Monday, October 8, 2018

Ways to Save....series ...homemade Fabric Softener

Sometimes we find way to save around our house quite by accident. That is what happened in the discovery of what I am going to share today.

On Mondays I like to do some laundry. I had gotten my lights load washed and still needed to wash my dark load but I had ran out of liquid fabric softener. I really like to use the liquid fabric softener because I like to hang up all my tops and also my towels and such. So I thought I was going to have to wait till I either made a Walmart trip - 20 minutes away or ran to Dollar General - 5 minutes away. As my husband was on his way home from work I was telling him about my dilemma and he suggested that I make my own fabric softener. Oh yeah!!! I can check that out. So I went to google and typed in Homemade fabric softener. And I went to the very first youtube video that they listed.
And this is what I watched:

I don't know about your household but we tend to go through shampoo quicker and end up with conditioner left over. So I knew I had some under the bathroom sink. I went and looked and sure enough I had some coconut scented conditioner - I only had enough to make 1/2 of a recipe but still that will last for quite some time at 1/4 of a cup each wash.

I used my old Fabric Softener jug to mix my fresh batch in.

Here are the ingredients:
8 cups Hot water
3 cups white vinegar
2 cups hair conditioner

So pour your hot water into your jug. Then add the vinegar. Next add the hair conditioner. Put cap on and shake well. Remember to shake well before you use it each time. And use 1/4 of a cup for each load. I measured 1/4 of a cup and marked my lid at where the 1/4 cup would come to for easy reference.. I am VERY happy with how easy this was to wash.

So in 10 minutes I had a fresh batch of fabric softener made up and a load washing in my washing machine. It feels great to be able to make what you need instead of running to the store. And when you already have all of the ingredient on hand it is a win/win!! Money saving for sure because NO money was spent to make this load. I still have enough vinegar and I am sure I will find more hair conditioner if I look in my cabinet. I really think I will continue to make my own.

This making my own cleaners and not only been money saving but it has been fun. I feel accomplished- I was able to make what we needed and continue on in getting my jobs done!!

 I don't make all my cleaners - in fact in a "Ways to Save" post soon I will share a way I save money on something that I feel is a splurge. You can even save money on splurges. Imagine that! 


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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