Thursday, November 8, 2018

Taking Things For Granted

Sometimes we get so complacent that we tend to forget how very blessed we really are. We take many things for granted that others are not lucky enough to have. Basics like running water, heating, air conditioning are just a few of the basics that we can be so used to having that we are not thankful for them.  

I guess I had gotten that way with having insurance. Now in years past we had very good insurance where we did not have to fork over big bucks for procedures' and testing. Over the past few years - our insurance has gone down hill - like many peoples insurance. But it was till better than no insurance. 

Well a month ago or so I had a flu shot and several weeks later I received a call from my Dr's office saying that the insurance had denied the claim - to pay for the flu shot because I was no longer covered.... Oh NO! I had not idea. So my husband called about it and apparently as of the end of August I no longer have insurance. It is a mix up and we are hoping to get it resolved- not sure if it will be resolved or not. The sad thing is that I have an appointment with my oncologist - and if everything went well at the appointment it would be my last one with her. This appointment is next Wednesday. With insurance this appointment is about $160.00- I would hate to see a bill with no insurance... So if I don't have insurance by Monday I will have to call and cancel the appointment. I hate to do it. I would love to be able to see the Dr and be released onto the care of another Dr. I am praying it will all work out but the closer we come to the cut off - the more anxious I feel. So this is something that I think I have taken for granted. And when this issue is resolved - I will be so thankful and I will not take it for granted any more. 

What have you been taking for granted in your life? Take a few minutes to think of the things that are a given and that you may not have acknowledged lately. And think of how much better your life is because of these things. Thinks like washer, dryer, dishwasher, cell phones are just a few of the things that many times we take for granted. Find things in your life that you are thankful for and praise God for them!! :O) 

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry this happened to you! Praying that it is resolved quickly!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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