Friday, October 23, 2020

Dropping in to say a quick hello! :O)

 Good Morning~ Sorry for no posts for a few days. I have a few great ideas for some posts just haven't had a chance to get on here and get them written out. This has been a busy week. I have been working in our yard and cleaning up a big mess. Where we had our wood pile had gotten over grown with prickly, berry vines. Not only that but to be honest that whole area had gotten out of hand. Not neatly stacked wood and certainly not easily accessible when needed. So it was high time to get out there and work on cleaning it up. I sure wish I had have gotten a before photo so I could have shown you a before and after, once I am done- not there yet. 

So our temperatures have been in the 80's the last few days and today it is suppose top be lowering throughout the day. It was hard to decide what to wear. I put on jeans and am actually hot right now. But when I go get groceries later, I will probably be glad that I have them on. Then Sunday - another day in the 80's- and then it is suppose to have a cold few days with rain. Weird weather we are having. How about where you live? 

This week my husband and I got out and voted! We were very lucky because when we got to the place to vote - there was NO line! and we were in and out of there in about 10 minutes or so. I was SO happy to have that out of the way! And for the first time in all the years that I have voted - I got an "I voted" sticker!! That was awesome! After we voted we went to Dickies for lunch - they have an awesome baked potato and they put tanglers on top! Tanglers are little onion rings. They are delicious!! And they had chocolate ice cream. They kind of go back and forth so you never know what they will have. I think it is fun! Something to look forward to in this crazy, mixed up world of ours. 

Well I am hoping to get some posts typed up soon. Hope you all are doing well. 

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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