Thursday, November 1, 2018

Zingers and Condiments

What a catchy title eh? Well by the end of this post you will understand why I titled it as such.

What do many people eat for breakfast? Cereal and milk. Do you realize that there is not much real nutrition or much fiber from such a breakfast? You will because more and aware of this when you look into the nutrient and fiber content of these processed foods as opposed to a WFPB (Whole Food Plant Based) diet. But if you are going to choose to continue to eat these things nutritionist would suggest you add a zinger! What is a zinger? Zingers are high micro nutrient foods. For example add some blueberries and or bananas to your cereal. Maybe add some chopped nuts as well. these zingers will add nutrients to your meal and help give your body what it needs. Another example is to add zingers to already healthy foods - like when you are going to have a salad - add some nuts and or seeds to it, or maybe some beans(especially if there are not beans any where else in your meal. Beans help stabilize your blood sugar- it is a great idea to have them with as many of your meals as possible. These are just a few possibilities of things you can do to add some zing to your meals!

So what are "condiments"? Dr. Joel Fuhrman suggests that if you choose to continue to eat meat and dairy to use them like condiments- just a small amount added to healthy choices. For example I don't eat a lot of cheese but sometimes when I go out to eat and I order a salad - it may have cheese and I don't worry about that because a majority of my meal is healthy. When eating meat - make it a smaller portion of meat so it is like a condiment and not the main part of the meal.

It is a very good idea to shoot for at least 80% or more of your diet to High micro-nutrient foods. When you lower the less healthy foods to condiment size you make more room for healthy things that give your body what it needs.

By adding zingers- high micro nutrient foods, you are adding nutrients that your body needs in order to do its jobs. Be sure and add zingers- even to already healthy foods.

When choosing what you will eat I hope you will keep in mind zingers and condiments. It's just one more little way to work towards a healthier you! :O)

1 comment:

  1. OH. Zingers are good. Eating smaller portions I actually get fuller faster, Plus drink a glass of water before eating,and you will eat less...
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