Monday, February 6, 2017

BEST WAY....series "T"





Many times we over-commit ourselves to good things and feel it through stress, insomnia, short tempers, panic attacks, indigestions, headaches, etc. We then complicate matters by eating and drinking things that we know do absolutely nothing positive for bui8lding our body temples. Know when to say NO and when to say WHEN. Even too much of a good thing can sometimes be harmful. Chose to set limits, and stick to them. (I have learned how to say no and enjoy it!) It will help to keep your life in better balance and your STRESS level down.

Look at the following chart. Take stock of the "Things" you are doing. List what you are currently doing/responsible for doing? How much of what you are doing is really enhancing your life?
IS there balance in your life? Is there something that needs changing? What will you do to make the changes? When will you begin to make the needed changes?  

The Chart's title is "This is My Life"
 Under the title are these categories:


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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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