Friday, August 23, 2019

Building a Great Library

I am guessing you have figured out by now that I love books! Actual books!! And I am slowly building a great library. That works by gathering great books. Not all books I have bought or read have been great books. Some books I read and I love them and know they will be part of my library. Other books - I just don't care that much for them and so I pass them on. They may bless someone else more than they blessed me. And they may be library worthy books for someone else.
God has blessed me with some great books for my library.

This past week a friend had some books that she was getting rid of and asked me if there were any that I was looking for specifically - well yes there is!! Last year one of my best friend's daughters needed this book for school:

I told her she could have my copy. I wrote a nice little message inside telling her that I think she will make an excellent teacher one day soon! I have been looking for a book to replace it but just hadn't found one yet. And it became a blessing to me that I hadn't. I got this older copy from 1941 for free. Have I mentioned that I love, love old books!?! 

I had old, yellowing paperback books of these two great books- I was so excited when she had these nice older, hard back copies of these books! What an up grade for my library?! 

Then she had some of the devotional books. I kept several of them for myself to enjoy.  

But was able to take a bag of devotional books to a lady I know who sends devotionals back to the Philippines where she is from. It was great to be able to bless her - and bless those who receive the books. You never know how many people will be influenced by these books and what ripple effect it will have around the world. 

I love having a great library of books! It is a great resource to have. It's also great to share books with others so they too can be blessed! And Bless others as well! :O) 

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