Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Another Antique Mall Found Nearby

We have been looking for a chair to go out in our sun room/parlor.

Well yesterday my son was looking on Craigslist and found this chair:

I was so excited to find that it was at an Antique Mall - one I had not been to before that was only about 15-20 minutes away! I went there to see if the chair was sturdy and to see if it was something we would want. On the photo that was shown on Craigslist, you could not see the polka dots as clearly. Well the price was great and I sent information to my husband and he said he would have to see it in person.
While I was at the antique mall - I decided to just look through the whole thing. I had never realized it was as BIG as it was. Three Stories! I looked through it all. I also found this chair:

I love the legs - they are the same kind that the couch has. And I love the carvings and the those type details. It was a little higher in price, but I thought it would probably go with our couch better. Well my husband does not like the wicker type stuff on the back of the seat. So I don't know if we will get either one of them. I need to be patient. God will bring the right chair along - when it is the right time.
It was not a wasted trip because I really enjoyed looking through all the cool stuff. This is something I have never seen at an Antique shop before - it is a copper lined smoking stand. I thought it was really cool looking! Oh it is on top of another cabinet. It is only about 30 inches tall or so.
Well I hope you all have a great day! :O)

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The Video I Promised

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