Monday, February 13, 2017

Peace Unmatched Here on Earth

Just checking in to let you all know that I will be late with my postings this week. It has been a rough last several days- but God has been right there every step of the way.

The peace unmatched here on earth was given to me in a VERY volatile situation and a calm, loving heart in order to convey a message that really needed to be said at the time- because it was probably the last chance to ever get that message said to the person involved- it was a bit of amends on my part. I can have a guilt free conscience now.

God kept my mouth closed - just like he kept the lions mouths closed when Daniel was thrown in the lions den. Things were said to me about my family that to the old me - would have brought out the Mama bear in me. Dirty things were said about me - and I felt no need of defense - God would have my back.

Don't mistake the calmness that God gave me - with the idea that none of this situation hurt me. I (and my family) have been hurt. But thankfully God has been there ever step of the way and has had my(our) back the entire time.

We are not out of the woods. There could be ugly things done and said still- but we are choosing to trust that God is in control and that He will protect us.

Could you keep our family in your prayers as we move forward from this situation. It could be an ongoing thing for a couple of months- we are praying that it can be resolved super quickly - but not holding our breath.

Thank you so very much.

Oh I will also be doing a post about an up date on my 50 by 50 goal so stay tuned.

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