Monday, October 19, 2020

Take Advantage of the Resources You Have

 There are so many very useful resources that many of us have - especially if we have access to a computer. And if you are reading this - then it applies to you For too long I didn't take advantage of some great resources and to be honest - some of these things that I will share with you have really helped me thought these chaotic times. 

This morning I received an email from The Old Farmers Almanac and they had an article about "The Best Ways To Use Fall Leaves"  and I went and read it and learned a few very interesting things. The one that I think will really help me is that they suggest when you save leaves for a compost pile - that because leaves are high in carbon- that after you use several inches of leaves- to add a 1 inch layer of "green" material - like grass clippings or manure - because these things are high in nitrogen and they help break down the leaves. I have raked up my leaves in the past and put them in a barrel but the leaves have not broke down as fast because I didn't realize I needed to be adding nitrogen dense things to help. 

It was after I read this and was writing things down into my gardening book that I realized that I have not been taking advantage of some great resources that I have. I have allowed things - like when the email comes from Old Farmers Almanac then sometimes I feel overwhelmed because there is so much information. So I am going to have to just look through the different articles and see which one sounds the most interesting and take the time to read it. I am sure I will learn so much more when I take the time to read the articles. 

Youtube is another resource that I did not full take advantage of until the last 6 months and boy and I glad I did. I have learned SO, SO much over that time period. It is the reason why I have started canning, dehydrating, making antibiotic elixir, and natural cough syrup and so much more. It has helped me be more resourceful here around the house.

 I am So thankful that when I was reading a blog that someone shared a link to Homestead Tessie's Youtube Channel and that I went and checked it out. She has a very peaceful way about presenting things and it brought peace and calm into my life and has inspired me to be more of a homesteader. And it has brought so much more enjoyment. Especially with all the havoc going on in the world. Sin is abounding - it is like it isn't even hiding any more... and it can be so disturbing. But when we put our focus on God and trust Him to take care of us we can have more peace. And I am sure that He is the one that led me to learning more about what I can do around my homestead. And it has really helped bring peace and satisfaction. 

So look around your house and your life and see what resources you may have been missing out on. And see what you can do to take advantage of the blessing of having them! You may be surprised at how they can change your life! :O) 

1 comment:

Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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