Friday, May 29, 2015

God Gives Second Chances...Even With Blessings

I'd like to share a personal experience that goes to show that sometimes we are just not ready for the blessings that God has in mind for us.
About 8-10 years ago, a friend from church shared about how a book had really blessed her. I can't remember if I bought the book or if she gave it to me, I'm thinking she gave me a copy of it. Anyway I read a couple of chapters and just wasn't that impressed with the book. I put the book in my bookcase and forgot about it.
About 6 months or so I reorganized my 3 bookcases. In the process I ended up getting rid of a stack of books. And off to the thrift store they went to bless someone else. And I think that the book was in that pile.
Anyway let's fast forward to this past week-end. At Sabbath School a sweet couple had bought a stack of books to share with everyone in the class. I thought it was such a nice thing of them to do. This was a big deal because recently I had been struggling with the whole idea of my prayer life. I had experienced what seemed to be a list of things that I was praying for - for myself that were not being answered - well at least no in the way I had wanted them to be answered and it was discouraging me. I had experienced answers to prayers for others, but not myself. So I had a lot of questions. And wanted to find the answers to them.
Well once I figured out that I thought this was the same book that I had been given years before - I had decided to share the book with someone else. But something amazing happened.
Wednesday night at prayer meeting I talked with the couple about the book. And they shared how it totally changed their thinking. Well at first I said that I was reading another book(which I was) and that I would read a chapter or so of the book and that I had thought that I would pass it onto a friend to read because she was going through some rough stuff. Then I would read the book later. Truth is I did not know if I would or not. So I went home that night and read a chapter in the book, so I would be doing what I said I would do. And I was SO blessed by that chapter - it opened my eyes to the need of prayer for others and how "God never violates the free will of anyone, but when we pray for someone else, it permits Him to work in the lives with a special power. He unshackles the individual from the chains of sin so that he can use his freedom of choice to choose good."
As of today, I have only read the first 3 chapters of the book - but what a blessing I have gotten. I am so glad that I gave the book another chance. I am so glad that I did not allow my preconceived notion about the book - cloud my judgment in reading it. What a blessing.  I have a couple of other quotes that I read in a chapter today that I would like to share with you all. They are actually quotes from other books - so I will list where they originally came from for your reference point.
"And the years of eternity, as they roll, will bring richer and still more glorious revelations of God and of Christ.. As knowledge is progressive, so will love, reverence, and happiness increase. The more men learn of God, the greater will be their admiration of His character." 
"Faith is inspired by the Holy Spirit, and it will flourish only as it is cherished."
Here is the book that I am talking about:
Incredible Answers to Prayer by: Roger J. Morneau
It is not a very long book, only 96 pages but I am sure it is full of blessings just waiting to be found.

I am so glad that I was open to the leading of the Holy Spirit to read this book. And I am glad that God did not give up on me - even when years ago I decided to let that blessing pass. God's mercy and grace is shown to clearly to me - in that even though I passed by the blessing the first time - He cared enough to bring it around again! Praise the Lord!!!

Just a little update. Yesterday my Mother in Law- Charlene was able to not only stand up but with help walked to the chair and sat in it for about an hour. It looks as if today they will be moving her to a long term rehab hospital to help get her ready to go back home and have independence. She is still having some confusion and telling some whoppers- but hopefully as she is able to have less pain meds - she will have clearer thinking. Please pray with me that she had can hope and joy and that she will be able to be kind to those who care for her. And that she is able to get back to caring for herself and be independent. That is what she really wants. Thank you so much! :0)


  1. Praise the Lord for your mother-in-law being able to stand and walk a bit! That is huge progress since last week! I think we are seeing an incredible answer to prayer in her life. :)

  2. Wonderful improvements! Praying for her, and I love how God brought that book back into your life! I have the same book, and it IS an awesome book!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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