Monday, May 25, 2015

Percentage Has Increased

Ok - thought I would check in with an update. I am sorry it has taken me so long to get back on here to write an update. The good news is that Charlene is doing pretty good - especially since on Thursday her Dr only gave her a 20% chance of making it. Well she made it past the 72 hours time period - that was Sunday afternoon.

 It took 3 tries to get her off the ventilator- but this morning- they were finally able to get her off of it.
It was funny because after she was off the vent she told my husband that she was ready to go home. This is very typical of her. But she has been confused off and on since then. At first she did not even recognize her family members. My husband showed her photos and she did not recognize people. Later she called him by name - so maybe she is remembering things. He asked her if she remembered her lung surgery 2 weeks ago- no she did not. He explained to her what had happened - but I figure that it will have to be retold because she is still confused. She told the nurse that she had been told that she was gonna get "to go home in 90 minutes" where she got 90 minutes... I don't know.

My husband is going to have to go back to work tomorrow - I am so glad that they were able to get her off the ventilator before he had to go back to work. It makes it a bit easier on him. I will be going to the hospital to spend some time with her tomorrow. I am sure hoping that the weather holds out. Today we ended up having a storm go through. We are so water logged.

The good news is that yesterday evening we went to Home Depot and bought a tarp and my husband and son - got up on our sunroom roof and got the tarp put over it. It had been leaking and with all of the rain that we have had we thought we better put a tarp over it till we can get out there and get it fixed up. So today when it rained there was NO leaking. Praise the Lord that we were able to get that done.

Oh my goodness - I almost forgot to share some exciting with you all. Yesterday afternoon I was talking to my Mom on the phone and I heard some meowing coming from the garage so I went out to check it out and guess what I found??? Kittens! A total of 3 of them.

Aren't they adorable!?!!
It does not take much for me to fall in love with kittens!

Well that is about all that is going on. I am trying to keep up with everything around here. I will check in as soon as I can. Thanks for the continued prayers- there is still a long road to recovery for my MIL.


  1. I am in love with the kittens! So precious and adorable! Thankful your MIL is doing better--you all remain in prayer!

  2. I am so thankful to hear that your mother-in-law is doing better! I will continue to pray for her. And it is such a blessing to have kittens right at this moment, when you have had so many other stressful things going on, they can be a welcome delight.

  3. I'm happy to hear the good news about your mother in law! Those kittens are just adorable, how sweet.

  4. so glad to hear that she is off the ventilator!
    (Sorry I have not been able to comment for a while)...Are you going to keep all those kitties? I wish Jeff would let me get a cat, but since we've been camping so much now, it is already tight in a camper with two dogs!
    I hope you can get that roof fixed soon, it looks like you've been getting a lot of rain there in Texas lately.
    Take care~ Lisa


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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