Sunday, October 18, 2020

My Best Deal (a bit different- but oh so good!)

 I know you are all used to my posts about my best deal being about a great deal I got. But today's post will be different. But it just made sense in these crazy, chaotic times to share this in a blog post about my best deal. It is going to be a little bit more serious than my usual blog posts about my best deal. 

For 11 weeks I was unable to go to church. I am sure many of you went through something like this as well. Some of you may still be unable to go to church and if that is the case~ I am SO very sorry. It was very hard for me during this time. And I am sure, now, that I was depressed. One of the ways that I used to try to be alright was to spend too much time and money on Ebay. I found a great style of Lularoe tops that I loved and I bought my fair share....maybe even more of them. During this time I spent too much time watching tv. I was so discouraged. I don't think I realized how depressed I was during that time - till I have started feeling better over the last couple of months or so. 

The things that helped me the most come out of that discouragement was getting back to church! Being around fellow believers who had put their trust in God. And allowed me to do that same. They allowed me the freedom to make the choices of how best to take care of my health. No forcing me to jump through unrealistic hoops, not forced social distancing. They gave everyone the choice to hug or not, to shake hands or not. And we were able to lift our voices in praise to our Saviour and Redeemer and that felt awesome! They had children's stories - with the children and when a little boy prayed after the story was over I had goose bumps - because I was so thankful for even the little things that many times we take for granted! I am SO thankful for my church and the freedom to worship. This is something we may not have for very much longer and we need to appreciate it while we can. 

Another thing that helped me is that I began watching Youtube videos- I am first introduced to Homestead Tessie and her calm nature just helped calm my soul in this hectic world. And soon I found a few more youtubers that I love - like Rain Country and others. I am slowly finding more that I like. What I have loved is all the things I have learned from these awesome ladies! And that learning has helped me so much. 

I am unable to volunteer at the thrift store and I don't think that I will be welcomed back when all this mess is over. So it is a good thing that I have other things in my life. And learning and doing all these new things have helped me feel accomplished. It has helped me feel like I am being a better steward of my property, home, and time and it has been a real blessing to me! It has helped pull me out of that pit that I had fallen into. 

So my best deal- is that God led me to the right church where I could freely worship Him! He led me to a great youtuber who inspired me to a more homestead type lifestyle! And He has given me plenty of wonderful things to fill my time! Yes - life is chaotic right now - the elections coming up just just a few weeks and the uncertainty of it all is a bit unsettling but keeping our eyes on Jesus and putting our trust in Him is the best deal we can have!! 

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