Today I wanted to share an exert from this book that I am reading. In the chapter titled- "You Can Defeat Depression." What I am going to share today was like some healing balm was used on my heart and I wanted to share it with you all just in case you too needed some of this healing balm.

" 'I have loved your with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness' " (Jeremiah 31:3). When someone says, "I love you," isn't that a sweet feeling? How much more wonderful when those words come directly from the heart of your Creator who tells you,
"I've always loved you."
Wow- do you see what I mean? "I have ALWAYS LOVED YOU!" It's like we hear Jesus loves you so often and so we just don't understand the depth of His love for us. Or that He has loved us always.
A cool thing happened after this healing balm found my heart. Several hours later, as I was driving, I saw a road runner just sitting on the side of the road - just out from the brush. And as I watched him- start to go run back into the brush - I remembered how when I see roadrunners it is a special "I love you" from God. But this time- it's like as soon as I thought - I love you - I thought - I remember.. "I have ALWAYS loved you!" I hope that each time I see a roadrunner I will be reminded of not only God's love for me - but that He has always loved me.
Oh and don't forget - if He has always loved you - it also means He will ALWAYS love you --- forever!
*photo was a photo shared with "Friends of Big Bend National Park" I just thought it was too cool not to share with you all. I have never had the pleasure of seeing a roadrunner up close, maybe one day. :O)
I have never seen a road runner... well except in cartoons!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful thing to hear the Lord say "I have always loved you."
You are so right, we tend to hear something so much that after a while it starts to lose meaning...But the Lord loved us even before we took a breath here on earth.
and he will always love us.
I really like the scripture that says: We love him because he first loved us.
Have a blessed day~ Lisa
Oh yes Lisa - that verse is a great one - and basically gives the message that He has always loved us! I really like that! Hope your day is great! Lisa :O) truly know He has always loved us. You are so right, it is healing balm to our wounded hearts. I love when we have those moments with God. :) My heart is so happy to know that God not only spoke to you, but He made sure you heard Him. Blessings to you, sweet friend.
ReplyDeleteMarci- God knows that sometimes I need things explained to me as if I were two! LOL :O)
DeleteHi Lisa! How fun to see a roadrunner! Up north, we see cardinals and it reminds us of loved ones that have passed.
ReplyDeleteHe has always loved me. That is a beautiful and comforting thought. Always. From the beginning. Like I am surrounded with the cushion of his love. Thank you, I need that now :)
Ceil - I know you are going through a rough time right now. Know that I am praying for you and also know that God is holding your in the palm of His hand! Lisa :O)