Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Beginning Another One....

In the middle of 2016 I started keeping track of my clothing purchases. This was an idea that I gleaned from my sister. I am SO very glad that I started doing this. It has helped me to be more particular in what I buy. You see - when I had to go home and write down what I bought and how much I paid for it and then as I would add up how much I was spending I realized that even thought I was shopping at thrift stores I was buying quite a lot of stuff and spending a good amount of money. I have watched as slowly over the last several years I have spent less and less. 

Not only is being more particular helping with me spending less - but also another thing that I discovered from my sister and that is taking clothes that I no longer served it's purpose in my closet to a consignment store and making a little money off of the clothes I no longer enjoyed wearing. This helps me offset what money I spend on clothes each month/year.

This year I needed to start a new purchase book. So I bought this pretty pink one. 
I wanted to show you how I set up my book. This is the page at the beginning of each year. I keep track monthly as to how many items I buy, how much I spend, how much credit, and then a total once I subtract the credit from how much I spent to begin with. 

And at the end of each month I figure up how much I have spent.
This method has really helped me do a lot better at choosing clothes that I really love instead of just a lot of it will do clothing. And in the past I have done this. 

When my Mother-in-law had her store and bakery we had a several spread sheets that had to be worked each week. When she was sick or busy I would work these spread sheets and I really enjoyed it! So this is a fun activity for me as well. 

It was interesting and eye opening for sure as I began to keep track of my purchases. I was surprised at how much I was really spending on clothing. And I am glad to be able to say that each year I spend a less. I probably have a ways to go in getting a better handle on my spending on clothes, but I am happy in the direction things are going. And I am much happier with my closet than I have been in the past~ Another great bonus!! 


  1. Renee is the follow button not showing up any more? When I come to my site I see it and my list of blogs I follow to the left. I am not quite sure what to do if it is not showing up for you...? Hmmmm


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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