Monday, December 22, 2014

Checking In

Just taking a minute to check in and say Hello and Good Morning. More than likely I will not have much time this week to write very many posts. I will be taking care of my Granddaughter this week - and then all sorts of stuff added to that.

I have also been dealing a bit with discouragement- Just in the last couple of weeks I have been through so much and my body is working hard to repair itself. I have a little bit of lingering congestion hanging on - which is not helping. I am so ready to have a chance to just let my body heal and repair itself without all sorts of stress.

I would really appreciate it if you all would leave comments of how you deal with discouragement. What helps you the most? Thanks so much.


  1. I have been thinking about you so much lately. I have not been on my blog nor have I been on my blogging account reading other blogs. My home has been busy, just as I'm sure everyone's has. I am continuing to pray for you and your health. I cannot even begin to express the compassion, adoration, and love I feel for you. I am beyond blessed that Jesus allows us to be friends through blogging.

    I completely understand discouragement. When it invades my heart, I want to crawl into a hole and just cry all day. One of the things that helps me, is I pull out paper and a pen and keep it with me. I write down all the things that I am thankful for and all of the blessings that God is surrounding me with. I really try to keep my focus on my list rather than my down turned heart. I have found that even if I still need a huge box of tissues from the many tears that flow from discouragement, I can say it is well with my soul as I keep adding to the list.

    I will pray for your heart to feel rest and peace. May you know how truly loved you are by your family and friends, me, and your precious Savior. xoxo

  2. I think it helps to recognize that discouragement is temporary. It comes more often when I'm tired, or when it's gray outside, so I try to be gentle on myself, while boosting nutrition, vitamins (especially vitamin D), and get some rest.

    But it's also really helpful to me to call a friend and pray with someone, or listen to uplifting music, or spend a few extra minutes in the middle of the day reading the Bible.

    I'll be praying for you! I know from experience it's hard to look forward to something exciting, like having your granddaughter there, when you're already feeling depleted. I'll be praying you have the strength and the JOY to really bask in the things that are pleasant around you!

  3. When I feel discouraged it helps me to count my blessings. I also find much encouragement and comfort in the Bible. For example, 2 Corinthians 4:8-9.
    Hugs to you. Have a very happy Christmas.


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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