This is probably something that many of you already realize but I just learned it so I wanted to share just in case I was not the only one in the dark about this.
Not every Ball Blue Book is the same thing!
I thought that is was the same book that they just kept updating a cover, but no.
This first book is dated 1977 with 96 pages.

This one is dated 2011 with 128 pages. I had found it after the older one and had given it to my son because he had seemed interesting in canning a few years ago when I found the book.
And then I was watching a youtube video when someone showed the new Ball book- and explained how they are always updating the books. This one is dated 2016 and has 368 pages. It not only has recipes to can but also recipes of how to use some of the things canned.
At one point I was going to just get rid of my first two books but for now I think I will hold onto them and look them over. Each one has some cool things that make them a special book. Very helpful and informative when learning a new skill.
So last week I got another box of peaches and ended up making up another batch of peach butter and I also canned some sliced peaches. I was very disappointed because for the first time I had some syphoning- which means some of the juices from inside of the jars came out into the canner while canning. When that stuff comes out it makes it even harder for the jars to seal. So I have several jars in my fridge waiting for next Sabbath when I will be making a peach cobbler for our family meal. At least I have a great way to use them up. But I was still very disappointed because I had been successful up to that point - every jar had sealed nicely up to that point and this just made me sad.
I did end up with a row of sliced peaches for my shelf. I will have to do some more research and figure out where I went wrong and hopefully by the next time that I can anything that could syphon I will know what to do to prevent it from happening.
Oh by the way I went to HEB last week end - like an idiot I went on Sunday -but I was rewarded because they actually had a row of Ball regular mouth lids! I had not seen those in a really long time so I made sure I picked us several boxes. It is best to have extras on hand - so if you find some be sure and get some - if you are going to be canning that is! lol
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