Tuesday, September 1, 2020

This and That Tuesday

Ok - what is up with Blogger? Now when I upload photos - instead of showing photos - it has all sorts of writing and it just messes with my mind and my ability to add the text that I want to add. Do any of you know if I can change it back or is this just the way it is now? This old sinful world has me a bit more fragile than usual. There is so much negativitiy in the world. And I really don't want to add to that negativity but I do feel it is my responsibility to share with you all that I see a rough time ahead of us. And I think it would be great if we all worked to maybe put some extra food and supplies back. Food, water, pet supplies, first aid stuff. Things you think you may need. I don't know about your area but here were I live it has been harder to find some things that usual. It is weird to see the shelves so bare still. It isn't horrible- but there have been a few things I have wanted to buy and it is never at the store.
And just a little humor for you. This has really been a rough year. I have had more and more rough years lately. Last year was a rough year for me too. But this one seems even worse - things seem so oppresive in the world. I am thankful I have things here around the house to keep me busy. I am also having to spend less time in social media. Just too depressing. Like I do small doses - and sometimes I don't even try to get all the way caught up like I used to. I am sure I will miss important things but I need to work on having more peace in my life.

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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