Sunday, October 3, 2010

Name of the Quilt Block?

Someone asked what the name of this block was so I thought I would share the answer and a little more information just in case someone wanted to look into making this block and any of the blocks I will share for the next year. This year our Block of the Month at our Local Quilt Shop is doing the American Beauty Quilt designed by Marti Michell. This block is called "Bewitched."

This year we will be using the Perfect Patchwork Templates Set L from Marti Michell. Here is a photo that shows the templates that come with this set. I love using the templates, they make the process so much easier.

Here is a list of why using templates makes it so easy:

PERFECT for rotary cutters ~ Cut multiple layers at once.
PERFECT shapes and sizes ~ 1/8-inch thick clear acrylic.
PERFECT 1/4-inch seam allowances included.
PERFECT laser cut accuracy on every piece.
PERFECT "smart" corners ~ No more dog ears!
PERFECT permanent, unique identification system.
PERFECT companion tools for strip cutting and piecing.
PERFECT for hand or machine piecers.

One reason I love these templates is that when you buy them - they last a long time. I have not had to buy templates for the last couple of years of quilting because I have like about 5-7 sets of them.

I found a like where it tells about this quilt and the plans of putting it together. Here is a link to where Marti Michell tells about this quilt . I hope that this information has been helpful and if you have any questions feel free to ask. :O)

1 comment:

Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

The Video I Promised

Here is the video I meant to share last week. There is a very important key to losing fat in this video-  and just so you don't miss it ...