Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Update/ Dear Jane

Wow - We are already to Wednesday! I am so thankful that the weather has cooled off a little. During the last 7 days there has been at least 2 times that we have had to close up the house and turn the AC on because it was getting too warm. I think it is only suppose to get up to about 80 today and then a couple of days in the 70's. I am so thankful for the cooler weather.

And it looks like I am going to need to mow today. I guess we might need to invest in some fertilizer because the reason why I need to mow is we have these weeds that shoot up and then where our aerobic system sprays we have really nice grass. But outside of that area is where the tall weeds are growing. So I will be trying to get our yard looking nice today. I love a freshly mowed yard. I just can't remember the last time I had to move the end of Oct. Of course, it could happen this is just the first time that I have had a blog in Oct - so that could be the explanation to that.


Monday night I went to one of the Quilt Guilds that is in the area. We had a special speaker talked about the Dear Jane Quilts. I forgot my camera, but was able to get some photos with my phone.

In 1863 Jane Stickle made this quilt. 169 different - 4 1/2 inch finished squares.

Here is a really good place to find more information about Jane Stickle. This site is also where I got this photo of her original quilt. This quilt is at the Bennington Museum in Bennington, Vermont. I would love to see it in person. To see all the detail up close.

Here are a couple of the quilts that we got to see. I was not able to get very good photos of very many of the things that they showed us due to where I was sitting. But at least this way you get an idea of what they look like. Notice also how the triangles around the edges of this quilt have many pieced triangles as well.

Jane Stickle along with many of the people that make the "Dear Jane" quilt like to keep track of the number of pieces that they use. I don't remember the exact number that Jane recorded as having but it seems to me that the speaker said that no one has come up with that exact number(that they know of.) You can check out the book - written by Brenda Papadakis. The reason why the book is named "Dear Jane" is that when Ms. Papadakis wrote this book - she wrote letters to Jane. It is said to be a very interesting read. One little bit of information - if you want to get this book or begin the journey of making a "Dear Jane" quilt, be sure and look the book over before you buy it - there are photos of each of the blocks but not detailed instructions. I think that there is help at the website.

And Brenda Papadakis has since written another book "Dear Hannah(in the style of Jane A. Stickle)" Her daughters name is Hannah - so hence the name.

I have yet to decide if this is an adventure that I would like to take on, but it has been fun to learn about this quilt and the story behind it. I hope you all have enjoyed learning about it as well. :o)

1 comment:

Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

The Video I Promised

Here is the video I meant to share last week. There is a very important key to losing fat in this video-  and just so you don't miss it ...