Wednesday, December 3, 2014

My New Best :o)

I just wanted to check in and let you know that I made it through the surgery today. I am awfully sore now - and will need to get an ice pack back over my incision- but I wanted to get on here and let you guys know that it went well.

After the nurse did her stuff- taking my vitals and asking me all sorts of questions. She said it is only 7am so it will be a while before they come get you. I asked- so am I not getting an IV? She said no- that they would just be doing a local. Taking the port out is not as detailed as putting it in -so there is not as much of a need of the meds to cause you to be "stoned" as the nurse said. I did have the choice of having an IV and going to lala land or just doing the local. Well I did not want an IV so I went with the local. It does make it a little bit stressful- it took about 30 minutes once Dr gave me lidocaine in the are to numb it up. And I could feel pulling and tugging. And ended up having to have more of the numbing meds a couple of times. But my Dr was great at explaining what he was doing and making sure I was doing good. I had a nurse in the room that is excellent at talking to the patients and really helped distract me and helped let the Dr know I needed more numbing meds at one point. This nurse along with another one in the room - ended up being in the operating room the day I had my port put in.

The first 30 seconds or so I did not think that I would like the Dr - but soon realized that he was a really good guy and that he had compassion. There is something about a Dr that does not like needles himself that seem to have more compassion for his patients. I was thankful that God picked him out to be my Dr. God being in control is a great thing - because He brings great people into your live - especially if you will just keep an open mind(obviously I still have a bit of a problem with that since I passed a bit of judgement so quickly with my Dr, but I am working on it). 

So now I have tomorrow as a day off (yay!) and then Friday at noon and at 3:30pm I have my appointments. My husband will be able to go with me. And I am hoping that since I have the ultrasound and the port removal out of the way - that it will be a bit easier to deal with these two tests.
Still claiming - Deut. 33:25b  ~ As are your days, so shall your strength be. Both of these tests scare me but I am depending on God to get me through.

I hope you all are doing well. Now I am off to get the ice pack back on my chest. It's funny how an ice pack seems so annoying until you really need them - then they are your new best friend! LOL :O)


  1. I am so glad you have tomorrow off and can work on getting better before Friday's tests! Praying for you my friend!

  2. Reading about your experience has helped to ease my mind about Donald's upcoming port removal. Get some rest before your busy Friday!

    1. Ann - I hope that my experience can help with Donald's - since his is in a different area - don't know if my experience will help or not. I will be writing to you to let you know a little more - just in case it can help you guys. :O)

  3. So glad the port removal went well! I love that God provided you with a compassionate and loving nurse and doctor! :)
    You are on my prayer list and I pray for you daily. I'm praying for COMPLETE peace, strength and good health!! <3

    1. Thank you Marci- I really appreciate those prayers! :O)


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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