Last week while I was watching some youtube videos - I saw something that I really wanted - a spray bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide. What an awesome idea to have it in a spray bottle. How much hydrogen peroxide have I wasted by pouring it over a booboo?! The person said they found it at either Dollar General or Dollar Tree - so I went to both places looking for one for my home with no luck. I was disappointed. Then this week I decided to use the last little bit of the deodorant that was in this great bottle. I am using a different deodorant now so I just wanted to use this up and when I saw how nicely it sprayed I thought this is the perfect bottle for hydrogen peroxide! So I pulled the label off- it came off pretty easily but underneath it was quite sticky...

Then when I was watching a youtube video from "At Home With Lynn Wilson" She was talking about reusing containers for storage and she gave the best life hack!
Put several drops of Lemon essential oil on a paper towel and rub the sticky off. So I tried it on this bottle and it worked great! Then I put some duck tape on this bottle and labeled it -so we will know what is in this spray bottle. I am so happy. I have a spray bottle of hydrogen peroxide and I did not have to pay any extra money to have it! :O)
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