Thursday, December 11, 2014

Benefit of Hiding God's Word in Your Heart

Hello~ I just wanted to check in and say that I did have the surgery and I made it through. I got home about 3:30pm area- but have been taking it easy. I am very sore and sitting here at the computer is not the most comfortable thing to be doing right now. But I did not want to get on here and let ya'll know I am alright.
I also wanted to share a little something that I shared on facebook today. I thought it would be easier to just take a photo and use it in this form instead of tying it all out again.

I have been working on memorizing Psalm 27 for the last few weeks. Even though I was skeptical at first that I could memorize a large passage - I decided to give it a try.
Here is my experience today:
This is just one of the wonderful benefits of hiding God's Word in your heart. He will bring it to your mind when it is needed. I can't even begin to tell you how wonderful it is when people come to me with breaking hearts over situations in their lives and I am able to pull from the verses that I have memorized - out of need in my own life. It is very important to hide God's Word in your heart. If you haven't ever done it before - start today. Find a verse that has meant a lot to you and write it out on an index card- place index cards with the verse written on it - on your bathroom mirror - in your purse on your kitchen window- so when you are washing dishes you can read through the verse.

Ok off of my soap box- I just know that this experience really helped me today and I would like you, too, to be able to experience it.
I need to close for now. I am really tired. It has been a long day and I am very tired. Praying that I can find a comfortable position- a little worried about that. But God will take care of that too.
Thanks again for the prayers. :O)


  1. I'm so glad all went well yesterday. Take care and get plenty of rest!

  2. I just think this is SO awesome! Our God is so awesome! Love that He does this for us--bringing to our minds the promises we have tucked away there!

  3. Wonderful news!
    It is times like this when I like to think that the rubber meets the road concerning our faith...We read and learn the Word of God...and then it gets put into practice and we are amazed at how good it really works when we need that comfort and strength to get us through!
    God is so AWESOME!
    Thanks for sharing your experience with us, Lisa.
    Take it easy and rest comfortable with the Lord's help today.


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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