some things that I want to write about and have some plans written out. I have a couple of series that I think will be really helpful for me and I hope for you as well. I also have another recipe to share that involves flaxseed. And it's is also suppose to help with those struggling with depression- so keep your eyes out for that.

Anyway I better get going on this day. We have some things we want to get done and errands to run and I'm hoping to get a walk in and maybe even a little weight work. Hoping soon I can come back and let you all know that those ugly 3 pounds are gone! See you soon. :)

1 comment:

  1. Keep at it! I know you can do it! I started my food diary yesterday and it really did make me think more about what I was going to eat, knowing that whatever I ate I was going to write down!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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