Friday, May 22, 2015

An Update....

Just wanted to check in to share an up date. My Mother in law, Charlene(so you guys can add her to your prayer list) had a bath(well sponge bath) and had a good night. Today she looked better than yesterday- she has more coloring today. Yesterday she was quite white. They are keeping her mostly sedated. She does know what people are there and recognized voices. And has learned how to let my husband know what she wants. She will raise her hand/arm and then he will go over and he asks questions to find out. She holds your hand firm when you talk to her- she knows people are there. Some people may think that when they are out of it like that - that they don't know what is going on- but they do - and it is important for people to talk to her and to let her know that they love her. It is what gives her a will to live and she needs that will. When the Dr's only give you 20% chance to live - you really need to know that you are loved and that there is a reason to live.

We have been blessed with the outpouring of love from her family coming to visit her and letting her know how much they care. And all those praying have given peace in a tough time. I am still just so shocked of how serious she got and how quickly - something like that happened to her. And I am heart broken that she is having to go through this. I am so dreading when she wakes up and is told about the C bag. My husband says he is hoping to be able to tell her. But we are praying that God will give who ever is the one that tells her first to do it in a gentle way. I mean - it almost makes me cry just thinking of it. I hurt for her- because this is not something anyone would want to happen to them.

Sunday afternoon - will mark the 72 hour point - the point in which - the % will increase for her survival. Please continue to keep her in your prayers- especially during this critical time.

My sister has a friend who - when she shared with her what was going on with my MIL - shared that she too had a problem going to the bathroom. And up until that point had thought that it was normal. And because of the knowledge of this - went to the Dr and asked for some help. So one person at least has been helped by this that we know of - and I hope that with the knowledge being out there that more people will be helped.

Anyway I just wanted to share a quick up date. I hope you all are doing well. :0)

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