Wednesday, August 26, 2015

A Deep Root System

Well I thought I would drop in for a few minutes and let you all know that I am doing alright. I have had plenty of time to think of the loss that we have experienced over the last month or so - with our beloved Dewie and then our 19 chickens and our rooster. My little flock of 6 looks so small compared to the 28 we had just a week and a half ago. I still struggle to try to forget the scene - and the memories of gathering up the lost chickens. Still I encounter people who don't understand. And then thankfully I have people in my life who do understand and care. A friend of mine on Facebook - shard the following with me on my timeline:

And as I think of it - I am so thankful that we have our six girls left. So far we have not gotten 6 eggs on any day since the massacre. We have gotten any where from 2-5 eggs. And I am thankful we are getting any thing. But what I am so disappointed about is that with the amount of eggs we were getting- up to 22 eggs a day - and the girls just turned 6 months old on the day of their death. With this amount of eggs we were able to not only supply the egg needs of our own home - but we were able to share with my Mom, my husbands Mom, my sister, our son, and a good friend. That is 6 different households!
 Plus in the 2 week we had sold eggs we were able to sell enough eggs to pay for feed and maybe a bit more. That was a real blessing. And as they started to lay more and word got around that we were selling eggs- we could have even done more business.
As I have thought about the events of the last couple of weeks - I have learned more and more about the importance of having a firm foundation. In order for trees to make it through storms it is very important for them to have a great root system- watered deeply. So it is important for us to drink deeply from the waters of the Word of God. Each time we face a trial - we can know that God will use it to develop that deep root system that will supply us with what is needed to keep us standing. I also have learned some other really neat stuff that has helped encourage me in my walk through the storms of life. I am hoping to be able to get on again soon and share some more of what I have learned. God can use any situation that we are in to teach us valuable lessons - if we will just be willing to "be still and know that I am God." :o)  


  1. Satan wants to use this happening to drive you farther away from God--and instead you are letting it drive you closer to Him--exactly where we all need to be! Praying for you!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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