Monday, December 1, 2014

Be Strong and Courageous

I have shared how I feel that this year I have been called to being Courageous. Well it seems that the plan for this year was not for me to be able to end the year without more courage called on. It seems that courage has been a big thing this year. Every Step of the way - something new that requires courage. I am learning more and more to depend upon God to get me through each obstacle that I face.

This morning as I was sitting at my computer I noticed a hand written verse that I have taped to my computer screen:

"Have I not commanded you?
 Be strong and of good courage;
 do not be afraid, nor be dismayed,
for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." 
Joshua 1:9  
And the part about "God is with you wherever you go" really stood out to me this time. And I am happy for that reminder. As this week I face 3 procedures I have never had before- plus a surgery to remove my port. Plus the fact that the 3 procedures could possibly lead to yet another surgery. It is so nice to have the reminder that God is with me wherever I go.
On the other side of my computer is another hand written verse:
    "For God has not given us a spirit of fear,
 but of power and of love
and of a sound mind. "  
2 Timothy 1:7
This also was a great reminder because all the things I have going on this week - take me totally out of my comfort zone. Some of them will be very uncomfortable. One of the procedures if they don't get answers the first time the test is run - there is a possibility that I will have to have it again. Please pray that it can go smoothly the 1st time and that there will be no need to do it again.
This past year - I have faced so many 1st time doing this or that medical procedure. Each time God has been there and has gotten me through. I am not saying it has been smooth sailing, what I am saying is that God is with me wherever I go and strengthens me when I call upon Him. I will continue to claim this promise of God being with me wherever I go and have the confidence that He will continue to be with me.
Please continue to pray for me. For answers to why there is blood in the urine and also for a resolution to solve the problems I have been having. For peace and courage through it all. Thank you so very much! It means so much to me! :)


  1. Those are both great scriptures...and I used them both to help me get through this past year myself!
    I am praying In Jesus' name that the procedure goes smoothly the first time, and that the answer will be that it is nothing too serious or requiring further surgery! ~Amen and Amen~
    You will have to let me know all about the port removal...I heard it is a lot easier than when they placed it in...I will be getting mine out sometime next month if I can get it scheduled that soon...I believe I have only two more Herceptin infusions to this Friday, and then the other either the day after Christmas if my oncologist's office is open, or if not the beginning of January...I should know Friday.
    I am still praying for you...actually I always pray for you on a daily basis...Your courage in all of this is very inspiring to me and to others as well I'm sure!
    If you need to 'talk' just send me an email...I am trying to be online sometime each day now.
    Blessings and love~ Lisa

  2. You are such a strong woman. You are a true woman of God and great character. While you feel weak at moments, you are always strong because you rely on Jesus. I continue to pray for you. Sending you my love-


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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