Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Organizing and Grace

 Hello~ I finally have a few free moments and thought I would come and try to get a post written up. Today is the first day in quite some time that I have not had a commitment of some sort. Earlier this week I went to a Basic Gardening class. Then Monday night I went to a Quilt Guild meeting with a friend. Then Tuesday night was my 3rd Strength training class out of 6 total. This is not something I would have done on my own if my son and a couple of my friends from church hadn't decided to go. I know that class has been a benefit and has helped push me out of my comfort zone and also to dial up my workouts.

I am still working in the book section at the thrift store. These are photos that I have from a couple of years ago. so in these photos there are many books stacked horizontal - well we didn't have much of that but we did have where there was a row of books - with an entire row placed in front, making it hard to see what was behind them. I can not wait to get some great photos of how it is looking now and share them with you. I have tried to organize the books and put certain type books together. Some of the sections include:

  • devotionals 
  • missionary stories 
  • books for pastors and teachers
  • cookbooks 
  • health and fitness
  • biographies 
  • fiction 
  • non fiction 
  • educational 
  • self help 
  • traveling 
  • crafts/hobbies
  • Spanish books 
  • family/marriage

Tomorrow I will work on getting a few more new books put out and I will also be labeling what type books to put in the certain areas - that way when other people put books out we can keep the area organized and nice.
In the back room we have many boxes of books to put out. Tuesday I put out at least 4 boxes - and we have a pile of 10 boxes of books to donate to a nearby Dorcas. It feels good not only to get out books section in better shape but also to be able to bless others by us passing along books that were not selling.

Have you ever heard the analogy of someone getting pulled over and the cop just giving them a warning and how when you drive away - you will follow the road laws because of the grace given - and not just speed away and do what ever you want? This is given in order to help people understand that just because God gives us grace does not give us licence to do what ever we want. That we will out of the love we feel want to do that which pleases Him because of the grace given,. Well I understand then now more than ever. 

This morning I decided to take a small batch of clothes, a couple of pairs of shoes and a purse to the consignment store in the next town over. I decided to drive some back roads. As I was driving down the road almost into the next town proper - I saw a police officer - and to be honest I could not tell you what the speed limit was there - because I don't go that way very often and I hadn't paid attention - but I felt like I had been speeding and sure enough as I drove past I noticed his vehicle come out on the road and turn his lights on. I drove up a bit to where it looked like I could pull at least half way off the road safely and pulled over. I pulled out my drivers licence and my insurance card. 
He asked for those things when he got to the window and also asked for a good phone number for me. He went back to his car and I quickly sent my husband a text message to tell him I would probably be getting a ticket. The police officer came back to my window - "Seeing that you don't make a habit out of speeding - I am going to let it slide this time." What a relief I felt! It was such a blessing from God. I had held my emotions pretty good until he said that and then I could feel myself getting emotional. As I pulled away from the police care I was so thankful for the grace and mercy given me. And I remembered that little analogy that I shared above. And as I drove away I wanted to to my best to follow the speed limit and such to show respect and gratitude for the grace I had been given. Oh by the way - I was going 45 in a 30 zone...yikes. I will be paying better attention to the traffic signs you can count on that!! 
Thankfully I was able to pull myself together shortly after getting to the consignment store and got that batch turned in.

Hopefully I will have a chance to check back in soon. Hope you all are doing well. :O)

1 comment:

Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

How God Handles Our Hospitality