Friday, September 11, 2020

One of my favorite Youtubers - How to make homemade Neosporin

Good morning~ Today I want to share a video with you all. This is the youtuber who got me into loving youtube videos. Homestead Tessie. I have shared about her before I am sure. I am so thankful that another blogger shared her video because I may have never come across her videos. So that is one reason I will share some of my favorite videos - so that you are able to discover new youtubers that you may not have been introduced to before. 

This video actually shows how to make neosporin and also a first aid spray on. 

I am in the process of gathering ingredients so I can make some neosporin. I need to get some containers as well. 


Can you believe that it has been 19 years since 9/11 happened?! It has flown by. Do you remember what you were doing that fateful morning? I am sure we all do. After it happened I remember everyone coming together as a country. I hope that going past this day will help remind us of those feelings and help people be more patriotic. We have a great country and we need to keep it that way. This destroying our own country is crazy... Praying that God will bring peace to our country - and if that doesn't happen -then at least to our hearts. 

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