Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Healthy Tidbits--A little different slant today....

Monday morning I spent about 1 1/2 hours working in my back yard. I had a fall garden to plant. I also needed to do a little work on existing plants. Along with a weight workout before my garden work - I got a full workout for the day.

Last week I was listening to a health program on Amazing Discoveries _ I can not remember what the name of the program was but one thing stood out to me and I thought it would be very beneficial to share - especially after talking about spending so much time working in my garden. What was said is that something happens when a person works in with soil. By working in dirt something takes place and helps lower your chances for depression. I can not explain all the reasons of how this happens- all I know is that I believe it to be true.

Not only is working in the dirt good for you - but just think usually you are also outside in the fresh air and sunshine and getting exercise. ALL of these things are so important to good health.

I am so excited to have gotten my fall garden planted. This will be the first Fall garden we have done -and I am very excited about it. I can't wait for the cooler mornings when I can spend time out in my garden. It will be so wonderful!!

So you may be wondering what I planted. So here is a list for you:

  • cucumbers 
  • yellow squash
  • swiss chard (more) 
  • spinach
  • beets 
  • carrots
  • tomatoes
  • jalapenos 
  • red pepper 
  • parsley - I used the seeds that I got off my plant that went to seed 
I still have cherry tomatoes and okra growing in my garden. This morning I spent at least 30 minutes or more working at getting the dead branches off of my tomato plants...there were ALOT. But I have heard that if you get the dead branches off - that it makes it easier for the plant to feed what is growing and you get more tomatoes that way. I could not help but think of how sometimes in our lives we have a lot of dead branches that have to be plucked off. And even though it isn't the most pleasant job to do - or live through - what is on the other side is well worth the effort and the pain. I am thankful that God loves us enough to spend what ever time in needed working at learning off all the dead, useless branches. And by doing so makes way for the beautiful fruit of the Spirit. 
Oh and just in case you are wondering about my little mimosa tree- well the first few days I was truly worried about it. It's little tiny branches just hung down, but I continued to water it every day and encouraged it to grow. And now? Even though it looks like grasshopper have gotten some of its leaves- it has perked up and I believe it will make it after all. It is small and it will take some time to grow to the point of giving off the cute little pink puffs but one day it will and I can't wait! 

You never know what will work and what won't and so you have to be willing to try things out and see. You might be surprised! I know I have been. It's fun learning and growing - by working in the garden.

Tuesday morning I was so thankful that I had gotten out on Monday morning to plant my garden since we had a good amount of rain go through the area. I was thankful because I had "water garden" on my "To Do" list for the day - and I did not have to water it because Jesus watered it for me. Praise the Lord!! 

So the healthy tidbit for today - working in the garden can help with depression. And also our health involves more than just our bodies - it also involves our soul and by allowing the Master Gardener to prune the things needed - gives way to the beautiful fruit of the Spirit. :O) 

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