Friday, August 16, 2019

A Life Hack

I found a life hack for myself. And I wanted to share it with you. I am not sure if you have a tax free week end where you live but here in Texas - Usually the beginning of August area there is a week end where things like clothes and school supplies are tax free. It is a great time to get basics like socks. I have had the most difficult time finding socks I like. I like ankle socks. I like them to fit well at the ankle- I don't like really loose ones that slide down, but I don't want tight ones either. It seems that lately I have had more misses than hits when it has come to the socks I have bought. And when that happens I feel like I have wasted money. Well this year I was in the men's section getting my husband some socks and underwear. Then I made my way over to the women's section. None of the socks looked like they would work for me and I almost didn't buy anything. But then as I was leaving the women's section I thought - I ought to check out what the men's section has in the way of ankle sock. And I was so happy to see this package of socks. I threw them into my basket. I knew that if I did not like them - that one of my son's would be able to get some use out of them- so no wasted money.  
My husband does not like ankle socks so there will still be a clear line as to whose socks are whose. 

I ended up really liking them. They fit my ankle very nicely - not too loose and not too tight. I am so glad that I found this life hack. Sometimes you just have to step out of the box to find the things that work the best for you. :O)

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