Friday, October 15, 2010

God~You ARE the Boss of Me

Many times we want to be our own boss. This is not something new - it started with the entrance of sin into our world. A very good example of this comes close to the beginning of the Bible. It is the story of Cain and Able. God had asked them to sacrifice a lamb. Well with Cain, being a farmer and not wanting to ask his brother for a lamb, decided that it should not be any problem at all to sacrifice some of this produce. He thought that his way would be just as good as God's way. He did not want to follow God's instruction - he wanted to be his own boss. At the heart of this -is rebellion. Rebellion can get us in all sorts of trouble. It can close our minds so that we are unwilling to do God's will.

I have realized that I have been very rebellious in my life. Last night, I pulled a book out of my bookcase. I had remembered that it had some healthy recipes in it. As I remembered when I got this book, I realized that for many years God had known what was best for me and I had been rebellious - wanting to do it my own way. Wanting to be my own boss. So where did that get me? No where good. I have struggled and struggled. And when I finally turned my life and my will over to God. He was able to finally lead me and be my Boss.

You see about 15 years ago - I went to a Cooking Seminar and learned some awesome things. Well I am sure that it did me some good but I was to stubborn to totally accept what I heard. Then again about 5 years ago or a little longer I went to a different one and learned some more awesome information. I am thankful that I kept the books because they have been excellent resources for me and my sister. I am also so glad that God does not give up. I am glad that he patiently waited for me to finally come to the place of being willing to follow His leading. Oh the years that I have wasted by being rebellious - by wanting to do things my own way. I am willing now to say - God~ You ARE the Boss of Me! :O)

EDITED: To add photos of the two books that I got from the classes that I went to. Just in case anyone is interested.


  1. Interesting! I am being convicted of similar issues! Did you see my October 8 post on my blog?

  2. Marci~ Yes - I saw your post. I think that is when I understood for sure that I had been being rebellious in the fact that I had not let God lead in my life.
    Thanks for sharing,
    Lisa :O)


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

The Video I Promised

Here is the video I meant to share last week. There is a very important key to losing fat in this video-  and just so you don't miss it ...