Monday, January 12, 2015

An Amazing Thing Happened

An amazing thing happened when I put God first! Let me explain. This past week end I heard a great sermon on stewardship. Not your normal sermon about stewardship. I might try to share more about the sermon later in the week. On Sabbath our pastor shared about putting God first, not just with our money but with or time.

Guess what happened Sunday? I did not follow that advice and I was left floundering like a fish out of water. And what is even sadder is I was so distracted I did not even realize what was going on.

I had gotten into a bad habit of getting on my phone and checking emails, facebook, weather, words with Friends- all before my quiet time with Jesus. Now all these things I was doing are not in themselves bad- it's just when you put them before God you are the one that is losing. I had wasted that first part of my day when my mind was fresh and clear. When there are not hundreds of thoughts darting around your mind you are better able to hear what God has to say to you.

This morning I experienced the blessing that comes when you put God first! No longer am I feeling as if I am floundering around. No, I feel content and happy. Not only that but amazing things happened as well. As I was thinking, God was able to speak to my and direct my thoughts and a blog post came together smoothly. And when I got done with it and I was reading my devotional - I was amazed to find a great devotional that would be a great thing to share going a step further from the post I had just written. And that is not all...

As you all know, I have been struggling with drainage which has caused me a lot of coughing up mucus. This morning God reminded me of some natural things I had in my cabinet already that could help. And when I went and checked them out - Praise the Lord - they are all in date still!! What a blessing. I now have a plain to help me feel better physically.

So I learned a very important lesson, God needs to be first in our life's - all parts of our life's. Not only with our money but also in our days. The first part of our day needs to go to Him. In my personal experience - it was such a blessing. It gives clarity. It will continue to be a priority for me to put God first. May God protect me from the temptation to allow other things to take priority. I look forward to sharing the special insight that God has given me this morning(so be sure to come back tomorrow and Wed) And I am sure that as I continue to put God first, He will continue to bless me with wisdom and understanding of His Word.

Why don't you give it a try? I know that many of you already put God first I your life's, but if you don't, I would encourage you to do so. And see what a difference He can make in your day hen you dedicate the first portion of your day to Him! May God bless you richly!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful reminder that my heart needs bonding time with my Savior before anything else invades it. Thank you for sharing and I'm so glad your heart is feeling peaceful. <3


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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