Thursday, January 2, 2020

Word of the Year

So I was asked recently if I had pick a word for the year yet. Well to be honest I had not even given it any thought at all. And this question was asked on New Year's Eve.  Well just a couple of short hours later a friend posted this meme on Facebook and I just had to share it with this post. 

I had not thought about picking a word at all. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised because like this past year - I had picked the word "Joy" and I had thought that was the word. It has come up a couple of different times and so I thought that was the word but as the year progressed it became even more clear that - Joy was not my word for 2019.
Acceptance seemed to be the word.
Acceptance of what I can not change. 
Acceptance of myself 
Acceptance of me - just the way I am. 

I spent some time on New Year's Eve thinking about past words - and I also decided that I will be writing down my words in a special book each year so that I can look back and see where I have been and what direction I am going. 
are just a few of the words of the year that I have had over the past 6 years or so. 

For some reason the word "Glorious" really stands out to me. I don't know if it is because the Christmas program the church choir put on sang several different songs that spoke of it but it is intriguing/ I may end up being surprised at God revealing a totally different word to me over this new year - but for now I will be spending some time studying about how "Glorious" our Saviour is and what He may want to teach me this year through this word. 

Have you pick out a word for the year? If so what is is? I would love to hear - so please leave a comment. :O) 

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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