Saturday, August 31, 2019
Friday, August 30, 2019
Gentle Yet Persistent
“What an interesting idea: God is prodding us on a regular basis, seeking to lead us, guide us, and move us to do His will and to live as His people. God‘s prod is gentle yet persistent. And yet, unlike the old farmer who goads his oxen so hard they can’t help but obey, God allows us to resist His goading.”
~quote from the new book we are reading in Sabbath School- The Call written by Adam HamiltonThursday, August 29, 2019
Another Glance at Grace
Have you seen the move "The Grace Card"?
I watched it a couple of years ago. It is a great movie. I hope I don't give away too much about the movie- especially for those of you who may not have seen the movie yet, but their is talk about a "Grace Card" and here is what it says:
Up until recent events in my own life - I didn't quite understand the importance of these words.
Sometimes it takes a lot for God to get a point across to me and this- I guess is one of those times.
Sometimes it takes a lot for God to get a point across to me and this- I guess is one of those times.
The last couple of years God has really been working with me on learning more about grace- mostly about His grace but also about the importance of me showing others His grace.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Healthy Tidbits--A little different slant today....
Monday morning I spent about 1 1/2 hours working in my back yard. I had a fall garden to plant. I also needed to do a little work on existing plants. Along with a weight workout before my garden work - I got a full workout for the day.
Last week I was listening to a health program on Amazing Discoveries _ I can not remember what the name of the program was but one thing stood out to me and I thought it would be very beneficial to share - especially after talking about spending so much time working in my garden. What was said is that something happens when a person works in with soil. By working in dirt something takes place and helps lower your chances for depression. I can not explain all the reasons of how this happens- all I know is that I believe it to be true.
Not only is working in the dirt good for you - but just think usually you are also outside in the fresh air and sunshine and getting exercise. ALL of these things are so important to good health.
I am so excited to have gotten my fall garden planted. This will be the first Fall garden we have done -and I am very excited about it. I can't wait for the cooler mornings when I can spend time out in my garden. It will be so wonderful!!
So you may be wondering what I planted. So here is a list for you:
Last week I was listening to a health program on Amazing Discoveries _ I can not remember what the name of the program was but one thing stood out to me and I thought it would be very beneficial to share - especially after talking about spending so much time working in my garden. What was said is that something happens when a person works in with soil. By working in dirt something takes place and helps lower your chances for depression. I can not explain all the reasons of how this happens- all I know is that I believe it to be true.
Not only is working in the dirt good for you - but just think usually you are also outside in the fresh air and sunshine and getting exercise. ALL of these things are so important to good health.
I am so excited to have gotten my fall garden planted. This will be the first Fall garden we have done -and I am very excited about it. I can't wait for the cooler mornings when I can spend time out in my garden. It will be so wonderful!!
So you may be wondering what I planted. So here is a list for you:
- cucumbers
- yellow squash
- swiss chard (more)
- spinach
- beets
- carrots
- tomatoes
- jalapenos
- red pepper
- parsley - I used the seeds that I got off my plant that went to seed
I still have cherry tomatoes and okra growing in my garden. This morning I spent at least 30 minutes or more working at getting the dead branches off of my tomato plants...there were ALOT. But I have heard that if you get the dead branches off - that it makes it easier for the plant to feed what is growing and you get more tomatoes that way. I could not help but think of how sometimes in our lives we have a lot of dead branches that have to be plucked off. And even though it isn't the most pleasant job to do - or live through - what is on the other side is well worth the effort and the pain. I am thankful that God loves us enough to spend what ever time in needed working at learning off all the dead, useless branches. And by doing so makes way for the beautiful fruit of the Spirit.
Oh and just in case you are wondering about my little mimosa tree- well the first few days I was truly worried about it. It's little tiny branches just hung down, but I continued to water it every day and encouraged it to grow. And now? Even though it looks like grasshopper have gotten some of its leaves- it has perked up and I believe it will make it after all. It is small and it will take some time to grow to the point of giving off the cute little pink puffs but one day it will and I can't wait!
You never know what will work and what won't and so you have to be willing to try things out and see. You might be surprised! I know I have been. It's fun learning and growing - by working in the garden.
Tuesday morning I was so thankful that I had gotten out on Monday morning to plant my garden since we had a good amount of rain go through the area. I was thankful because I had "water garden" on my "To Do" list for the day - and I did not have to water it because Jesus watered it for me. Praise the Lord!!
Tuesday morning I was so thankful that I had gotten out on Monday morning to plant my garden since we had a good amount of rain go through the area. I was thankful because I had "water garden" on my "To Do" list for the day - and I did not have to water it because Jesus watered it for me. Praise the Lord!!
So the healthy tidbit for today - working in the garden can help with depression. And also our health involves more than just our bodies - it also involves our soul and by allowing the Master Gardener to prune the things needed - gives way to the beautiful fruit of the Spirit. :O)
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
What Fragrance Do You Have?
"There was a fragrance about the life, a nobility and loveliness of character, which revealed to all that he was connected with Heaven." PP142
I found this great quote in my Patriarch and Prophets books. It is a quote talking about Abraham. I thought that it was thought provoking and worth pondering.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Every Act of Life
Today I just wanted to share a quote that I found recently that really give way to a lot of thought. Something very serious for us to consider.
"Every act of life, however small, has its bearing for good or for evil. Faithfulness or neglect in what are apparently the smallest duties may open the door for life's richest blessings or its greatest calamities. It is little things that test the character. It is the unpretending acts of daily self-denial, performed with a cheerful, willing heart, that God smiles upon. We are not to live for self, but for others. And it is only by self-forgetfulness, by cherishing a loving, helpful spirit, that we can make our life a blessing. The little attentions, the small, simple courtesies, go far to make up the sum of life's happiness, and the neglect of these constitutes no small share of human wretchedness." PP158
You can click on the PP158 above to go directly to the chapter that this quote came from and from there you can navigate around the book if you are interested. A very good book with a lot of things to ponder.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Sabbath Praises
Another awesome song I have found recently. It is certainly one of my favorites! It will bless your heart~ trust me. :O)
Friday, August 23, 2019
Building a Great Library
I am guessing you have figured out by now that I love books! Actual books!! And I am slowly building a great library. That works by gathering great books. Not all books I have bought or read have been great books. Some books I read and I love them and know they will be part of my library. Other books - I just don't care that much for them and so I pass them on. They may bless someone else more than they blessed me. And they may be library worthy books for someone else.
God has blessed me with some great books for my library.
This past week a friend had some books that she was getting rid of and asked me if there were any that I was looking for specifically - well yes there is!! Last year one of my best friend's daughters needed this book for school:

God has blessed me with some great books for my library.
This past week a friend had some books that she was getting rid of and asked me if there were any that I was looking for specifically - well yes there is!! Last year one of my best friend's daughters needed this book for school:
I told her she could have my copy. I wrote a nice little message inside telling her that I think she will make an excellent teacher one day soon! I have been looking for a book to replace it but just hadn't found one yet. And it became a blessing to me that I hadn't. I got this older copy from 1941 for free. Have I mentioned that I love, love old books!?!
I had old, yellowing paperback books of these two great books- I was so excited when she had these nice older, hard back copies of these books! What an up grade for my library?!

Then she had some of the devotional books. I kept several of them for myself to enjoy.
But was able to take a bag of devotional books to a lady I know who sends devotionals back to the Philippines where she is from. It was great to be able to bless her - and bless those who receive the books. You never know how many people will be influenced by these books and what ripple effect it will have around the world.
I love having a great library of books! It is a great resource to have. It's also great to share books with others so they too can be blessed! And Bless others as well! :O)
Thursday, August 22, 2019
I Am Content To Find My Treasures On The Racks......
"I am content to find my treasures on the racks of resale shops, knowing my true robe is woven on the looms in Heaven."
This is something one of my cousins shared recently on facebook. I thought it was beautiful and spoke so much truth. I think sometimes my husband feels bad because I buy clothes from thrift stores and goodwill. But I reassure him that I find some awesome things there. It takes a bit of time and effort - more so than just going to the local department store and picking this and that off the racks. But now that I have begun to be more particular in looking for things that I love - I have found that I am finding some great things. Now when I go shopping I have to be prepared not to find a thing. There have been quite a few times that I have left a store empty handed because I found nothing and that is alright. I would much rather leave with nothing than throw money away by buying something that "will do."
I have also figured out, thanks to my sister, that you have to be willing to look off season. Because I mostly wear short sleeved tops or sleeveless tops- very rarely would I look for fall and winter apparel. But when I began to notice that I did not enjoy wearing my fall and winter things as much because I didn't have as many favorite pieces and especially when I noticed that I didn't have hardly any long sleeved tops - I began to spend time all throughout the year looking for fall and winter things. And I have to say that I can not wait for Fall and Winter to get here this year- I probably have the best wardrobe I have had in many years for these seasons. I will continue to look because there are a few gaps here and there in my wardrobe and I have a couple of specific things I am looking for and hope I can find them.
I have also figured out, thanks to my sister, that you have to be willing to look off season. Because I mostly wear short sleeved tops or sleeveless tops- very rarely would I look for fall and winter apparel. But when I began to notice that I did not enjoy wearing my fall and winter things as much because I didn't have as many favorite pieces and especially when I noticed that I didn't have hardly any long sleeved tops - I began to spend time all throughout the year looking for fall and winter things. And I have to say that I can not wait for Fall and Winter to get here this year- I probably have the best wardrobe I have had in many years for these seasons. I will continue to look because there are a few gaps here and there in my wardrobe and I have a couple of specific things I am looking for and hope I can find them.
Another great reason why I love shopping at resale shops is that styles come in and out of fashion - but I am a girl that if I like something it is in fashion for me - whether or not it is in fashion at the time. I will not be ruled by people I don't even know that try to tell me what to wear or what not to wear. They don't know me or what looks good on me. I am an individual and as I learn what works great on my body - those will be the things I wear.
What we wear does not define our value. We don't have to spend hundreds of dollars on clothes in order to make ourselves of more value. Our value comes because we are a child of God! I am so thankful for this. Because of this I can shop where I enjoy shopping and find great things that work for me and not spend very much money doing it.
Update on my mimosa tree- last night I went and dug my little tree up from where it was growing. I brought it home and We got it planted. Then I watered it really good. During this hot weather I usually go outside in the middle of the afternoon and I clean out my chickens swimming pool and get them fresh water. Many times the heat and them using pool has most of the water gone. I usually water my basic plants during this time. I will be watering my mimosa tree and hopefully it will do great in its new home- my yard! :0)
Update on my mimosa tree- last night I went and dug my little tree up from where it was growing. I brought it home and We got it planted. Then I watered it really good. During this hot weather I usually go outside in the middle of the afternoon and I clean out my chickens swimming pool and get them fresh water. Many times the heat and them using pool has most of the water gone. I usually water my basic plants during this time. I will be watering my mimosa tree and hopefully it will do great in its new home- my yard! :0)
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Healthy Tidbits
I have found a great resource for some great programs. These programs are aired on 3abn - but unless you have Dish Network - you probably don't get 3abn. On Dish Network 3ABN is on channel 9393. This program is called Optimize 4 Life, a lot of great information in a 30 minute program. This is the very first program they had ~"Preparing to Optimize for Life"
I hope that this information will help you on your journey towards better health. Come back next week when I will share another great video- if you don't want wait you can always go to youtube and see what you can find. :O)
I hope that this information will help you on your journey towards better health. Come back next week when I will share another great video- if you don't want wait you can always go to youtube and see what you can find. :O)
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Just Another Triple Day
Yesterday was our 10th day of triple temperature days. And today and tomorrow we will probably be in the same boat.
The beginning of summer I had thought that we might have a mild summer - but I was wrong.This morning I needed to make a batch of cookies for someone having surgery tomorrow. So since my house would be heated up - I decided to make up a batch of Rosemary/Olive Bread as well. It felt good to get that stuff done. Of course - here in Texas when you have to bake - you better get up early and bake while it is cool so that your house doesn't struggle so much to stay cool in these triple digit temps. So that is what I did. Early morning or evenings is when you do your yard work or gardening as well. I am So looking forward to Fall!
This time of year is when I spray this around my house. It helps me hold on a little longer.
I am seriously considering pulling out my Fall Deco box and start decorating the house for fall! Maybe that would get it here faster. I could try! lol :O)
Soon to Begin Reading This
This week we are reading the last chapter in our Max Lucado book - "Traveling Light" It has been a pretty good book. A funny thing - way back about 28 years when I read my first Max Lucado book - I loved it and I thought it was very good. Don't get me wrong - I don't - don't like Max Lucado books - it's just after ready Morris Venden and E.G. White books that are so much deeper - the Lucado books don't seem as deep. But of course it could just be this Traveling Light book - and that he kept it light since the name of it says Traveling Light. Anyway good book - just not a favorite I would consider reading again - like the books from the other authors mentioned.
So we had a vote and this is the next book we will read. It is only 6 chapters long- and there is a video that we will watch at the beginning of the class. I think it sounds like a very interesting book. But a interesting thing- when this book was introduced for our voting - there were a couple of people that said they really did not like Paul. And it has to do with some of the things he said. Well I might be very naive but I have always believed that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and so I have had nothing but respect for all those who contributed to it. Now I do have to admit that sometimes I have a hard time understanding what is in the books of the Bible that he wrote but that is not anything against him - it is me. I think that the Bible is an amazing book that will keep us all on the edge of our seats - as we learn new things all throughout our lives- because the Bible is SO deep that it would take several lifetimes to really get it all. One day - in Heaven it will be amazing because our brain's capacity will be SO much larger than what it is now and we will finally grasp things that have long been elusive.
I will probably do an update and let you know what I thought about the book once we have read it. Just because that's what I like to do. Now if you don't hear anything at all about it - you can assume that I wasn't that impressed with it. I do feel that it will be quite interesting and that new insight will be gained by reading it. It's not the normal kind of book that I read but I think it will be a growth experience for me and our class.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Try and Try Again
Have you tried a fruit or vegetable and just didn't like it? Well I have too. But as I have been studying nutrition, I have realized how valuable those fruits and veggies are for us and so I have made myself try things more than once. You don't know if maybe you got a bad one and that is why you didn't like it.
When I was a young teenager - I remember picking blueberries when visiting my dad one time. I loved the blue berries. Well as and adult I just didn't eat many of them. Just as I was having to have chemo a friend gave me a couple of big bags of frozen blue berries and I remember making blueberry smoothies throughout chemo - and I honestly feel that the blueberries is one of the main reasons that my blood levels did not go way down -like they do for a lot of people. Each chemo brought the numbers down a bit but I never got into the dangerous levels that cause chemo to have to be postponed. I tried some fresh ones but just didn't like them that much. But realized how very good they are for you. Dr. J. Furhman suggests eating berries every day for good health! So I tried them again until I began to like them and then love them. Yes- sometimes the blueberries won't be as good but they are still good for you so I eat them anyway.
Brussel Sprouts were another thing that I have wanted to like. They are a cruciferous vegetable along with cabbage and broccili - another group of foods that is suggested to eat every day. These foods help protect against cancer. I have tried brussel sprouts several times - I have tried them fixed with a sauce and all but just didn't seem to like them. Well I picked up a package of baby brussel sprouts from Aldi's and I cooked them up for my lunch and lo and behold - I like them! I didn't have to do hardly anything to them. A little sprinkle of salt and they were good! I am so excited to like another healthy food.
As we eat healthy foods we gain a taste for healthier foods and enjoy them more and more. I am so happy that I kept trying. Are there foods you don't like? Well try them again and then again. You too, might find you like it after all! And what a benefit it is to you when they are healthy foods that give your body what it needs to be healthy! :O)
I would love to hear what healthy foods you used to not like but now you do?!
When I was a young teenager - I remember picking blueberries when visiting my dad one time. I loved the blue berries. Well as and adult I just didn't eat many of them. Just as I was having to have chemo a friend gave me a couple of big bags of frozen blue berries and I remember making blueberry smoothies throughout chemo - and I honestly feel that the blueberries is one of the main reasons that my blood levels did not go way down -like they do for a lot of people. Each chemo brought the numbers down a bit but I never got into the dangerous levels that cause chemo to have to be postponed. I tried some fresh ones but just didn't like them that much. But realized how very good they are for you. Dr. J. Furhman suggests eating berries every day for good health! So I tried them again until I began to like them and then love them. Yes- sometimes the blueberries won't be as good but they are still good for you so I eat them anyway.
Brussel Sprouts were another thing that I have wanted to like. They are a cruciferous vegetable along with cabbage and broccili - another group of foods that is suggested to eat every day. These foods help protect against cancer. I have tried brussel sprouts several times - I have tried them fixed with a sauce and all but just didn't seem to like them. Well I picked up a package of baby brussel sprouts from Aldi's and I cooked them up for my lunch and lo and behold - I like them! I didn't have to do hardly anything to them. A little sprinkle of salt and they were good! I am so excited to like another healthy food.
As we eat healthy foods we gain a taste for healthier foods and enjoy them more and more. I am so happy that I kept trying. Are there foods you don't like? Well try them again and then again. You too, might find you like it after all! And what a benefit it is to you when they are healthy foods that give your body what it needs to be healthy! :O)
I would love to hear what healthy foods you used to not like but now you do?!
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Sabbath Praise
This is such a beautiful song- I may have shared it before -it's such a great song it is worth listening to again. No matter where we find ourselves - we are not alone! He is always with us - on the hills or in the valleys. Praise be to God!!!
Friday, August 16, 2019
A Life Hack
I found a life hack for myself. And I wanted to share it with you. I am not sure if you have a tax free week end where you live but here in Texas - Usually the beginning of August area there is a week end where things like clothes and school supplies are tax free. It is a great time to get basics like socks. I have had the most difficult time finding socks I like. I like ankle socks. I like them to fit well at the ankle- I don't like really loose ones that slide down, but I don't want tight ones either. It seems that lately I have had more misses than hits when it has come to the socks I have bought. And when that happens I feel like I have wasted money. Well this year I was in the men's section getting my husband some socks and underwear. Then I made my way over to the women's section. None of the socks looked like they would work for me and I almost didn't buy anything. But then as I was leaving the women's section I thought - I ought to check out what the men's section has in the way of ankle sock. And I was so happy to see this package of socks. I threw them into my basket. I knew that if I did not like them - that one of my son's would be able to get some use out of them- so no wasted money.
My husband does not like ankle socks so there will still be a clear line as to whose socks are whose.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
God Hadn't Forgotten
Way, way back in 1989 my husband and I bought our first house. It was a little blue house with about 800 square feet. We were so happy with our little house. It felt good to own our own home. It had a mimosa tree in the front yard. I loved that tree with its pink little puff ball flowers!
You can click on this link to find out more about the trees if you are interested. I have not used this site I am just linking to site that I borrowed this photo from. Aren't they beautiful?
When we moved into our current home, I hated losing that tree. I had hoped to have another mimosa tree someday. Well that someday is now!!! Totally unexpectedly a friend told me that she has a mimosa tree growing near her apartment but there is no room for it - long term so asked if I wanted it?! Yes!!!! I was so excited. I began thinking where I wanted to plant this little tree- no it won't be as big as this one that I linked to starting off but that is alright. I am so thankful that God gave me the desire of my heart. I had forgotten about the tree and how I wanted a mimosa tree- but God hadn't forgotten.
This morning I dug out the hole where the trunk of my favorite tree had been. We lost this tree during the drought several years ago. And this seems like the perfect place for me little mimosa tree! I can not wait to get it planted and start watching it grow. As soon as I get it planted and can get a photo and share here - I will. Be watching for me baby mimosa tree!! :O)
You can click on this link to find out more about the trees if you are interested. I have not used this site I am just linking to site that I borrowed this photo from. Aren't they beautiful?
When we moved into our current home, I hated losing that tree. I had hoped to have another mimosa tree someday. Well that someday is now!!! Totally unexpectedly a friend told me that she has a mimosa tree growing near her apartment but there is no room for it - long term so asked if I wanted it?! Yes!!!! I was so excited. I began thinking where I wanted to plant this little tree- no it won't be as big as this one that I linked to starting off but that is alright. I am so thankful that God gave me the desire of my heart. I had forgotten about the tree and how I wanted a mimosa tree- but God hadn't forgotten.
This morning I dug out the hole where the trunk of my favorite tree had been. We lost this tree during the drought several years ago. And this seems like the perfect place for me little mimosa tree! I can not wait to get it planted and start watching it grow. As soon as I get it planted and can get a photo and share here - I will. Be watching for me baby mimosa tree!! :O)
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
It Was Okay
Monday, August 12, 2019
I Feel the Joy!
After I wrote the blog post "He IS More Than Capable" I ran across this great song on Facebook. I listened to it and enjoyed it. This was a day at home, the first one in a really long time. I had made bread in the morning before it got too hot out. I was able to figure out something I had been doing wrong with my bread and it actually turned out great except for the fact that when I was pulling the towel off that had been draped over the loaves - it pulled on one of the loaves and caused it to actually fall over the side - can you tell?
I cut off the part that went over - it actually went all the way to almost touching the rack in the oven. I was so thankful that it all came out of the bread pan smoothly. I just cut that section off and used it for something else. I have sliced this bread and it is delicious!! Plus I know what I did wrong and I know what to do next time do get great bread!! What a bonus!
This day was also a day that I worked on some blog posts - it was actually the very first day in over a month that I had been able to stay home all day long and I took advantage of it. Cleaning bathrooms was part of my day and what was so surprising is that as I was cleaning the bathroom - I realized how very joyful I felt! The first time in quite some time that I had felt joy like this! God was working in my life. Nothing had changed really other than my attitude. No more feeling sorry for myself. No more feeling frustrated. I felt joyful! I realize that things may pop up and I may feel some of those feelings again - but I now know what I can do about them. Instead of wallowing in them - I can give that burden back to God and trust that He is taking care of all of that. And know that He is healing my heart day by day. How about you listen to the song and see if it may bring some joy to your day as well?! :O)
I cut off the part that went over - it actually went all the way to almost touching the rack in the oven. I was so thankful that it all came out of the bread pan smoothly. I just cut that section off and used it for something else. I have sliced this bread and it is delicious!! Plus I know what I did wrong and I know what to do next time do get great bread!! What a bonus!
This day was also a day that I worked on some blog posts - it was actually the very first day in over a month that I had been able to stay home all day long and I took advantage of it. Cleaning bathrooms was part of my day and what was so surprising is that as I was cleaning the bathroom - I realized how very joyful I felt! The first time in quite some time that I had felt joy like this! God was working in my life. Nothing had changed really other than my attitude. No more feeling sorry for myself. No more feeling frustrated. I felt joyful! I realize that things may pop up and I may feel some of those feelings again - but I now know what I can do about them. Instead of wallowing in them - I can give that burden back to God and trust that He is taking care of all of that. And know that He is healing my heart day by day. How about you listen to the song and see if it may bring some joy to your day as well?! :O)
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Sabbath Praise
Good morning~ Today I wanted to share a special song. It means a lot to me. I have had the blessing to have some really great friends who love the Lord and who are there to lift me up when I am down. And when they are struggling they know they can contact me for extra prayers as well. I am so grateful for them.
I hope you all have a great week end! My husband is out of town this week end, which means I am having a quiet week end. Hope your week end is nice as well. :O)
I hope you all have a great week end! My husband is out of town this week end, which means I am having a quiet week end. Hope your week end is nice as well. :O)
Friday, August 9, 2019
She Was the Sermon
Over the last several months I have attended 2 funerals. I shared about the last one in my post "Howard and the Dragon Fly" The sad thing is that these two funerals involve the same family. Howard was the husband of the oldest niece of Joan, a 90 year old who passed away the end of July.
I don't plan on writing about every funeral I go to, but when they inspire me I just can't help but write about it.
The pastor spoke about a journal that had belonged to Joan. This journal had been the one that she had used during the month or so that she had been told that the cancer had spread and there was nothing they could do for her. The pastor shared how in her journal she wrote about what Proverbs she was reading that day and she would high light the ones that had really spoken to her and she would also read several Psalms during the same thing. In the whole journal there was no talk of bring hopeless in her circumstances. A situation that could easily cause anyone to be overwhelmed with sadness and hopelessness.
On the front page of the journal it has this quote:
A quote often attributed to Theodore Roosevelt, but she had her own version that she wrote below it:
I don't plan on writing about every funeral I go to, but when they inspire me I just can't help but write about it.
The pastor spoke about a journal that had belonged to Joan. This journal had been the one that she had used during the month or so that she had been told that the cancer had spread and there was nothing they could do for her. The pastor shared how in her journal she wrote about what Proverbs she was reading that day and she would high light the ones that had really spoken to her and she would also read several Psalms during the same thing. In the whole journal there was no talk of bring hopeless in her circumstances. A situation that could easily cause anyone to be overwhelmed with sadness and hopelessness.
On the front page of the journal it has this quote:
"Talk softly and carry a big stick"
A quote often attributed to Theodore Roosevelt, but she had her own version that she wrote below it:
"Speak softly and carry the Word of God."
And from the many testimonies,that is exactly what she did!
"Many Problems but the LORD will solve them all" was her paraphrase of Psalm 34:19. And the way she lived her life showed that she truly believed this.
Her life truly was a sermon.
Sometimes the most powerful sermons are the ones we see lived out in some one's life. That's why it's so important for us to live our lives close to Jesus so that He can come flowing out. We never know who may be watching.
Thursday, August 8, 2019
He IS More Than Capable
Yesterday I spoke a little about words unspoken, but I didn't give one aspect enough attention. So we will visit that today.
Sometimes works unspoken can become heavy. When we continue to carry around thoughts and feelings that hurt, they can turn into resentment and bitterness and that is a heavy burden to carry.
I think one reason why my husbands idea of writing the letter and giving the burden to God by saying:
Sometimes works unspoken can become heavy. When we continue to carry around thoughts and feelings that hurt, they can turn into resentment and bitterness and that is a heavy burden to carry.
I think one reason why my husbands idea of writing the letter and giving the burden to God by saying:
"It's yours God~ I'm done with it."
is so helpful is because we are no longer having to carry it. Whether we write it down or tell it to a trusted friend we will notice that the weight isn't quite as heavy. And as I learned sharing with my friend - it can also help you deal with the situation in a better way. But even sharing with a friend will not totally take away the burden- it'll lighten the load but not take it away completely. That is because our friends and family may be called to help carry our burdens but they aren't called to carry the whole burden.
"Bear one another's burdens, and in this way you'll be doing what Christ Himself would do."
Galatians 6:2
Sharing the burden with our friends and family may lighten the load but the only way to truly free ourselves from the hurt, resentment, and bitterness that can come while continuing to carry these burdens we were not intended to carry is to give them to God. He is more than capable of carrying the load.
I just had an AHA moment and I will need to share a little story to explain it.
My mother in law is now dependent on a walker and earlier this week I took her to a Dr. appointment. It was her first time out and about with her walker. the evening before the appointment she had explained to me how to fold the walker down and made a comment that she may have to help me get the walker into the car. I thought she was joking, but the next day when I got her to the care as she was holding onto the car door, she asked if she needed to come help me get it into the car. She didn't feel like I was capable and it kind of hurt my feelings. And as I wrote that God is capable of carrying our burdens, I realized that every time I am tempted to pick up the pain and disappointment of this broken relationship, I am giving God the idea that I don't feel He is capable of handling this burden. I am so thankful that I followed through with writing this post because it has helped me find the next step of healing.
- Give it to God
- Trust that He is capable of handling the burden
When we keep our burdens to ourselves they become very heavy burdens to carry.
When we share these burdens with a loved one the load becomes lighter, at least for a while.
But when we give the burdens to God, He is more than capable of carrying them and dealing with them. And it frees us up to receive healing from Him. Carrying the burden weighs us down and distracts us. It keeps our minds on the negative - on the hurt and the pain. But when God has the burden He can come in and wash those things away. He can heal us. Praise be to God!!!!
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Words Unspoken
Have you ever been in a situation in which you really wanted to defend yourself? Maybe you are in a situation that seems really unfair? Maybe someone has unfairly judged you? Or you feel the punishment is worse than the transgression? I have been in that kind of situation several times before and find myself there yet again. Will this be the last time? Sadly - I don't think so.
I have really wanted to write a letter to defend myself. I wanted to point out that although it took me a while, I have figured some things out. I have wanted to write this letter so badly that several times I pulled out my spiral notebook and I wrote a letter sharing how I felt and how I feel that we both contributed to where we find ourselves.
Last week I had the blessing of spending an hour or two with one of my best friends. We talked about so many things, trying to catch up since we hadn't had a chance to visit in quite some time. It was great. I shared with her about the struggle I have been going through and what I wanted to do. She gave me some excellent advice- Don't Do It! Of course a bit of self wanted to say but I should get to have a say of how I feel. But the truth is that me writing a letter won't solve the problem. It would only be a way to get my two cents out and really that isn't important.
Later I was talking to my husband about my friends advice and he said, "Write the letter." I thought he was arguing against my friends advice but thankfully kept my mouth shut because he continued on, "Then pray about it and the put it in your Bible and say, "It's yours God- I done with it." He explained that that way when you go to your Bible you will be reminded that you have given it to God. If that monster of resentment raises his ugly head- this process may need to be repeated. I really like to live at peace with people and when the person not at peace with your is a family member it is so much harder to let it go.
I am so thankful to have gotten this wise counsel. I need to let this go- but it has been so very challenging. I am reminded of one of my favorite verses:
I have really wanted to write a letter to defend myself. I wanted to point out that although it took me a while, I have figured some things out. I have wanted to write this letter so badly that several times I pulled out my spiral notebook and I wrote a letter sharing how I felt and how I feel that we both contributed to where we find ourselves.
Last week I had the blessing of spending an hour or two with one of my best friends. We talked about so many things, trying to catch up since we hadn't had a chance to visit in quite some time. It was great. I shared with her about the struggle I have been going through and what I wanted to do. She gave me some excellent advice- Don't Do It! Of course a bit of self wanted to say but I should get to have a say of how I feel. But the truth is that me writing a letter won't solve the problem. It would only be a way to get my two cents out and really that isn't important.
Later I was talking to my husband about my friends advice and he said, "Write the letter." I thought he was arguing against my friends advice but thankfully kept my mouth shut because he continued on, "Then pray about it and the put it in your Bible and say, "It's yours God- I done with it." He explained that that way when you go to your Bible you will be reminded that you have given it to God. If that monster of resentment raises his ugly head- this process may need to be repeated. I really like to live at peace with people and when the person not at peace with your is a family member it is so much harder to let it go.
I am so thankful to have gotten this wise counsel. I need to let this go- but it has been so very challenging. I am reminded of one of my favorite verses:
14 The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.
Exodus 14:14
I have been in a similar situation like this in the past and I had to fight through the wanting to defend myself, but God kept reminding me that it wasn't my battle to fight.
This situation has hurt me tremendously but God has also reminded me that He loves me with an everlasting love so it's ok if others don't. I can count on Him to love me unconditionally. You and I can count on His love, mercy and grace and I am so thankful. Others may not extend these things to us, but God will. We can count on Him.
Some words are best left unspoken. And if you just can't, maybe you too, can write a letter and put it in your Bible and say,
"It's yours God- I'm done with it."
And by the way - I placed the letter on the same page as Exodus 14:14 in my Bible- so I can also be reminded that this is the Lord's battle = not mine.
And if you need a bit more help with letting something painful go - listen to Jason Gray's song "I'm Gonna Let It Go"
Monday, August 5, 2019
Creativity Inspired
Several years ago my husband made me a design board. It was a great design. He used a sheet of insulation board - with it wrapped in felt. It worked great until I had a cat or two that liked to climb it quite a bit. I was worried that it would end up tearing up my blocks so we took down the insulation board and left the frame up there. For over a year it set blank - unable to be used.
This past week end the new plan came together and I again have a design board!!
What is great about having a design board is that I like to put the blocks up and then study it to see how I might want to rearrange the blocks to make the quilt look most balanced. It takes some time. And I am sure that the way the blocks are laid out in the above photo will be changed at least a time or two before I move on to getting the sashing ready to sew quilt together.
It brings me great joy to walk into my sewing room and see my blocks up! It actually gets my creativity going each time I see them there! Design boards are awesome! I am so thankful to have one!! :O)
I promise I am working on the blog posts I mentioned already - but it will probably be tomorrow before I can get one of them typed up.
Saturday, August 3, 2019
been busy, how about you?
My granddaughter went home on Wednesday evening and ever since then I have been so very busy! I have actually gotten a few minutes here and there and have written up a couple of blog posts but it might be another day or so before I can get them written up. Just for a teaser here are the titles of the blog posts I have written so far:
I am so excited that we are getting a great little rain shower right now!! They are such a blessing to us during this hot summer! Looking at our up coming forecast there are quite a few triple digit temps
... Ugh I do love Texas but our hot summers ~ not so much. Hope you all are staying cool. :)
- She was the sermon
- Words unspoken
I am so excited that we are getting a great little rain shower right now!! They are such a blessing to us during this hot summer! Looking at our up coming forecast there are quite a few triple digit temps
... Ugh I do love Texas but our hot summers ~ not so much. Hope you all are staying cool. :)
Thursday, August 1, 2019
Keep At It
During July when I was taking care of my granddaughter and needed to be at my sons house by 6:45am - I would turn on the tv and listen to what I could find to listen to that was interesting while I was getting ready. Many times I chose to listen to "Body and Spirit" and exercise program that Dick Nunez does. During the program not only does he share a workout that helps with different issues - he also gives some very interesting and helpful information.
On one of the shows about strength training he shared that as we age - we lose muscle mass. And so as we go through life - if we want to keep the muscle strength we have we really ought to work to increase our abilities - by working with weights and increasing the weight as we get used to the weight we are using. I have done this - working out with Jennifer Brinley from Rise Up Ministries - I have gone from using 3 pound hand weights to using 5 pound weights. It was a bit more of a challenge for me to do my weight workouts during July - with having my granddaughter and having to be out of my house so early. But I took my Ipad and worked out when ever I was able to. Shooting for at least 2 workouts with weights per week. I didn't want to lose the advancements I had made. When we work towards fitness - we soon realize we can not just work to get there- we have to work to stay there. Anyway so Dick Nunez says in order to keep your strength - you really ought to work yourself up further than where you are so that when you lose the muscle mass you will still have the strength needed to do the basics that you want to. It is an on going thing throughout life. The sad thing is that with all the news and tv programs - not very many of them share this important information. The information that is truly needed. We need to make the choices necessary for our health. Our health in the present and also our future health.
I will be sharing some of the "Body and Spirit" videos for you - so you too can check them out. The internet has so many great resources. I am SO thankful for this!!
On one of the shows about strength training he shared that as we age - we lose muscle mass. And so as we go through life - if we want to keep the muscle strength we have we really ought to work to increase our abilities - by working with weights and increasing the weight as we get used to the weight we are using. I have done this - working out with Jennifer Brinley from Rise Up Ministries - I have gone from using 3 pound hand weights to using 5 pound weights. It was a bit more of a challenge for me to do my weight workouts during July - with having my granddaughter and having to be out of my house so early. But I took my Ipad and worked out when ever I was able to. Shooting for at least 2 workouts with weights per week. I didn't want to lose the advancements I had made. When we work towards fitness - we soon realize we can not just work to get there- we have to work to stay there. Anyway so Dick Nunez says in order to keep your strength - you really ought to work yourself up further than where you are so that when you lose the muscle mass you will still have the strength needed to do the basics that you want to. It is an on going thing throughout life. The sad thing is that with all the news and tv programs - not very many of them share this important information. The information that is truly needed. We need to make the choices necessary for our health. Our health in the present and also our future health.
I will be sharing some of the "Body and Spirit" videos for you - so you too can check them out. The internet has so many great resources. I am SO thankful for this!!
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Yesterday my husband came home from work not feeling good. He still does not feel good today. He is at work and has to work a double shift s...
I have found an excellent resource for healthy living. Here is a link to the site The World's Healthiest Foods . There is a li...