Thursday, May 7, 2015


I am so sorry that it seems that I have been putting you off by not sharing what the next courageous step was going to be. That was not my intentions at all. It's been a busy week and information overload- really once last night got here - the information kind of got to an overload point. And today I am disappointed and really trying to sort things out.

Anyway here is the basic information of what is going on: As you all know I am on the nominating committee at my church. This has required a lot of time and energy. Our church has a Food Bank ministry and the person who is running it(and has been running it for 15 years) was unhappy that she did not get a room that she wanted. She wanted a bigger room and closer to another door in the church. Anyway so she decided to decline when asked to lead out again this year. I have a good friend who is on the team and because she, too, has been on the team for 15 years was asked to be the head. And she said no because she did not want the Leader who had declined the job to think she was betraying her. So we had not one who would step up to the plate and take the job. So because I did not want it to close down and because I have really wanted to help out with the Food Bank for quite some time, offered to be the head of it. My good friend said she would do what ever she could do to help out. So although I did not set out on purpose to be the head of it - it seemed as if that was the way that God was leading. So I began to prepare myself for the challenge. I had a notebook in which I wrote down all sorts of notes that I thought would be important to remember.

So I thought that I would have support of the team. And in order for who ever is the lead to be successful they will need the support of the team. But after last night - I realized that the Leader was really not ready to let it go and that some, if not all, of the team were not ready to let her go either. So although there seems to be some negotiations that will have to be made- she still wants a bigger room- I looks like they will work with her and try to convince her to continue on.

I would appreciate all of your prayers because tonight- I plan on requesting that my name be removed from the leadership position of this office due to the fact that I do not feel like the current leader or her team are ready to let her go and that in order for this ministry to be successful the team will need to be behind and supportive of the leader.

Also please pray for my husband and I because truthfully we are both hurt. I feel as if these people did not have faith in me to be able to be successful. And although I know that it would have taken some time for me to know all the ins and outs of the Food Bank - I am convinced that if God lead the way - He would supply all the wisdom and knowledge needed.
There are so many emotions and thoughts going through my head right now. I have a lot to process and I pray that God can help me learn what I need to learn from this experience.

So - courage is not needed in order to run the Food Bank - but courage is needed to gracefully step down and without tears.


  1. Seems to me that MORE courage is needed to gracefully step down and not have hurt feelings, than the courage needed to run it. I know you are able and willing to do whichever job God asks you to do. Remember Abraham was asked to be willing to sacrifice Isaac--but in the end told not to do it. Different story perhaps, but still illustrating how we need to be willing to work for God somewhere--or to step down and let someone else do it. Whichever God asks of us. Hugs!

  2. Good for you to be willing--to do it, or to step down. That takes both courage AND humility. It hurts when we get caught in the middle of something like that, but it's comforting to remember that these things are rarely personal. If it really did start with the food bank not getting the room(s) they wanted, this situation has very little if anything to do with you personally.


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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