Saturday, October 20, 2018

A Revolutionary Man

Did you realize that Jesus was a revolutionary man? It is a new concept to me as well. But it is true. First let's look at what "revolutionary" means:

  1. 1.
    involving or causing a complete or dramatic change.
Our Sabbath School is studying a new book called "Who Is This Man?" by John Ortberg.

We have only gone through several chapters so far but so far it has been an excellent book. And it has helped me see that Jesus came to this world to turn upside down the results of thousands of years of sin that had led to the devaluing of certain people in their society. 
In the Roman cultures especially - woman and children were not worth much at all and we see Jesus making a point to tell of their value. In the story of Jesus going to bring Jarius' daughter back to life, He brought a widows son back to life. He called out the woman who had bleed for 12 years and had touched the hem of His garment and called her "Daughter" - in that time period bleeding would have made her unclean - which meant you could not touch her or become unclean. He could have just kept the healing between the two of them but He wanted to restore her to her community and by calling her "Daughter" and pointing out her faith He showed that she was of value to Him.
I really like books that help me to see and understand Jesus in a new way. Now when I read stories in the Bible of Jesus asking for children to come to Him or speaking to women and healing them,  I realize that He was pointing out their value and helping people see that everyone had value. We are all of value. God has bestowed value on each and everyone of us and NO one can take that value away.

1 comment:

Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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