Monday, August 31, 2015

My Best Deal and My Miracle Girls

Hello~ I hope you all had a good week end!
I meant to get on here last week and show you the best deal that I got for the week. Actually for a while. One of the houses along my walking route had a garage sale over a week end and when I went walking by I saw the things that they had left. And I saw this awesome bench and thought it would be cool to have. I tried to take a photo of it a couple of days in a row and every time my phones camera would act up(I have an older iPhone with not a whole lot of storage on it). Anyway one day I was walking with a lady that lives in the neighborhood and I told her I was interested in the bench and so when we were walking and the people were out -she went and introduced me to the nice lady and I told her I was interested in the table- she said it was $2.00! Yes! Only $2.00!! The wood needs to be replaced - but it is still and excellent deal. Especially when you see what it can do!
 Now isn't that cool?
My husband is planning on using a router to put our name on one of the boards on the bench! We may even paint it- don't know yet. For $2.00 - I think I got an awesome deal! :O)
My Miracle Girls:
It is a true miracle that we still have these girls! I am so thankful for them.
We are still only getting about 4 eggs a day but I am figuring once it cools off some - we may start getting more. They endured a lot of stress and that with the heat might have just caused a bit too much for their systems to handle for a bit.

This was a SweetPea weekend!
We had a lot of fun! I found the cutest little Hello Kitty play dough/cooking cutter set!
So we made a beautiful cake with beautiful flowers on it! -
We used to be so careful not to mix colors - but our play dough was getting a bit old so we just decided to have fun with it and I love the tie dye look to the play dough! 
Our Sweetpea working on a floor puzzle.

This is another great deal I found the last week or so - these awesome bubble gum looking magnetic marbles! She had a lot of fun with them!

Well that's about all that has been going on around here-
What have fun things have you been up to?

1 comment:

Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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