Yesterday I shared about tripping and how I know that God watched over me. Well this week has been a rough one. In fact, falling was not the first of my mishaps for the week - but by that time I was thinking I might need to get me some bubble wrap to wrap up in for protection. lol But seriously, on Sunday I hurt my ring finger on my left hand. I was afraid I had broke it because when the basketball hit my finger it twisted and made a weird noise or two. Then Monday when I went to run a load of clothes my washer would not work. We had Maytag Neptune washer and dryer for over 15 years - probably closer to 18. Anyway we had done a few repairs on the washer over the years but this time it was dead. Then I fell on Tuesday. I am being very careful because after so much going wrong in one week gives you reason for pause. But I expect a good rest of the week.
How about you guys~ How are you all doing?
On to our post for today....
See these green onions?

Yes, I really should have already processed these onions but a few things came up.
Anyway the last batch of green onions I bought - I took the ends that I had cut off and I planted them in one of my herb gardens.

Less than a week later this is what I found:
I am so excited to see the growth. So every time I get these onions I will be planting them and then I will not have to buy them as often!!!
This is something that I learned from Homestead Tessie- but I just can't remember which video I saw it in or I would share the video as well. But I wanted to give her the credit.
When I went to try to look it up I found some other videos - that show this long drawn out method- of regrowing green onions - that includes leaving longer ends and putting them in water and letting the root system grow out some and then plant them. But it seems that it is just as successful to just take the ends and plant them!!
When I went to try to look it up I found some other videos - that show this long drawn out method- of regrowing green onions - that includes leaving longer ends and putting them in water and letting the root system grow out some and then plant them. But it seems that it is just as successful to just take the ends and plant them!!
I wanted to share to share this just in case someone else is interested, who knows some of you may already do this! :O)
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