Monday, January 19, 2015

One Year Ago...and more

Today as SweetPea was leaving- I felt a sadness- more so than I usually do when she leaves and I know it will be a few weeks before I get to see her again. Anyway as I thought about it I realized what today was.... One year ago today was the day that once SweetPea left- my husband cut and shaved my head. My hair had started falling out a few days before - but we tried to hold on as long as we could so that it would not be so sudden for the granddaughter.

That last day - Sunday was so hard- when I washed my hair a large clump came out (so much so that I even gasped at how much hair was on my hand) and so I just let the water run over my hair and that was it. I did not comb it much at all. As soon as our granddaughter left it was time. The rest is history.
After my husband cut it I realized I would want to get some of my hair so that I could compare hair color later on- so many people said that my hair would come different. And maybe it has- it is dark- there is not as much red in it as what shows up in this photo. I am guessing that my the sun had maybe caused there to be more red in my hair.
Anyway I wanted to share the photo my hair today. I wish I had have thought at my last hair cut to take a sandwich bag and collect some of it to compare. I might the next time I get a hair cut.  
We are having such a beautiful day here in Texas today. It is 70 degrees outside. The sun is shining and it is wonderful. I even went to the park and walked. I am still trying to feel better. So I am trying to make much better choices of what I eat and drink. Here is what I had for lunch today - a beautiful salad! It was delicious! :)
Just wanted to share a cute photo of our SweetPea! While she was with us, we celebrated her #5 birthday!
Oh one more thing - I wanted to say thank you to those of you who have been commenting! I really do enjoy comments. However, over the last few days things have been very busy here so I have not kept up with responding to each comment like I should. I will try to do better. Thanks for understanding. :O)  


  1. Happy Birthday to your Sweetpea! It will be interesting to see the comparison of your hair colour. It certainly has been a rough year for you, but we know that better things are yet to come :)

    1. Thank You Lauren! Yes- I think this will be a better year. I have been fighting this upper respitory infection for about a month now and hoping to get well soon- if I am not better in a day or so I will be going back to the Dr. I was trying not to have to go - we will have to pay all $$ because we have a deductible- but I am tired of not feeling good.
      I hope you are doing well and not experiencing too much morning sickness.
      Have a great day! Lisa :)

  2. I missed this post yesterday...Your hair color looks exactly like one of my wigs!
    I saved a bag of my hair too after we cut it off last year.
    I will never forget that day either...It's too bad we have these memories...but at least they are only memories now.
    Your granddaughter is adorable, Lisa!
    We are eating much more sensibly also...I know it will help. I wish I lived in a place where I could go for a walk everyday though to get more exercise this time of year.
    I am still praying you will be feeling better soon, my friend.
    Blessings~ Lisa


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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