Friday, January 9, 2015

When the Heart Softens ~ Me - then/now

This past year has been such a hard one for me. And I think that through the brokenness I allowed myself to get a little hardened. I noticed I did not have as much compassion for others as I used to have. I think that I cried so many tears since my diagnosis that I just ran out of tears, not literally but I was so tired of crying that I pushed my feelings as far back as I could.

My husband and I would watch movies - and at moments in the movies that I would normally need a towel or kleneex I was finding myself emotionless- maybe a bit sad but not at all like I used to feel. But somewhere in the last week or two something happened - I remember the moment but don't remember what led to it. It was like - I can feel again. As I write these words I hope that I am not giving the idea that I turned into a stone wall - because I didn't swing so far the other direction as to become that hardened - I just worked hard to protect my heart. I didn't want it hurt any more. And when you allow yourself to feel emotions deeply - you hurt. Before the diagnosis I had been through some situations that I had felt had totally broken me - but I was wrong. Coming to terms with cancer and all the feelings that go along with it tends to cause least for me it did. And it hurt. I can't even begin to tell you how many tears I cried over the loss of my hair. Some might say that is pure vanity - and it might be. But when your hair is your best feature- it really is hard to lose it.

This is a picture that is actually a couple of years before my diagnosis:
Anyway now I am beginning to feel again. When I am watching "Chopped" and hear of a man who is raising his 3 children alone now because his wife died of inflammatory Breast Cancer last year- I tear up. My heart is saddened for him and his children. And although it hurts- it also feels good because I am beginning to allow myself to have compassion again. I am not afraid to cry. I might not be back 100% - but I know that I am not where I was.
Here is an updated photo of me taken yesterday:

Sorry for the fuzziness. I need to try to figure out what I can do in order to take clearer photos.
I had a hair cut earlier this week. It has been about 2 1/2 months since my last hair cut and I needed to get the split ends off and shape up some.
Notice also that my mole is gone. There is a red spot there where it is healing. So glad that is behind me. Glad I did it when I did- especially when I looked at our insurance website and noticed that it cost over $200.00 to remove it and then about $150. to send the mole to a lab to have it tested- thankfully it was not cancer. Praise the Lord for that blessing.
Anyway I just wanted to write my feelings down and process my thoughts- wish I had have done it when I first noticed that I was allowing myself to feel again - it would be neat to remember more of the details. What ever the cause - I am glad because in order to share God's love with other's it pretty important to have a heart for people. And I had been trying desperately to protect my heart. Still wanting to protect it but wanting to allow God to love others through me as well.


  1. Lisa...Not only do we share the same name, and had cancer at the same time...But it appears that we are going through the same phases psychologically and maybe even spiritually... and now our hair is the same color!
    Oh I am so glad the mole turned out to be nothing...What a relief. People are all afraid of cancer, but once someone has had a diagnosis...the fear is a bit worse for those of us. It is not a fun club to be in, but I am grateful to the Lord for sending me friends like you to help me go through it...even when it comes to hair...Yes I know it is not vanity it is about our sense of identity and normalness.
    Blessings and love~ Lisa

  2. I am like you-I feel deeply and, at times, it causes great heartache. I have never been through cancer, but I have been through traumas that have caused me to harden a bit for a period of time, too. It's amazing how our hearts -through God-know how to protect us. I'm happy that your heart is healing. Sending you love!!

  3. Thank you ladies for understanding. It really helps to know that others understand where I am coming from.
    Lisa :O)

  4. God promises to restore what the locust has eaten. I know He understands all of our feelings--about being hurt, losing hair, everything! You have been amazingly brave throughout this past year, and have been such a positive witness to me. I am blessed to be able to call you "Friend!"


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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