Wednesday, September 30, 2020
My Run In With The THW
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Learning New Skills
I bought a couple of boxes of apples and a box of peaches from Idaho. Once I got them I had to get busy. I had lots to do. Thankfully my husband helped me with the first batch of apple sauce. I was a little intimated with the process and with a new tool for my kitchen(see below).
Washed all the apples and we got the apples cut into sections

Monday, September 28, 2020
Rogue Plants
Sunday, September 27, 2020
My Best Deal
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Friday, September 25, 2020
Alternatives to Dry Oven Canning
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Green Onions, Over and Over Again

When I went to try to look it up I found some other videos - that show this long drawn out method- of regrowing green onions - that includes leaving longer ends and putting them in water and letting the root system grow out some and then plant them. But it seems that it is just as successful to just take the ends and plant them!!
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
What the Prayers of Others Can Do!
Yesterday morning I got a text from a sweet friend, letting me know that she was praying for me. Within an hour - I fell. I was organizing some canning stuff and working in my sun room and going back and forth between sun room and other places in the house. On the 3rd time doing the same thing- I accidently tripped over some things in the sunroom and fell- I had a box with 12 canning quart sized jars that were filled in my hands when I fell. And I was worried that I was about to bust all my jars into a door facing. Thankfully I fell before the door facing and was able to get the jars down to the ground- although that made all sorts of noise they did not break. I landed on my left knee (the same knee that I had injured a year or so ago - by falling down a couple of step in our RV landing on the exact same area of my knee and below the knee.
I attribute the fact that I did not get any more hurt than I did and that none of the jars broke to the fact that my friend had prayed for me and I had my angels watching over me. As I think back over the fall it seemed as though some how I was able to set the box of jars down on the ground and it seems so unnatural to happens so smoothly as I was falling but I truly believe that my angel helped me. I am so thankful and grateful that my friend followed through with the prompting from the Holy Spirit to pray for me. My left knee is awfully sore, but it could be so much worse. I truly believe that this prayer protected me from being seriously hurt.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020
More Important Dehydrating Tips
I may not be able to have a post about dehydrating every single week - it has just worked out that I have dehydrated enough things lately that I have something to say about every week so far. But I am not a one minded tunnel vision type of homesteader. I have many different interests going. I am learning a whole lot of things. And as I learn things I will be sharing with you all. Just in case the things I have learned can help you along your journey through life.
So last week I dehydrated something that not only surprised me but taught me a few things and I wanted to pass these things along to you as well.
So as I was doing some dehydrating I decided to start dehydrating some marshmallows. I had watched a youtube video so I was prepared for marshmallows not to shrink like many other foods do when you dehydrate them. But I still ran across something that surprised me.
So once you have had the marshmallows going for a while and it is time to check them - you will not get an accurate idea of if they are done for not unless you let them cool off. So where I went wrong was once the timer went off and I went to check the marshmellows I would find them not done. This went on for a few hours. Finally it we time to go to bed and I did not want it going all night nor did I want the 20 beeps going on sometime during the night and waking me up, so I just turned the unit off. The next morning before I started the dehydrator again something nudged me to try a marshmallow and sure enough they were done. You can just squeeze them between your fingers and it should crumble- it is firm and takes a good amount of pressure but it will crumble.
So this same concept also happens with bananas.
Monday, September 21, 2020
Money Saving Idea - Homemade Taco Seasoning

You can adjust it to what ever matches your taste better.
Friday, September 18, 2020
Being a Keeper At Home
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Benefits of Sprouting
I don't think I got a photo of some great information about broccoli seeds and sprouting them - broccili along with all of the cruciferous family - which are all very good for cancer fighting! So when you sprout broccoli seeds - you get a whole lot of cancer protection!! I am thankful that I ordered a pound of broccoli seeds already. This will be something I eat a lot of! :)
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
A Monster Created? You
Monday, September 14, 2020
Money Saving Idea
Sunday, September 13, 2020
My Best Deal
It has been quite some time since I was able to do a My Best Deal post. And certainly hardly any over the last 5 months. To be honest, I have not gone to hardly any thrift store of place to get a great deal.
As you probably know I have had to take a break from volunteering at my favorite little thrift store because they are requiring masks - and I can not wear one. So I have not been able to shop there either. On Tuesday I had a box of movies we were getting rid of and I stopped by to see if they would take them and come to find out they are still having a few things outside and then they have some boxes of free stuff. Well I certainly could not leave there without looking through the free boxes.
They had a box of books - several of them still had the plastic wrap on them indicating them to be new. This book that I got from an author I know I like was in new condition. Pricing on the back of it said it would have cost me 9.99 brand new! I got it for FREE! What a deal!!
Saturday, September 12, 2020
Sabbath Praises
Friday, September 11, 2020
One of my favorite Youtubers - How to make homemade Neosporin
Thursday, September 10, 2020
I Struck Gold!
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Update on the Sprouting
And in a week I had a great harvest. My flash on my phone washed out the color but you can still see.
Now if there are several of you eating the sprouts then maybe you would want to put more seed in each level - but since I am the only one eating the sprouts my 1 1/2 teaspoons was a great amount. Now a little secret that I have since learned from my Mom is that you may want to start a level one day and then start the second level the next day and so forth so that they will stagger on when they are ready.
Oh!! I forgot an important step - so each time you water - you will move the top level down to the bottom level of clear sections. So you are always rotating them. This is very important.
Right now I have eaten 1 tray of sprouts and it is washed and ready to start tomorrow. I have started a tray of broccoli seeds. And I have 1 tray of alfalfa sprouts that I will move to the fridge more than likely tomorrow.
A friend said that she was going to do some lentils - so I may actually start a tray of lentil sprouts the next time that I water my sprouter. That way I can see what they will do.
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
Dehydrating - Hoping for the Best, Prepare for the Worst
Well a couple of things that I have learned - it works better if your pieces are uniform and it is challenging to make your pieces uniform. Many people use a mandolin - I will not - I think they are dangerous - I would rather have uneven pieces than a chance for something to get hurt.
Monday, September 7, 2020
A Great Life Hack
Last week while I was watching some youtube videos - I saw something that I really wanted - a spray bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide. What an awesome idea to have it in a spray bottle. How much hydrogen peroxide have I wasted by pouring it over a booboo?! The person said they found it at either Dollar General or Dollar Tree - so I went to both places looking for one for my home with no luck. I was disappointed. Then this week I decided to use the last little bit of the deodorant that was in this great bottle. I am using a different deodorant now so I just wanted to use this up and when I saw how nicely it sprayed I thought this is the perfect bottle for hydrogen peroxide! So I pulled the label off- it came off pretty easily but underneath it was quite sticky...

Sunday, September 6, 2020
Some Great Posts Coming Up
Just wanted to check in for a few minutes and say I have some great posts coming up this week! We have a great life hack that involves lemon oil. Then I will share about my journey with my new dehydrator. I can't wait to share this with you all! I have a money saving post and a great tip. Lots of great things to share with you all. I hope that some of my posts help make life easier for you and more enjoyable.
I do not like wearing a mask so to be honest I am spending more and more time at home. And I have been having a lot of fun learning new things. It has really helped me deal with all of the stress in the world. Anyway I hope that I am able to contribute to peace in your life. I don't want to be one more thing that causes stress - I would like to share things that help bring peace and enjoyment of life. May God continue to bless you as you walk along this journey called life. :O)
Saturday, September 5, 2020
Sabbath Praises
Friday, September 4, 2020
Sometimes You Just Don't Understand Till The Things Actually Happen Or Are About To Happen
"God's dealings with rebellion will result in fully unmasking the work that has so long been carried on undercover. The results of Satan's rule, the fruits of setting aside the divine statues, will be laid open to the view of all created intelligences. The law of God will stand fully vindicated. It will be seen that all the dealings of God have been conducted with reference to the eternal good of His people, and the good of all the worlds that He has created. Satan himself, in the presence of the witnessing universe, will confess the justice of God's government and the righteousness of His law."
Best Cookbooks for Bread and a Secret
No - I did not forget that I was going to share a secret today.
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Why I am now saving my dryer lint and so much more
I have always wanted to do something useful with my lint, happy to have something to do with it!!
Yesterday my husband came home from work not feeling good. He still does not feel good today. He is at work and has to work a double shift s...
I have found an excellent resource for healthy living. Here is a link to the site The World's Healthiest Foods . There is a li...