Tuesday, May 19, 2015

A Long Awaited This and That

One of the news stations in the area posted this on Facebook last week. And as you can tell from this photo- so far we are less than half of an inch from the total of rain for 2014. What is even sadder is that since this was posted(I have been busy and unable to write up a post) we have gotten more rain and I am sure we are higher. And although I am happy for the rain - with having aerobic sewer system-(one that processes the sewer and then sprays the clean water out on the lawn) our ground is saturated. And it has been so hard to even get our yard mowed. We have not had dry days - it seems like rain every other day or less. Yesterday was the first time in a LONG time that the ground was halfway decent to mow- and in the front yard there were areas of the yard that as I walked through - I could tell there was maybe 1/4-1/2 inch of rain standing.
The last few years we have been in a severe drought. I have shared how we have had gaps in our yard - like an inch or more wide. So I know this rain is very needed - and I am SO thankful for it. I just wish it could spread out over a longer time period with some dry weather in between so we can more appreciate the rain when it comes.

Ok - so an update from my Dr appointment last week. The Dr said everything seemed fine. I was a little disappointed that my CA125 number increased again this time. Last it had increased 1 whole point or so - this last time it increased .3 from last time. Not horrible- but I would rather the number stay the same or decrease. It would make me feel better for sure.

I am going over my lab reports and am hoping to have a better understanding how my blood work is going. Hoping that it is getting more and more back to normal. Then the question is what is normal? At least I have access to all of those numbers and hoping to have a better understanding after I make up a spread sheet of how the numbers have gone.

Life continues to be busy. On Friday I went and pick my MIL up from the hospital and she is doing alright. She is still weak and needs help with cleaning and putting bandages over her incisions- where they removed the tubes - are leaking a bit. And we are trying to take food to her ever so often as well so she will eat more of a complete meal - at least one meal a day. She made up some stuff and put it in the freezer before the surgery - which is good because she is quite a picky eater and would rather starve than eat what she does not like= found that out the hospital. I am worried about her though because she is not eating much or doing much and I am afraid that she might think that she will lose weight by not eating much - but instead be losing muscle mass.

It is important to eat a balanced diet- at least try to get some fruits, veggies, whole grains, beans and nuts in your diet every day. That is very important for your body to have what it needs to work properly. Anyway I am trying to do a better job of eating better. I really need to lose weight. I gained about 15 pounds through chemo with all the steroids and such. And so I would really like to lose at least the 15 pounds but so far I have had no luck. I am going to have to put a bit more effort into it and at least work towards being healthier and hopefully by doing so I will feel better and may even lose weight- who knows...

Well I better close - we are going to have to get some special bar to put up in my MIL bathroom to make it easier for her to get up off the toilet and probably put one in the shower area as well. I am going to have to get to bed early tonight because I am already very tired. Might have to do with the rain we have gotten or the over cast weather.

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