Monday, October 11, 2010

Quilting Corner

Last week I made my first Block of the Month for this new year.

This year I have 2 that I am working on. So I started cutting out the fabric for the second block. Well I was watching a sermon at the same time as cutting out and I guess I was a little TOO confident because I was not being really careful. And I cut out the big burgundy triangles wrong. Some how I got confused and was trying to cut out the long rectangular pieces out of that fabric. Well it was wrong and I did not have enough fabric to cut out those triangles so I needed more.
So today I had to go to the Quilt Shop and get a fat quarter of that fabric so I can finish my block. So this is what I went for:
But I came out of the Quilt Shop with all of this:
I have a project that needed forest green thread. And I LOVE these sand paper dots - I put them on the back of my templates and rulers and squares. Then I thought, I have the Thirties Block of the Month blocks that I need to get put together. So I thought it would be fun to look through the Thirties fabrics and see what I could come up with. Well I found this really pretty yellow and blue floral fabric and could not pass it up. I thought that since the blocks were already quite busy that I wanted a little plainer fabric to put the blocks together and I decided to go with the blue and the yellow to do that. Of course, I will show a photo of this quilt when it is done!! :O)

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

The Video I Promised

Here is the video I meant to share last week. There is a very important key to losing fat in this video-  and just so you don't miss it ...